Are you a Survivor?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
A shtf event most of the time is viewed as a man made or natural disater. But a SHTF event could come from anything. Driving on a long trip your car breaks down in the middle of no where U.S.A. Your phone has no signal, GPS and north star out of service, and it's dead of winter with 10" of snow on the ground will you survivor?
Heres are some pointers I will like to give you.

Traits of the survivor include:

Commitment to Survive
When the going gets tough the most important survival skill is contained within your mind. You need to want to survive, no matter the situation and prospect of outcome. Survivors never give up.

Curiosity and Inquisitiveness
The desire to learn and discover how things work will hone your skills in a wide variety of subjects. Play is natures way of having you learn and develop skills in preparation for the real thing when your playful experience suddenly becomes the deciding factor in whether you make it or not.

Sense of Humor
What is known as Gallows humor has lightened the perceived load of many a survivor. Your sense of humor works as a pressure release mechanism. And if you can make light of your difficulties you are placing yourself above them, a good position from which to take the action you need to survive.

Dealing with Uncertainty
The ability to continue on through adversity even when there is conflicting information and uncertainty. The survivor takes action when action is required, trusting that as events unfold he can fine tune his approach and successfully achieve the desired outcome.

Getting Over It
The survivor mentality does not waste any time over past mistakes or losses. Dwelling in regrets and disappointments changes nothing and is counterproductive. The best way to survive is to do all you can for the situation you are in, and plan future action toward your best advantage.

Adaptive Capacity
Successful wilderness survivors have the ability to take charge and control the environment using their knowledge and materials at hand. They can improvise on the spot, quickly finding new workable ways where none existed before. Whatever happens, the best survivors tackle problems and find solutions.

Those who practice the survival arts become a special breed of person. The personality traits of the wilderness survivor spill over into successful everyday life. Survivors meet life’s challenges with confidence; they improvise, adapt, and overcome.

Traits of the Survivor

YouTube - Eye of the tiger Survivor

I will add one thing do what works best for you. If you can't do the Rambo shit don't do it, if you start out like a rocky in the beginning that’s fine keep going. But keep it simple. Do not do shit you have seen done in the movies. Do shit you have prepared for.

YouTube - Eye of the tiger Survivor

I will add one thing do what works best for you. If you can't do the Rambo shit don't do it, if you start out like a rocky in the beginning that’s fine keep going. But keep it simple. Do not do shit you have seen done in the movies. Do shit you have prepared for.

All the good thoughts in the world won't help if you have made no preparations. You need to have at least something to survive on or with. If for example your car dies like you said and you have nothing in the car with you, no material to stay warm, no water or drinks no food. After x number of hours you will be dead anyway, no matter how uplifting your thoughts are, unless someone finds you.

If society ends and you have no means to protect yourself in the following anarchy, those great thoughts might help you if you are enslaved but they won't help against the killers that will kill you just cause. You better have some means of protection.

YouTube - Eye of the tiger Survivor

I will add one thing do what works best for you. If you can't do the Rambo shit don't do it, if you start out like a rocky in the beginning that’s fine keep going. But keep it simple. Do not do shit you have seen done in the movies. Do shit you have prepared for.

All the good thoughts in the world won't help if you have made no preparations. You need to have at least something to survive on or with. If for example your car dies like you said and you have nothing in the car with you, no material to stay warm, no water or drinks no food. After x number of hours you will be dead anyway, no matter how uplifting your thoughts are, unless someone finds you.

If society ends and you have no means to protect yourself in the following anarchy, those great thoughts might help you if you are enslaved but they won't help against the killers that will kill you just cause. You better have some means of protection.

The list I used are traits within those who will have the common sense to survive. Those are the people who will have made some attempt to have some type of a prepration plan. Some times people have these traits and don't realize it and must be pushed in that direction. But I agree good thoughts only last so long on an empty stomach.
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In the event of a disaster, I am useless and will likely perish. I'm good with that....I don't have a bunker mentality.

But you seem to have captured the spirit of a survivor well, bigrebnc. Did ya hear of the 65 year old man found alive after being lost in the desert almost a week? They found him late last week.

Me, an hour after getting lost I would likely be getting bit by a scorpion or some shit. My 'tude about disasters has always been "that is what alternative living expense coverage is for". I'm not hanging around to fight over batteries and toilet paper...nope, if I have notice, I'm going elsewhere, where I can live in a hotel with room service.
In the event of a disaster, I am useless and will likely perish. I'm good with that....I don't have a bunker mentality.

But you seem to have captured the spirit of a survivor well, bigrebnc. Did ya hear of the 65 year old man found alive after being lost in the desert almost a week? They found him late last week.

Me, an hour after getting lost I would likely be getting bit by a scorpion or some shit. My 'tude about disasters has always been "that is what alternative living expense coverage is for". I'm not hanging around to fight over batteries and toilet paper...nope, if I have notice, I'm going elsewhere, where I can live in a hotel with room service.

Madeline I am going to be straight up with you. Unless you are handicap or you need someone to assist you with major things you can survive any situation. Make a plan gather somethings together
Like Bleach
Keep your gallon milk jugs for water storage.
Go to an army surplus store buy some MRES they can be purchased for as little as 4.50 a meal and will last a long time
You can go to a vet a get penicillin pills that they give to animals and take them without a prescription
keep a box of 32 gallon or bigger trash bags for collection of human waste and any other hazardous matter you might come across.
This is a start it really doesn't take much and you can survive.

Here a link to a nurse that will explain more.
[ame=]YouTube - Collapse and the Subsequent Death Waves[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Top 5 Antibiotics for SHTF Storage[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Mobile Medical Kit Preparation - Zones of Preparedness[/ame]
Maybe the Democrats can test STDs on you without penicillin like the Guatemalans. Nice people those Democrats.
Not really concerned at the moment. I don't have a wife or kids, if I die I die. I think some people get so wrapped up in their survival they forget how to actually live...
Not really concerned at the moment. I don't have a wife or kids, if I die I die. I think some people get so wrapped up in their survival they forget how to actually live...

When you are older you will wished you had stored some thiungs. Do you have any family members alive? Truth is no one care about what the future holds until it knocks them in the face.
In the event of a disaster, I am useless and will likely perish. I'm good with that....I don't have a bunker mentality.

But you seem to have captured the spirit of a survivor well, bigrebnc. Did ya hear of the 65 year old man found alive after being lost in the desert almost a week? They found him late last week.

Me, an hour after getting lost I would likely be getting bit by a scorpion or some shit. My 'tude about disasters has always been "that is what alternative living expense coverage is for". I'm not hanging around to fight over batteries and toilet paper...nope, if I have notice, I'm going elsewhere, where I can live in a hotel with room service.

Madeline I am going to be straight up with you. Unless you are handicap or you need someone to assist you with major things you can survive any situation. Make a plan gather somethings together
Like Bleach
Keep your gallon milk jugs for water storage.
Go to an army surplus store buy some MRES they can be purchased for as little as 4.50 a meal and will last a long time
You can go to a vet a get penicillin pills that they give to animals and take them without a prescription
keep a box of 32 gallon or bigger trash bags for collection of human waste and any other hazardous matter you might come across.
This is a start it really doesn't take much and you can survive.

Here a link to a nurse that will explain more.
[ame=]YouTube - Collapse and the Subsequent Death Waves[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Top 5 Antibiotics for SHTF Storage[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Mobile Medical Kit Preparation - Zones of Preparedness[/ame]

Doubtless this is all valuable advice, bigrebnc but I prefer to take my chances. I'm not care-taking any little kids; my choices only affect me. I choose not to prepare for disasters that are highly unlikely to ever happen to me. I live in a major US city, not out in the country. Believe me, I am far more likely to meet up with Death via a robber than a snake bite.

What you don't seem to take in is that hyper-vigilance has its costs too. Free-floating anxiety, inability to relax, insomnia, chronic adrenaline fatigue, etc. I could try to prepare in case of a pandemic of the bubonic plague but I won't be doing that either. Fuck it -- I'm 57. If I don't live to see 60, it has been a good life. I am not spending any of the hours I have left reading bomb shelter instructions.

Good thread, though. So sorry to be pissing on it with my obnoxious carefree attitude.
bigrebnc1775 said:
When you are older you will wished you had stored some thiungs.

I regret keeping a bunch of the crap I have now. I have a lot more stuff than I need to be honest.

Do you have any family members alive? Truth is no one care about what the future holds until it knocks them in the face.

Yes, but none of them are within 500 miles of me. My parents have a decent amount of preps but that's for them and their neighbors. Truth is I've always gotten so wrapped up in the future I miss what is happening at this very moment. The worst is never as bad as we imagine it, and if it is, so what?

Anyone with a decent amount of preps will be a target from both the government and robbers, I think I'd rather die of starvation than live in fear of everyone eating beans in a bunker in the back 40...
In the event of a disaster, I am useless and will likely perish. I'm good with that....I don't have a bunker mentality.

But you seem to have captured the spirit of a survivor well, bigrebnc. Did ya hear of the 65 year old man found alive after being lost in the desert almost a week? They found him late last week.

Me, an hour after getting lost I would likely be getting bit by a scorpion or some shit. My 'tude about disasters has always been "that is what alternative living expense coverage is for". I'm not hanging around to fight over batteries and toilet paper...nope, if I have notice, I'm going elsewhere, where I can live in a hotel with room service.

Madeline I am going to be straight up with you. Unless you are handicap or you need someone to assist you with major things you can survive any situation. Make a plan gather somethings together
Like Bleach
Keep your gallon milk jugs for water storage.
Go to an army surplus store buy some MRES they can be purchased for as little as 4.50 a meal and will last a long time
You can go to a vet a get penicillin pills that they give to animals and take them without a prescription
keep a box of 32 gallon or bigger trash bags for collection of human waste and any other hazardous matter you might come across.
This is a start it really doesn't take much and you can survive.

Here a link to a nurse that will explain more.
[ame=]YouTube - Collapse and the Subsequent Death Waves[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Top 5 Antibiotics for SHTF Storage[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Mobile Medical Kit Preparation - Zones of Preparedness[/ame]

Doubtless this is all valuable advice, bigrebnc but I prefer to take my chances. I'm not care-taking any little kids; my choices only affect me. I choose not to prepare for disasters that are highly unlikely to ever happen to me. I live in a major US city, not out in the country. Believe me, I am far more likely to meet up with Death via a robber than a snake bite.

What you don't seem to take in is that hyper-vigilance has its costs too. Free-floating anxiety, inability to relax, insomnia, chronic adrenaline fatigue, etc. I could try to prepare in case of a pandemic of the bubonic plague but I won't be doing that either. Fuck it -- I'm 57. If I don't live to see 60, it has been a good life. I am not spending any of the hours I have left reading bomb shelter instructions.

Good thread, though. So sorry to be pissing on it with my obnoxious carefree attitude.

What you don't seem to take in is that hyper-vigilance has its costs too. Free-floating anxiety, inability to relax, insomnia, chronic adrenaline fatigue, etc. I could try to prepare in case of a pandemic of the bubonic plague but I won't be doing that either. Fuck it -- I'm 57. If I don't live to see 60, it has been a good life. I am not spending any of the hours I have left reading bomb shelter instructions.

Not really this is the way I look at it I am prepared so I relax and sleep nie. I am comfortable because I know I have prepared. Now If I wasn't prepared I would sleep less and be all that stuff you mentioned. Shit I could be one of those million that will die, but heck at lesat my loved ones will have a means of defending and surviving without me.

Good thread, though. So sorry to be pissing on it with my obnoxious carefree attitude.

It's all good.

YouTube - Eye of the tiger Survivor

I will add one thing do what works best for you. If you can't do the Rambo shit don't do it, if you start out like a rocky in the beginning that’s fine keep going. But keep it simple. Do not do shit you have seen done in the movies. Do shit you have prepared for.

All the good thoughts in the world won't help if you have made no preparations. You need to have at least something to survive on or with. If for example your car dies like you said and you have nothing in the car with you, no material to stay warm, no water or drinks no food. After x number of hours you will be dead anyway, no matter how uplifting your thoughts are, unless someone finds you.

If society ends and you have no means to protect yourself in the following anarchy, those great thoughts might help you if you are enslaved but they won't help against the killers that will kill you just cause. You better have some means of protection.


The trunk of my car is stocked with 10 cases of Hormel chili.
bigrebnc1775 said:
When you are older you will wished you had stored some thiungs.

I regret keeping a bunch of the crap I have now. I have a lot more stuff than I need to be honest.

Do you have any family members alive? Truth is no one care about what the future holds until it knocks them in the face.

Yes, but none of them are within 500 miles of me. My parents have a decent amount of preps but that's for them and their neighbors. Truth is I've always gotten so wrapped up in the future I miss what is happening at this very moment. The worst is never as bad as we imagine it, and if it is, so what?

Anyone with a decent amount of preps will be a target from both the government and robbers, I think I'd rather die of starvation than live in fear of everyone eating beans in a bunker in the back 40...

Anyone with a decent amount of preps will be a target from both the government and robbers, I think I'd rather die of starvation than live in fear of everyone eating beans in a bunker in the back 40

They can try but before I destroy my stock I will send a few government people in the line in front of me. Have you ever known what it felt like when you haven't eaten for days? If you have missed that pleasure. I would say a broken bone would be like a field trip. Your mind starts seeing things that aren't there it isn't a pretty sight. I've known people who ate horse feed to live another day.

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