Favorite Monster

What Is Your Favorite Monster?

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Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.
Almost Halloween guys, so what's your favorite monster? (No fair picking a serial killer, but dream invaders like Freddy can be included.)

Mine are Zombies. Could be true, right? They are sometimes slow, sometimes fast (anyone else see "28 Days Later"?) and utterly without purpose other than to eat brains.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEkJAaGhJhQ]YouTube - 28 Days Later (Movie Trailer)[/ame]
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Gotta love the aliens. If you can think it up and say it's from another planet, it's possible. How cool is that?
Almost Halloween? Its 4 weeks away! But they are putting Christmas paper and decorations in the stores now. Can you believe that!!!

The best monsters are the ones you can't see. Those hideous creepy things crawling around in your imagination when you are faced with a monster but cannot see it. You know it is there and the terror keeps building in your chest and you keep looking around expecting it to jump out at you. Thats why Hitchcock movies are so great, the suspense and invisibility of the monster gives your mind the chance to imagine the worst. Todays monsters are out there to see so your imagination never gets a chance to get going. Therefore for me, the best monster is your mind and your imagination.
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I can't choose. It's impossible cause I love 'em all!
From old black and whites both horror and sci-fi, to Vampires and Lycans, possessions and serial killers and my love of zombies! Bring it all on!
mad you are aware there is a great deal of arguement over the 28 days being a true zombie..

you really need to join a zombie board and explore this

the main point of debate...zombie are the dead who come back...in 28 days...they are infected with a virus and go nuts...never dying...true zombies?????

admit it mad you are a 'zombie wanna be' who has never debated this before.
If you wanna get rid of a zombie, you gotta get rid of the head. Smash it, blow it up, sever it from the body--that’s pretty much the only thing that’s gonna get the job done. Fire also works. You can burn a zombie, but that’s generally a far less effective way to eliminate them; you gotta make sure they’re good n’ gone or else they might end up coming after you again. Your best bet is a shotgun shell to the occipital lobe.
Vampires, on the other hand, have a bevy of weaknesses. Garlic, holy water and crucifixes are often used to repel them, but a surefire way to eliminate them is a stake through the heart. After that, you probably oughtta burn ‘em and scatter the ashes, because God knows we’ve seen more than one vampire come back from the dead. But are zombies likely to use any of these methods? It’s doubtful. The only real weapon zombies will have against vampires is if the battle rages long enough and is deadly enough that the vampire or vampires don’t notice the fact that the sun is about to come up and they are disintegrated.

Zombies Vs. Vampires - Mania.com

how can a vamp be all big and bad ...when it cant day walk?
Brad Pitt in Interview With A Vampire is by far, my favorite ...monster. :eusa_drool:
And so it ends… not with a bang or even a whimper, but with a long, slow wheezing. Every night the vampires rise from their coffins to battle the zombies and while they may eventually clear the city streets of them, sooner or later their food supply is gone as well. Eventually every human on the planet is either dead or undead and vampires are forced to subsist on wild game. In due time these too will dwindle and the vampire will be forced into extinction or a long hibernation. They might not be wiped out, but they won’t be roaming the countryside doing as they please; that role will be reserved for the zombie.

Take a lesson from the classic tale of the Tortoise and the Hare… slow and steady wins the race.

The winnah and new champeen: ZOMBIES!

vampires are pussies....

Zombies Vs. Vampires - Mania.com

yea brad pitt was real sexy eating rats
I believe that all "monsters" are represenations of human behavior writ large in fantasy.

That's why different periods in US history also typically have different favorite kinds of monsters.

Because those different sorts of monster refflect the fears of the age.

Right now Zombies (read people who have lost touch with their humanity) are high on the list of favorite monsters.

Also VAMPIRES are much in favor now. In fact it seems to me that many of us would LIKE to be vampires.

And what is a vampire?

It is a very superior person who feeds off the lifeblood of inferior people.

Kinda tells us something about the zietgiest of our age, doesn't it?

Half of us see our neighbors as former humans (completely lacking in humanity) who want to eat our brains.

And half of us want to be inhuman monsters (completely lacking in humanity with wiuth excellent fashion sense) who drink the blood of their neighbors.

Our nation has gone mad, folks.

As the collective musings of this board so clearly prove, I might add.
mad you are aware there is a great deal of arguement over the 28 days being a true zombie..

you really need to join a zombie board and explore this

the main point of debate...zombie are the dead who come back...in 28 days...they are infected with a virus and go nuts...never dying...true zombies?????

admit it mad you are a 'zombie wanna be' who has never debated this before.

LOL! Apparently so, bones. I had no clue there even were "zombie boards", and nobody has ever challenged me as to the classification system I use, he he he. I love monsters but debating "true zombieism" might be a little too hard core for me.

Though I prolly could argue about just about anything.....LOL.
REC ( 2007 )

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQUkX_XowqI]YouTube - [REC] Trailer[/ame]

Quarantine ( 2008 )

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoBh5S_aWwk]YouTube - Quarantine trailer[/ame]

Personally, I think REC is the better film.

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