Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
After going out on a not-so-wobbly limb to suggest that Republicans would push to impeach President Obama if they succeeded in retaking the Senate, George Will’s Sunday column read like a real threat. Fed up with what he views as Obama’s “offenses against the separation of powers,” the conservative columnist advocated that Congress sue the executive branch to stop a lawless president. Yesterday, Speaker John Boehner told the House Republican caucus that he was contemplating such a step.

According to Roll Call, Boehner “could have an announcement within days on whether the House will file a lawsuit against President Barack Obama, challenging the executive actions that have become the keystone of the administration.” The paper reports that the speaker has been consulting legal experts as part of his deliberations. The theory on which Boehner is basing his potential litigation is the same one from David Rivkin and Elizabeth Price Foley that Will highlighted in his Sunday column.

It all boils down to standing, and the courts “have been wary” of granting legislative standing,” as Will noted. But he believes Rivkin and Price plot a viable course for Congress to follow to successfully sue the president. All it requires is 1.) one branch of Congress to authorize the suit, 2.) proof that Congress has been injured by Obama’s executive actions, 3.) no private entity has standing to bring suit, and 4.) Congress has no chance of reversing the president’s action by repealing the law.

“The President has a clear record of ignoring the American people’s elected representatives and exceeding his constitutional authority, which has dangerous implications for both our system of government and our economy,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in a statement. “The House has passed legislation to address this, but it has gone nowhere in the Democratic-controlled Senate, so we are examining other options.”

At the end of his column, Will advocates for the courts to allow Congress to sue the president if only to keep it from utilizing “the cumbersome and divisive blunderbuss process of impeachment.” He says such a move “should be a rare recourse.” Then there was this key line: “Furthermore, it would punish a president for anti-constitutional behavior but would not correct the injury done to the rule of law.” For many Republicans, the punishment of impeachment is exactly what they want. This lawsuit threat is just the first step.

MORE: Speaker Boehner's Obama impeachment dress rehearsal - The Washington Post

Boehner and McConnell have done nothing but obstruct - so now they are planning to impeach the first black president for trying to govern in spite of their obstruction. Is it hatred for Democrats? Is it racism? Is it a combination of both?
this has already posted and I think you posted it

I hope he does

I've wanted that ugly man IMPEACHed when I watched his swearing in and the type of people he had in his audience...They booed Bush and then started singing some stupid song...just nasty and ugly, kinda like you and your buds here......
I knew right then we were in for a hellish and sickening eight years
And boy was I right
After going out on a not-so-wobbly limb to suggest that Republicans would push to impeach President Obama if they succeeded in retaking the Senate, George Will’s Sunday column read like a real threat. Fed up with what he views as Obama’s “offenses against the separation of powers,” the conservative columnist advocated that Congress sue the executive branch to stop a lawless president. Yesterday, Speaker John Boehner told the House Republican caucus that he was contemplating such a step.

According to Roll Call, Boehner “could have an announcement within days on whether the House will file a lawsuit against President Barack Obama, challenging the executive actions that have become the keystone of the administration.” The paper reports that the speaker has been consulting legal experts as part of his deliberations. The theory on which Boehner is basing his potential litigation is the same one from David Rivkin and Elizabeth Price Foley that Will highlighted in his Sunday column.

It all boils down to standing, and the courts “have been wary” of granting legislative standing,” as Will noted. But he believes Rivkin and Price plot a viable course for Congress to follow to successfully sue the president. All it requires is 1.) one branch of Congress to authorize the suit, 2.) proof that Congress has been injured by Obama’s executive actions, 3.) no private entity has standing to bring suit, and 4.) Congress has no chance of reversing the president’s action by repealing the law.

“The President has a clear record of ignoring the American people’s elected representatives and exceeding his constitutional authority, which has dangerous implications for both our system of government and our economy,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in a statement. “The House has passed legislation to address this, but it has gone nowhere in the Democratic-controlled Senate, so we are examining other options.”

At the end of his column, Will advocates for the courts to allow Congress to sue the president if only to keep it from utilizing “the cumbersome and divisive blunderbuss process of impeachment.” He says such a move “should be a rare recourse.” Then there was this key line: “Furthermore, it would punish a president for anti-constitutional behavior but would not correct the injury done to the rule of law.” For many Republicans, the punishment of impeachment is exactly what they want. This lawsuit threat is just the first step.

MORE: Speaker Boehner's Obama impeachment dress rehearsal - The Washington Post

Boehner and McConnell have done nothing but obstruct - so now they are planning to impeach the first black president for trying to govern in spite of their obstruction. Is it hatred for Democrats? Is it racism? Is it a combination of both?

Race card!


Underlined? :lmao:

Does anyone doubt that if the Republicans retake the Senate in 2014 that they won't try to impeach President Obama?

Voters should think really hard before casting their votes in 2014 - especially for their U.S. Senators.
all together now, awwwwwwww,
the WashingtonCOMPOST has their panties all bunched up
, Boehner has a MASTER PLAN:muahaha::muahaha:

Jobs right after impeachment.
Does anyone doubt that if the Republicans retake the Senate in 2014 that they won't try to impeach President Obama?

Voters should think really hard before casting their votes in 2014 - especially for their U.S. Senators.

They would have an obligation by law to do so. Are you suggesting the Senate ignore the rule of law?

Oh wait... they already have.
I'm suggesting you try to win elections. Whining about impeachment makes it too obvious how butthurt you are over losing twice. You're supposed to be hiding that.
Republicans have nothing to offer except reducing taxes for the rich and corporations. Obama, on the other hand, wants to close loopholes and raise minimum wage.
Republicans have nothing to offer except reducing taxes for the rich and corporations. Obama, on the other hand, wants to close loopholes and raise minimum wage.
So how did that go?
We should make the min wage $100/hour, yet democrats don't want to, why?

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