Are there any smart Obama supporters if this


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
person is indicative of who is voting for Obama?

I mean if this person is the profile of the majority of Obama voters and if there are more of these types that vote for Obama our country is truly doomed!

I really don't understand the few intelligent Obama supporters that have people like these as typical Obama voter. I mean Obama and supporters are suppose to be representative of the intellectual elites... is this the profile of majority of Obama supporters?

$Screen Shot 2012-09-28 at 9.17.22 AM.jpg

Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube
You don't think they are going to attempt a serious discussion, do you? This is what will guarantee his reelection. Sad part is when the shit really hits the fan down the line. This nitwit won't be smiling anymore.
person is indicative of who is voting for Obama?

I mean if this person is the profile of the majority of Obama voters and if there are more of these types that vote for Obama our country is truly doomed!

I really don't understand the few intelligent Obama supporters that have people like these as typical Obama voter. I mean Obama and supporters are suppose to be representative of the intellectual elites... is this the profile of majority of Obama supporters?

View attachment 21401

Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Don't you think every electorate has detestable people in it? The right wing has pockets of lunatic neo nazis and religious anti-gay zealots in their electorate. Neither represents the majority whatsoever though.
person is indicative of who is voting for Obama?

I mean if this person is the profile of the majority of Obama voters and if there are more of these types that vote for Obama our country is truly doomed!

I really don't understand the few intelligent Obama supporters that have people like these as typical Obama voter. I mean Obama and supporters are suppose to be representative of the intellectual elites... is this the profile of majority of Obama supporters?

View attachment 21401

Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Don't you think every electorate has detestable people in it? The right wing has pockets of lunatic neo nazis and religious anti-gay zealots in their electorate. Neither represents the majority whatsoever though.

You are right. I did qualify my statement by "few intelligent Obama.." but I while I do understand pathetic people like this "Obamaphone lady" don't have ANY concept of how that phone has been paid for by the REST of us cellphone users and it didn't come from Obama's stash... I don't understand the few intelligent Obama supporters whose numbers are shrinking, that should know you there isn't any free lunch! Obama the supposedly "smartest" President has been pushing an agenda that is destroying the engines of tax revenue!
And it is this tax revenues that provide the cell phones!
But Obama told us that followed him before his election, he would put coal generating utilities out of business. He told us by preferring single payer health, he wants to put health insurance companies out of business.
Those two industries are the heart of tax revenue generations and his agenda is destroying them.

Again something that evidently the majority of Obama supporters like the Obamaphone woman don't care because they just are all there!
Good Lord! How many times must this be posted? You know, to keep posting something that has already been refuted a dozen times doesn't make it true.

Do you ALL get your news from Glenn Beck, or are you all on his payroll?
Good Lord! How many times must this be posted? You know, to keep posting something that has already been refuted a dozen times doesn't make it true.

Do you ALL get your news from Glenn Beck, or are you all on his payroll?

Good Lord.. don't you understand the difference??
I am illustrating the dumbness of people evidently like you are exhibiting i.e. totally unawareness of the real world!

Obviously my point about lack of intelligence as exemplified by the "Obamaphone" woman and Obama supporters went WAY over your head!

SO my clearly and to the point.. OLDGUY... the thread is why are Obamasupporters like you so f..,ing DUMB to vote ONLY because of a free phone? And you clearly clearly illustrate that lack of intelligence also!
You don't think they are going to attempt a serious discussion, do you? This is what will guarantee his reelection. Sad part is when the shit really hits the fan down the line. This nitwit won't be smiling anymore.

I don't think so. He will still look to blame Bush for the economy and many people will be all to happy to buy into it. How many voters actually take the time to actually research the issues? How often have you come across an educated voter, who can defend their position without calling you a racist, hater, or other personal remarks?
person is indicative of who is voting for Obama?

I mean if this person is the profile of the majority of Obama voters and if there are more of these types that vote for Obama our country is truly doomed!

I really don't understand the few intelligent Obama supporters that have people like these as typical Obama voter. I mean Obama and supporters are suppose to be representative of the intellectual elites... is this the profile of majority of Obama supporters?

View attachment 21401

Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Don't you think every electorate has detestable people in it? The right wing has pockets of lunatic neo nazis and religious anti-gay zealots in their electorate. Neither represents the majority whatsoever though.

You are right. I did qualify my statement by "few intelligent Obama.." but I while I do understand pathetic people like this "Obamaphone lady" don't have ANY concept of how that phone has been paid for by the REST of us cellphone users and it didn't come from Obama's stash... I don't understand the few intelligent Obama supporters whose numbers are shrinking, that should know you there isn't any free lunch! Obama the supposedly "smartest" President has been pushing an agenda that is destroying the engines of tax revenue!
And it is this tax revenues that provide the cell phones!
But Obama told us that followed him before his election, he would put coal generating utilities out of business. He told us by preferring single payer health, he wants to put health insurance companies out of business.
Those two industries are the heart of tax revenue generations and his agenda is destroying them.

Again something that evidently the majority of Obama supporters like the Obamaphone woman don't care because they just are all there!

I was unemployed during Bush and got a free govt. phone. The reason I stated this is that for some reason the right forgot that all these welfare goodies were available before Oblama took office and we know that Oblama is not the sole culprit on the issue. Stop pigeon holing Obama and wake up to the real issue is, that the US govt. provides these phones and we want it reduced or ended.
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You don't think they are going to attempt a serious discussion, do you? This is what will guarantee his reelection. Sad part is when the shit really hits the fan down the line. This nitwit won't be smiling anymore.

I don't think so. He will still look to blame Bush for the economy and many people will be all to happy to buy into it. How many voters actually take the time to actually research the issues? How often have you come across an educated voter, who can defend their position without calling you a racist, hater, or other personal remarks?

Never when you are talking with a leftist.
Good Lord! How many times must this be posted? You know, to keep posting something that has already been refuted a dozen times doesn't make it true.

Do you ALL get your news from Glenn Beck, or are you all on his payroll?

Good Lord.. don't you understand the difference??
I am illustrating the dumbness of people evidently like you are exhibiting i.e. totally unawareness of the real world!

Obviously my point about lack of intelligence as exemplified by the "Obamaphone" woman and Obama supporters went WAY over your head!

SO my clearly and to the point.. OLDGUY... the thread is why are Obamasupporters like you so f..,ing DUMB to vote ONLY because of a free phone? And you clearly clearly illustrate that lack of intelligence also!

So you are saying that only people that get free govt. phones are liberals? How can you come to that illogical conclusion?
person is indicative of who is voting for Obama?

I mean if this person is the profile of the majority of Obama voters and if there are more of these types that vote for Obama our country is truly doomed!

I really don't understand the few intelligent Obama supporters that have people like these as typical Obama voter. I mean Obama and supporters are suppose to be representative of the intellectual elites... is this the profile of majority of Obama supporters?

View attachment 21401

Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

No. Luckily, its not indicative as we all know Obama appeals to a large portion of the college educated crowd. I could post a pic of a slack-jawed yokel and say this is the typical Romney voter as well. This whole thread is troll bait, and a piss poor attempt at that.

Post a vid unrelated to an actual issue.
Attach misinformed opinion.
Sit back and see what happens.

What a stroke of genius...
This must be at least the 10th thread on this BS. What good sheep the right wingers are :lmao:
actually the average IQ of voters look like this.

from highest to lowest.
avg. IQ 2000 2004 2008
1. conn. 113 gore kerry obama
2. mass 111 gore kerry obama
3. nj 111 gore kerry obama
4. ny 109 gore kerry obama
5. ri 107 gore kerry obama

I can keep going but I have to go down to number 20 iowa with an over all IQ 99 who voted for mccain so it looks like this

1-19 obama
20 mccain
21 obama
22-23 mccain
24 obama
25-50 mccain
so dont go telling me libs are stupid its actually cons that have lower on average IQ and less education.
they are also the ones if you rank each state that personal income is compensated by the government.

top 10 states that receive the most entitlement funding per personal situation are a RED/CON states.

if you need references I can give them and will. I am at work now and on my ipad but will give them when I get home.
The answer to your question is no, because that woman is not indicative of supporters of the President.

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