Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

Obama is always going to have his rabid cult followers. It's no use arguing with those idiots. the people spoke their feeling about him and now it's onto bigger and better things, WITHOUT him and them
So the conservatives can use race as an excuse but liberals can't? Gotcha. Dismissed.

Conservatives don't use race as an excuse --- they cite it as a reason. Are you, somehow, trying to intimate that Obama didn't benefit from race in his election?

A reason. Hmmmm That is interesting. No, it really is. If you're going to try to cite it as "a reason", can you tell us the other reason's Romney lost in nearly every contested state?

Absolutely - you mean you can't?


Sure I can. Romney ran an amateurish campaign, he was emblematic of the 1% at a time when the popularity of the mega-rich was taking a beating, he favored the failed policies of the Bush administration, he had no foreign policy plan whatsoever, Paul Ryan added nothing to the ticket, he was and is a historic flip-flopper.

Feel free to cite your own reasons (other than his race) why Obama won. This should be hilarious watching you give credit to a black man.
If you want to have intelligent political debate, drive-by comments like this serve no purpose. The election has been analyzed to death
I can have an intelligent debate about politics.

I doubt you could.

I can't argue with the ideologically challenged. You jumped on a bandwagon, and you're gonna ride all the way to the cliff in 2016. I think it's safe to say that history has proven Romney right, and Obama wrong. We needn't go any further, do we?

I knew you couldn't muster any honesty at all. Hey man, look, it's no shock. If you compliment a black person, you're giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy in most conservative circles. You can't help's in your DNA to hate blacks.

History has proven Romney right? About what exactly....please elaborate. We kept the tax cuts he (Bush) wanted...Romney's plan was to cut the taxes further. As a result we'd simply have the same number of rich folks sitting on their money, more poor folks, less middle-income Americans. History has taught most of us that....
...And the robustly silly thing is that I'm not even stating that it's a strictly conservative thing...I doubt that Clearance Thomas and the whispers about his personal improprieties would have gained any traction if he were white.


Now who were the purveyors of those 'whispers' regarding the personal improprieties of one Clarence Thomas?

They were Democrats...

Yeah...I said as much in my post (in red above).

Since I'm not a Democrat by any stretch...I'll just let the rest of your commentary sit and rot.
"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'

It fails as a straw man fallacy because there is no such thing as an honest liberal.

...And the robustly silly thing is that I'm not even stating that it's a strictly conservative thing...I doubt that Clearance Thomas and the whispers about his personal improprieties would have gained any traction if he were white.


Now who were the purveyors of those 'whispers' regarding the personal improprieties of one Clarence Thomas?

They were Democrats...

Yeah...I said as much in my post (in red above).

Since I'm not a Democrat by any stretch...I'll just let the rest of your commentary sit and rot.

Well, if that was the point you were driving at, your approach maximized the likelihood that such would be missed.
Plenty more were these came from.

There is no epidemic...And is it about race? You moron

Maybe if you just keep repeating that to yourself you can imagine that you've some how substantiated your alleged argument.

He is right, there is no epidemic. There are probably hundreds of thousands of interactions per day between the police and regular people. Do cops make mistakes? Absolutely. Yet, I can't think of a better arrangement for dealing with the public than the current one.

Most of these incidents were clearly the fault of the person interacting with the cop. That it happens so rarely, is actually a testament to how well they interact.

I knew you couldn't muster any honesty at all. Hey man, look, it's no shock. If you compliment a black person, you're giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy in most conservative circles. You can't help's in your DNA to hate blacks.

You people really do just make shit up as you go along. Liar.
...And the robustly silly thing is that I'm not even stating that it's a strictly conservative thing...I doubt that Clearance Thomas and the whispers about his personal improprieties would have gained any traction if he were white.


Now who were the purveyors of those 'whispers' regarding the personal improprieties of one Clarence Thomas?

They were Democrats...

Yeah...I said as much in my post (in red above).

Since I'm not a Democrat by any stretch...I'll just let the rest of your commentary sit and rot.

Not a Democrat in any just have a glowing communist picture of Clinton as your avatar. Do you people ever stop lying? This thread is about lying Leftists and you're exhibit number one.
its unbelievable to me, not one liberal here could actually speak up against putting race into incidents that have nothing to do with race. Inciting racial hatred for political gain is the sickest kind of politics. it gets people killed..... This is why our country is in such sad shape

You're the dummy who insists the motivation behind these recent incidents is entirely racial in the exclusion of any other factors. Maybe you don't quite realize how idiotic your position is.

When did he do this? It's you people who do this. Are you mental?

I assume you can do your own homework dip shit.

In other words, you told another lie. It's always the accuser who bears the burden of proof, and it's been this way for thousands of years of human history. And for the same thousands of years, men have known that anyone who tries to shift that burden to somebody else was lying to begin with.

That's 10,000 of human history calling you a LIAR. Deep throat that one, why don't you?

No wrong again. What it means is that you're too stupid and lazy to do your own homework.
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

It isn't only about race, it's also about police officers out of control. Killing unarmed citizens on a regular basis neither protects nor serves the public.

is it about race? and you might want to post a link to back up your unsubstantiated, false, assertion

See how the dummy responds here. It has to be all about race for his half wit theory to work.......any other answer would be unacceptable.
Conservatives don't use race as an excuse --- they cite it as a reason. Are you, somehow, trying to intimate that Obama didn't benefit from race in his election?

A reason. Hmmmm That is interesting. No, it really is. If you're going to try to cite it as "a reason", can you tell us the other reason's Romney lost in nearly every contested state?

Absolutely - you mean you can't?


Sure I can. Romney ran an amateurish campaign, he was emblematic of the 1% at a time when the popularity of the mega-rich was taking a beating, he favored the failed policies of the Bush administration, he had no foreign policy plan whatsoever, Paul Ryan added nothing to the ticket, he was and is a historic flip-flopper.

Feel free to cite your own reasons (other than his race) why Obama won. This should be hilarious watching you give credit to a black man.
If you want to have intelligent political debate, drive-by comments like this serve no purpose. The election has been analyzed to death
I can have an intelligent debate about politics.

I doubt you could.

I can't argue with the ideologically challenged. You jumped on a bandwagon, and you're gonna ride all the way to the cliff in 2016. I think it's safe to say that history has proven Romney right, and Obama wrong. We needn't go any further, do we?

I knew you couldn't muster any honesty at all. Hey man, look, it's no shock. If you compliment a black person, you're giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy in most conservative circles. You can't help's in your DNA to hate blacks.

History has proven Romney right? About what exactly....please elaborate. We kept the tax cuts he (Bush) wanted...Romney's plan was to cut the taxes further. As a result we'd simply have the same number of rich folks sitting on their money, more poor folks, less middle-income Americans. History has taught most of us that....

What an asshole remark! Because I disagree with Obama politically, it's all about the black DNA, huh? Grow the hell up. I do not, and will not, try to convince you that it has nothing to do with race, because, to you, EVERYTHING is about race.

Well, let's see ... Romney opposed Obamacare. Considering the damage it has done, and the credibility hit leftists have taken, I guess you got to give him that one, huh?

Romney said he would secure the border first, and then discuss the illegal immigrants in country next. Gotta give him that one, too, huh?

The list goes on ... but you don't care. It pleases your ego to think that you are supporting the poor little black president don't care if he's right or wrong, you don't care if he's lied to the American public, you don't care if he's violated the Constitution. None of that matters ... because he's black.
...And the robustly silly thing is that I'm not even stating that it's a strictly conservative thing...I doubt that Clearance Thomas and the whispers about his personal improprieties would have gained any traction if he were white.


Now who were the purveyors of those 'whispers' regarding the personal improprieties of one Clarence Thomas?

They were Democrats...

Yeah...I said as much in my post (in red above).

Since I'm not a Democrat by any stretch...I'll just let the rest of your commentary sit and rot.

Well, if that was the point you were driving at, your approach maximized the likelihood that such would be missed.

My approach? Honesty that neither major party has always exercised deeds to match their words where women and minorities are concerned. You can call my approach common knowledge. Where the GOP fails is that it rejects reality and tries to supplant one of it's own. What lame efforts the Democratic party has made are well meaning but there are far greater things it could do.

Liberalism and the democratic party are not one in the same. Sorry to disappoint.
I knew you couldn't muster any honesty at all. Hey man, look, it's no shock. If you compliment a black person, you're giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy in most conservative circles. You can't help's in your DNA to hate blacks.

You people really do just make shit up as you go along. Liar.

Child, please...

Yes...when polls showed Romney behind in June, July and August last election, you guys came up with "" to reassure the faithful that everything was going just fine. Remember that? The funny thing is that even Romney and Rove believed them. So much so he didn't even write a concession speech.
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

It isn't only about race, it's also about police officers out of control. Killing unarmed citizens on a regular basis neither protects nor serves the public.

is it about race? and you might want to post a link to back up your unsubstantiated, false, assertion

See how the dummy responds here. It has to be all about race for his half wit theory to work.......any other answer would be unacceptable.

You're the smartest idiot still living in your parents basement...
...And the robustly silly thing is that I'm not even stating that it's a strictly conservative thing...I doubt that Clearance Thomas and the whispers about his personal improprieties would have gained any traction if he were white.


Now who were the purveyors of those 'whispers' regarding the personal improprieties of one Clarence Thomas?

They were Democrats...

Yeah...I said as much in my post (in red above).

Since I'm not a Democrat by any stretch...I'll just let the rest of your commentary sit and rot.

Well, if that was the point you were driving at, your approach maximized the likelihood that such would be missed.

My approach? Honesty that neither major party has always exercised deeds to match their words where women and minorities are concerned. You can call my approach common knowledge. Where the GOP fails is that it rejects reality and tries to supplant one of it's own. What lame efforts the Democratic party has made are well meaning but there are far greater things it could do.

Liberalism and the democratic party are not one in the same. Sorry to disappoint.

Absolutely, which is why you support a women who slandered and destroyed Bill Clinton's women "friends"..Hypocrite:blahblah:
A reason. Hmmmm That is interesting. No, it really is. If you're going to try to cite it as "a reason", can you tell us the other reason's Romney lost in nearly every contested state?

Absolutely - you mean you can't?


Sure I can. Romney ran an amateurish campaign, he was emblematic of the 1% at a time when the popularity of the mega-rich was taking a beating, he favored the failed policies of the Bush administration, he had no foreign policy plan whatsoever, Paul Ryan added nothing to the ticket, he was and is a historic flip-flopper.

Feel free to cite your own reasons (other than his race) why Obama won. This should be hilarious watching you give credit to a black man.
If you want to have intelligent political debate, drive-by comments like this serve no purpose. The election has been analyzed to death
I can have an intelligent debate about politics.

I doubt you could.

I can't argue with the ideologically challenged. You jumped on a bandwagon, and you're gonna ride all the way to the cliff in 2016. I think it's safe to say that history has proven Romney right, and Obama wrong. We needn't go any further, do we?

I knew you couldn't muster any honesty at all. Hey man, look, it's no shock. If you compliment a black person, you're giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy in most conservative circles. You can't help's in your DNA to hate blacks.

History has proven Romney right? About what exactly....please elaborate. We kept the tax cuts he (Bush) wanted...Romney's plan was to cut the taxes further. As a result we'd simply have the same number of rich folks sitting on their money, more poor folks, less middle-income Americans. History has taught most of us that....

What an asshole remark! Because I disagree with Obama politically, it's all about the black DNA, huh? Grow the hell up. I do not, and will not, try to convince you that it has nothing to do with race, because, to you, EVERYTHING is about race.
Fortifying your ignorance is an odd way of trying to shed it.

When you question the birthplace of a white guy for no reason...let us know.

Well, let's see ... Romney opposed Obamacare. Considering the damage it has done, and the credibility hit leftists have taken, I guess you got to give him that one, huh?
Except he was the architect of the plan in Mass. The ACA gains more and more acceptance every day.

Romney said he would secure the border first, and then discuss the illegal immigrants in country next. Gotta give him that one, too, huh?
And since 40% of the illegal immigrants came here legally and just overstayed their welcome...that would have had zero effect on illegal immigration.

The list goes on ... but you don't care.
What list?

It pleases your ego to think that you are supporting the poor little black president don't care if he's right or wrong, you don't care if he's lied to the American public, you don't care if he's violated the Constitution. None of that matters ... because he's black.

He's been more hope than change....I'll give you that.

If Obama has violated the Constitution, then so has almost every other President in recent memory. you think the GOP would let him get away with such a thing in this day and age? Where are the impeachment proceedings?

I love it... "poor little black president" really can't help yourself can you?[/QUOTE]
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