She was sterilized without her consent at 14. Now she wants the practice made a crime


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As your police help ours, I want to remind you of how you are helping them abuse our young and our poor.

Go home tonight, look in the mirror and repeat "I like supporting agencies that sterilize kids". Will your family will be proud of you, or not?

When you support the Creepy Ones, you are by definition one yourself...

Author and activist Morningstar Mercredi is calling for the criminalization of forced and coerced sterilization, in the hopes that women — especially First Nations, Inuit and Métis women — will never suffer the physical and mental trauma it inflicted upon her.

"I knew that lending my voice to my experience as a survivor was critical and important. Not only for my own process [but also] to let other survivors know that they can come forward. They are not alone," she told White Coat, Black Art host Dr. Brian Goldman.

When Mercredi was 14 years old and in her seventh month of pregnancy, she went to a hospital in Saskatoon after experiencing cramping and spotting. She ended up having a C-section.

What she didn't know, however, was that the surgeon also performed a tubal ligation, removing her left ovary and fallopian tube, without her knowledge or consent.

She didn't find out about it until a visit to a gynecologist decades later, when she was in a relationship and wanted to have children.
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I have always considered forced sterilization on those “single mothers” with no support. No husband/father identified. Male stallions stopping by all hours.

Have 1 kid and want sect8 housing, welfare payments forever, utilities paid, free medical and transportation, food stamps etc. hey it costs nearly $48K per “family” annual cost unit to survive out west for sure.

You want to live like that? You are “DONE at one”. Chemical castration before on check is cut or whatever it takes.//
I have always considered forced sterilization on those “single mothers” with no support. No husband/father identified. Male stallions stopping by all hours.

Have 1 kid and want sect8 housing, welfare payments forever, utilities paid, free medical and transportation, food stamps etc. hey it costs nearly $48K per “family” annual cost unit to survive out west for sure.

You want to live like that? You are “DONE at one”. Chemical castration before on check is cut or whatever it takes.//
You sound exactly as the Nazis sounded they also employed state sterilization. Are you sure you are American?
A 14-year-old does not have the legal capacity to consent to a life-changing medical procedure...unless he-she-it wants "gender affirming care" in a Leftist-dominated jurisdiction.

While the people who wrote the article can't seem to locate anyone who was sterilized in the past 4+ years, one wonders the basis on which the complaining woman's doctor made that decision. Was there a medical occasionally hears of a woman for whom another pregnancy can be life threatening.

Was this original pregnancy going to be a virgin birth? How did it happen that a 14y.o. child was seven months pregnant? Was she destined to be the Canadian version of a "Welfare Queen"? Was the doctor performing a valuable public service?

I'm inclined to believe he was.
A 14-year-old does not have the legal capacity to consent to a life-changing medical procedure...unless he-she-it wants "gender affirming care" in a Leftist-dominated jurisdiction.

While the people who wrote the article can't seem to locate anyone who was sterilized in the past 4+ years, one wonders the basis on which the complaining woman's doctor made that decision. Was there a medical occasionally hears of a woman for whom another pregnancy can be life threatening.

Was this original pregnancy going to be a virgin birth? How did it happen that a 14y.o. child was seven months pregnant? Was she destined to be the Canadian version of a "Welfare Queen"? Was the doctor performing a valuable public service?

I'm inclined to believe he was.
You guys are nuts. A public service would be to round up the Creepy Ones who assault and abuse our young, have them charged and eliminated from the Security Industrial.Complex. Maybe then our economy and global reputation can recover. Amazing that Americans want to follow us into the Stone Age. Frightening really.
As your police help ours, I want to remind you of how you are helping them abuse our young and our poor.

Go home tonight, look in the mirror and repeat "I like supporting agencies that sterilize kids". Will your family will be proud of you, or not?

When you support the Creepy Ones, you are by definition one yourself...

Author and activist Morningstar Mercredi is calling for the criminalization of forced and coerced sterilization, in the hopes that women — especially First Nations, Inuit and Métis women — will never suffer the physical and mental trauma it inflicted upon her.

"I knew that lending my voice to my experience as a survivor was critical and important. Not only for my own process [but also] to let other survivors know that they can come forward. They are not alone," she told White Coat, Black Art host Dr. Brian Goldman.

When Mercredi was 14 years old and in her seventh month of pregnancy, she went to a hospital in Saskatoon after experiencing cramping and spotting. She ended up having a C-section.

What she didn't know, however, was that the surgeon also performed a tubal ligation, removing her left ovary and fallopian tube, without her knowledge or consent.

She didn't find out about it until a visit to a gynecologist decades later, when she was in a relationship and wanted to have children.
Sounds like something the Catholics Church would be mixed up in. I hope some more of their churches get burned down, even if they are not mixed up in it.
You sound exactly as the Nazis sounded they also employed state sterilization. Are you sure you are American?

we pay and pay. They run a game on the system using the poor babies as the Tooling. I don’t have all the answers. I brainstorm. 7-10 kids, no husband identified, 5 deadbeat baby daddies running around. Generation of it. Millions of 30 year old Grandmothers out there.

Do you have any better ideas?

Take your most productive and work them, tax them, put them in war……eliminate any chance they can have or raise children, but encourage the least productive to breed. Does that make any sense?

I suppose this is another tranny thread? I got caught up on sterilization. After reading in a TAX thread. Go ahead, change nothing. Everything is just fine. Have 12 kids by age 35 without income support. The American way….
I have always considered forced sterilization on those “single mothers” with no support. No husband/father identified. Male stallions stopping by all hours.

Have 1 kid and want sect8 housing, welfare payments forever, utilities paid, free medical and transportation, food stamps etc. hey it costs nearly $48K per “family” annual cost unit to survive out west for sure.

You want to live like that? You are “DONE at one”. Chemical castration before on check is cut or whatever it takes.//

So when do you move?
A 14-year-old does not have the legal capacity to consent to a life-changing medical procedure...unless he-she-it wants "gender affirming care" in a Leftist-dominated jurisdiction.

While the people who wrote the article can't seem to locate anyone who was sterilized in the past 4+ years, one wonders the basis on which the complaining woman's doctor made that decision. Was there a medical occasionally hears of a woman for whom another pregnancy can be life threatening.

Was this original pregnancy going to be a virgin birth? How did it happen that a 14y.o. child was seven months pregnant? Was she destined to be the Canadian version of a "Welfare Queen"? Was the doctor performing a valuable public service?

I'm inclined to believe he was.
Children aren't getting irreversible gender affirming care at 14. That's a lie your programmers are telling to keep you riled up.
I have always considered forced sterilization on those “single mothers” with no support. No husband/father identified. Male stallions stopping by all hours.

Have 1 kid and want sect8 housing, welfare payments forever, utilities paid, free medical and transportation, food stamps etc. hey it costs nearly $48K per “family” annual cost unit to survive out west for sure.

You want to live like that? You are “DONE at one”. Chemical castration before on check is cut or whatever it takes.//
How about this MAGA queen? 8 kids, no husband and no job but she found the time and resources to get her dumb ass arrested at Trump`s riot.
Women who are getting abortions should be sterilized. It will help them. They can have all the sex they want with never an abortion.
Canada is one of the most admired countries on the planet. What exactly is your problem?
This is what a good optics/PR game coupled with Europes desire to convince America to be "more like us" will do for polls. My story alone is a cautionary tale.
Do kids in Canada need to pass through a gun detector to enter their schools?
Worse, they need to pass through dozens of undercover kids, descendants of cops who will one day become cops.

Operation Creep is standard in Canada...
How many times have you been arrested?
Once as a youth.. Cleared of charges because it was actually the undercover adult who was the criminal. You starting to understand how this sgstem works or are you going to pretend that we didn't copy the East German/Soviet model of."Policing"? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Your police will help ours until you become like ours. It's happening already. The wkrld saw the fake "assault* the RCMP officer pulled.on videoagainst a reporter,did you hear Tucker Carlson and others cover it with vigor? Ask questions of the RCMP officer, his name. We still idont know his name, that is how Secret and how they protect their worst apples. Does America now do the same?

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