As history dictates, this is not the first time Democracy has come under attack


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
As a result of the current attack on Democracy coming from a illegitimate 45 regime and his antigovernment conspiring and treasonous cabinet of degenerates, consider conspiracies hatched against President FDR and challenges America faced when it came to the efforts of barbaric fascists of that time attempting to overthrow FDR's administration and Democracy. Yet Democracy met that challenge and crushed it and I believe Democracy will do the same in current times. Additionally, people in FDR's days were no more educated than for the most part people are today. This includes with the added situation of greater diversity in the 21st century compared to over 70 years ago, although there is the burden of treason, stupidity, and ignorance streaming from the repuke party and 45's brainwashed cult followers currently who think they are real winners.

ref: Remembering when bankers tried to overthrow FDR and install a fascist dictator
I was Just at your other thread. huh. 45 is the president number... trumps not really president, why worry about it. Eisenhower literally overthrows governments everywhere.
It might help you if you knew what the US actually is...

Then again...
I was Just at your other thread. huh. 45 is the president number... trumps not really president, why worry about it. Eisenhower literally overthrows governments everywhere.
Additionally, even though there are traitors who loves sniffing Millers arrogant and ignorant hide, lust for this troubled little man who needs to be in a psych unit is a far cry from the reality of it all. This is especially when it comes to Miller's apparent mental problems. Additionally, tRump who runs a criminal against humanity atrocity and at having a lap dog Miller in particular who appears to be one step away from getting squashed like a roach under the big black boot of Justice. Also, and to which 45 would thrown the Miller fool to the dogs like others he shafted, hasn't the twerp Miller considered what he has gotten himself into? This furthermore includes, and to which it appears Miller is too stupid to not realize he has been put on a high end set up to take a long and hard fall. As such, this 45 imposter and demagogue and that goes for his petulant destructive regime against civilization again is not my president.
As a result of the current attack on Democracy coming from a illegitimate 45 regime and his antigovernment conspiring and treasonous cabinet of degenerates, consider conspiracies hatched against President FDR and challenges America faced when it came to the efforts of barbaric fascists of that time attempting to overthrow FDR's administration and Democracy. Yet Democracy met that challenge and crushed it and I believe Democracy will do the same in current times. Additionally, people in FDR's days were no more educated than for the most part people are today. This includes with the added situation of greater diversity in the 21st century compared to over 70 years ago, although there is the burden of treason, stupidity, and ignorance streaming from the repuke party and 45's brainwashed cult followers currently who think they are real winners.

ref: Remembering when bankers tried to overthrow FDR and install a fascist dictator

We were formed as a REPUBLIC, dumb ass. BTW, the same banking oligarchs and their spawn that tried to use Smedley Butler to over throw FDR (that did absolutely ZERO to punish them) exist to this day and control 90 percent of all media.
im confused
is miller mueller ?

is a miller from the past not clicking in my head

45 brainwashed cult members well thats some of us

i really dont know how they equate right leaning patriots who basically believe in individual rights , free expression , life liberty and the pursuit of happiness with facist and destroyers of "democarcy " .....
hummm i think we're being demonized ....for the last 50 years:20:

miller anyone?

to compassionate sensitive "republicans"
this miller commercial has a black person in it its not racist...

eh :113:

somebody shoot ME:04:

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