Arrest of ex-governor is an embarrassment


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Arrest of ex-governor is an embarrassment

I have never been embarrassed to be a U.S. citizen, but the incident that occurred in Arizona to that state’s 96-year-old former governor, Raul Castro, by our U.S. Border Patrol is a major embarrassment. We Americans have many faults, but the mistreatment of former Gov. Castro goes beyond a fault.

Show me your papers and he did not and it was his choice and he made a bad choice trying to make a point. He should praise the agents for doing their job in stead of complaining. My dad, a Native American, in the 50s were stopped while greyhound busses were raided by agents and all he had to do was show him a "card" and was on his way. And he said it was worth the few minutes of inconvenience if it got those here illegally sent back home. They were then taking farm work away from farm workers.
ICE and border patrol agents should be praised by all Americans for the job they have to do. Shame on ex-governor who did nothing about illegal immigration and contributed to 20 million being here.
Brown skin people commit crimes and are traffic violators and are 90% of those here illegally. Fact.
and now the rest of the story...

Raul Castro, 96-year-old former US ambassador and Arizona governor, detained at Border Patrol checkpoint - U.S. News

A 96-year-old former Arizona governor and former U.S. diplomat says he holds no grudges against the U.S. Border Patrol agents who he says detained him at a checkpoint for more than a half-hour in stifling heat after his pacemaker apparently set off a radiation sensor.
  • detained, not arrested.
  • no ill will towards border patrol
  • pacemaker set off radiation alarm

The Border Patrol says Castro was “delayed” for only 10 minutes and that it “regrets any inconvenience” caused by the stop.

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