Are we headed towards a putsch?

I understand that you guys want it to be a secret, but choosing not to know is choosing not to understand the micro or macro levels of the related issues at all. You can't understand the issue without a comprehensive study of the demographics and motivations. You are replacing research with anecdotes about the people you know. You should be smarter than thinking that approach will produce an accurate big picture understanding. I'm not making a suggestion for action, just pointing out the flawed perspective.

Yes, some of it is anecdotal, but as someone that has owned guns, and been in the gun industry as an 01 FFL dealer for thirty years, I have seen it over many, many examples. Responsible gun owners, and the vast majority are, do not advertise they have guns to strangers. It is a private issue, and they also know they can be targeted by criminals who want guns. The fact you own guns, or how many you have is not something you reveal to an anonymous pollster.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

Na, they just need to get rid of Trump and the Swamp will be happy again.

The crazy part is, all Trump has to do is not start a war and improve the economy and he will be the best President in over half a century.

Sure, people will be upset if they impeach Trump but by in large the American population is docile, stupid, and on drugs.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.

been legitimate for 200 years
Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes. Have a nice day.

Unfortunately for your stupid ass, the US presidential election gets decided by the Electoral College.

Lemme guess, you never learned that in Civics class or nuthin', huh?
Aye aye...but a civil war Will be decided by
Superior numbers of troops and supplies of armaments. If the opposing forces are identified based on partisan leanings the Democrats would be the most powerful group both in terms of finance and membership.

Until they get hungry.
The Dem army wouldn't go hungry...they own most of the corporate farms nowdays..
So with all the industrial might at their disposal the dems would be better equipped to produce crops and food wheras the agrarian republican states would be bogged down by broken down farm equipment and lsck of fuel. Their fields would go fallow unless their proud white citizens were humble enough to dirty their hands with manual labor.
I wouldn't count on blacks or mexicans to help you.
We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.
how you figure? when did voting for president become a popular voting contest? did you vote? Maybe you shouldn't have.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's
A sampling from the karma bin:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Eight years of that shit.

Sit back and enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:

The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's



Eight years of that shit.

Sit back and enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:
So...yeah. No.

No putsch.

Just a ride on the karma merry-go-round.

We get the politics we deserve.
I understand that you guys want it to be a secret, but choosing not to know is choosing not to understand the micro or macro levels of the related issues at all. You can't understand the issue without a comprehensive study of the demographics and motivations. You are replacing research with anecdotes about the people you know. You should be smarter than thinking that approach will produce an accurate big picture understanding. I'm not making a suggestion for action, just pointing out the flawed perspective.

Yes, some of it is anecdotal, but as someone that has owned guns, and been in the gun industry as an 01 FFL dealer for thirty years, I have seen it over many, many examples. Responsible gun owners, and the vast majority are, do not advertise they have guns to strangers. It is a private issue, and they also know they can be targeted by criminals who want guns. The fact you own guns, or how many you have is not something you reveal to an anonymous pollster.
Ok. Lets do some math. What estimate or range would you believe for how many guns are in the US? I see one high end estimate being around one for every person, or 300 million conservatively and for convenience. I see another estimate that 3% of Americans own half the guns. If these numbers were accurate - im not saying they are, that would mean 10m ppl own 150m guns, 15 each on average. Maximising the number of gun owners after that would require another 150m ppl owning 1 gun each. That would put the number of gun owners at 160m on the high end, but we know it wouldn't be even close to 160m if the numbers so far are loosely accurate. Realistically, a few assumptions can be made about gun ownership. The number of people owning 1, 2, or 3 guns would each alone outnumber the 10m ppl that own 15 guns on average. For the purpose of trying to visualize the distribution, let's divide up the remaining 150m guns between these 3 categories where there are more ppl with 1 gun than 2 and more with 2 than 3. How much more is impossible to know with the poor data available but I'm just going to estimate 50m with 1, 30m with 2, 14m with 3, and 10m with 15. That adds up to 104m ppl owning 302m guns. So ~1/3rd of the population. I think this is a generous number and that there's a good chance of people with 1 gun buying another especially if they hunt. This phenomenon would drive down the number of owners if total guns stayed around 300m.

The exact numbers don't really matter unless the total # in the US is way higher or the concentration of gun ownership is much lower. The point of this is to see that the distribution is not going to be in favor of 50% of Americans owning guns. 50% of households might be in the realm of possibilities but near the extreme high end of possibilities.

If you have other numbers that you believe are more accurate then share them and let's adjust the estimate. I found misleading information from pro gun sites. Like saying there are 88.8 guns per 100 people. That's not ownership, it's a pointless stat.
Most guns do not have to be "registered" like everyone thinks. In fact many states have laws specifically making a gun registry illegal. Therefore nobody knows the actual amount out there. We can only look at the annual gun sales which have only been tracked in more recent years. I know people with semi automatic firearms that are over 75 years old, and function like new. I have a few myself.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.
Posts Are Not Mightier Than Action

Gun owners should have a massive "Protect Our President" march on Washington. That will scare the Social Justice Warlords straight.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.

It'd be Civil War. America is not like other countries.
Bluffing Only Works in Card Games

The Left would be living in the shadows if any proof of that had ever been shown in action.
been legitimate for 200 years
Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes. Have a nice day.

Unfortunately for your stupid ass, the US presidential election gets decided by the Electoral College.

Lemme guess, you never learned that in Civics class or nuthin', huh?
Aye aye...but a civil war Will be decided by
Superior numbers of troops and supplies of armaments. If the opposing forces are identified based on partisan leanings the Democrats would be the most powerful group both in terms of finance and membership.

Until they get hungry.
The Dem army wouldn't go hungry...they own most of the corporate farms nowdays..
So with all the industrial might at their disposal the dems would be better equipped to produce crops and food wheras the agrarian republican states would be bogged down by broken down farm equipment and lsck of fuel. Their fields would go fallow unless their proud white citizens were humble enough to dirty their hands with manual labor.
I wouldn't count on blacks or mexicans to help you.

So how do you plan on getting that food from way out in the boonies to the masses in your cesspool cities?
You have to cross a lot of miles of Patriot held ground,never mind that we've already blown up all the bridges and rail lines leading to your cesspool.
Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes. Have a nice day.

Unfortunately for your stupid ass, the US presidential election gets decided by the Electoral College.

Lemme guess, you never learned that in Civics class or nuthin', huh?
Aye aye...but a civil war Will be decided by
Superior numbers of troops and supplies of armaments. If the opposing forces are identified based on partisan leanings the Democrats would be the most powerful group both in terms of finance and membership.

Until they get hungry.
The Dem army wouldn't go hungry...they own most of the corporate farms nowdays..
So with all the industrial might at their disposal the dems would be better equipped to produce crops and food wheras the agrarian republican states would be bogged down by broken down farm equipment and lsck of fuel. Their fields would go fallow unless their proud white citizens were humble enough to dirty their hands with manual labor.
I wouldn't count on blacks or mexicans to help you.

So how do you plan on getting that food from way out in the boonies to the masses in your cesspool cities?
You have to cross a lot of miles of Patriot held ground,never mind that we've already blown up all the bridges and rail lines leading to your cesspool.

PS: Most farmers are not leftists.
We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.
The Duopoly Doesn't Dare Point This Out

If you want to count that, you might as well also count the fact that the four candidates on the Right got more votes than Hillary and Jillary.
Unfortunately for your stupid ass, the US presidential election gets decided by the Electoral College.

Lemme guess, you never learned that in Civics class or nuthin', huh?
Aye aye...but a civil war Will be decided by
Superior numbers of troops and supplies of armaments. If the opposing forces are identified based on partisan leanings the Democrats would be the most powerful group both in terms of finance and membership.

Until they get hungry.
The Dem army wouldn't go hungry...they own most of the corporate farms nowdays..
So with all the industrial might at their disposal the dems would be better equipped to produce crops and food wheras the agrarian republican states would be bogged down by broken down farm equipment and lsck of fuel. Their fields would go fallow unless their proud white citizens were humble enough to dirty their hands with manual labor.
I wouldn't count on blacks or mexicans to help you.

So how do you plan on getting that food from way out in the boonies to the masses in your cesspool cities?
You have to cross a lot of miles of Patriot held ground,never mind that we've already blown up all the bridges and rail lines leading to your cesspool.

PS: Most farmers are not leftists.

Just countering JQpubics claim that dems own the large factory farms...which of course he gave no evidence to back up his claim.
We have seen a Coup by the Left (Media and Democrats) since inauguration day, maybe even election day. The Left has been trying to undermine this Administration which was legitimately elected, and trying to undermine the Constitution. Russia didn't work, so now they're using Stormy Daniels.
Legitimately elected by 3,000,000 fewer voters than the other guy.

There's nothing legitimate about that.

been legitimate for 200 years
Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes. Have a nice day.
Putin and the Puta

hillary got enough votes from Mexican citizens to get elected La Presidente down there. Machismo sexism is what got Peña-Nieto inaugurated instead. Russians must have been behind that.
Rosenstein Admits "You Can't Revoke an Election"


Then why in the hell are the DimocRATs so hell bent on voiding the will of the people? Threats of calling the president before a grand jury. Threats to impeach. Continued whining that he didn't win the popular vote (which is a lie because millions of votes were never counted. See references to uncounted absentee ballots.)

Video and story @ Fmr. Lawyer Asks Why 2016 Election Can’t be Rescinded; Rosenstein Responds with a Visual
In their mind there has to be a penalty for denying the White House to the hildabeast. Beyond that Trump is an outsider and they want to make an example of him for the next outsider who tries to run for office

Nope. Trump is the example of what will happen to any republican who even tries to run for office.
The Watergate fiasco was bad enough, but the current attempt to unseat the duly elected President of the United States is now resembling German politics in the 1930's where both the Communists and the National Socialists were actively engaged in trying to bring down the democratically elected government.

If the President is successfully forced out of office, the (Left Wing) Democrats will have field day of bringing the Executive Branch to its knees while the (Right Wing) Republicans will feel that the Constitution has been unalterably usurped by their opponents. As a result, faith in our democratic processes could evaporate.

In this event, we may well see an attempt to overthrow our government by one side or the other in order to impose their policies and beliefs on the entire nation. We have seen this before.
The average Trump supporter is obese and poor. They don't have the will or the means to peel their fat, poor asses off the couch and exercise, much less participate in a revolution.

So no, there is nothing to worry about.
Most guns do not have to be "registered" like everyone thinks. In fact many states have laws specifically making a gun registry illegal. Therefore nobody knows the actual amount out there. We can only look at the annual gun sales which have only been tracked in more recent years. I know people with semi automatic firearms that are over 75 years old, and function like new. I have a few myself.
A national composite gun registry in database form is illegal. I don't know how registering a gun works in states that do that, I thought they all did. I think it might be stored in something as arcane as microfiche so as to make it relatively difficult to access.

If you don't know how many are out there or how many owners there are you shouldn't be goin around making up numbers about how many armed Americans are going to go HAM.

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