Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

I knew you couldn't muster any honesty at all. Hey man, look, it's no shock. If you compliment a black person, you're giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy in most conservative circles. You can't help's in your DNA to hate blacks.

You people really do just make shit up as you go along. Liar.

Child, please...

Yes...when polls showed Romney behind in June, July and August last election, you guys came up with "" to reassure the faithful that everything was going just fine. Remember that? The funny thing is that even Romney and Rove believed them. So much so he didn't even write a concession speech.

What does that have to do with you lying in saying that conservatives think that complimenting a black person is giving aid and comfort to the enemy? You're a liar just like your father is.
Absolutely - you mean you can't?


Sure I can. Romney ran an amateurish campaign, he was emblematic of the 1% at a time when the popularity of the mega-rich was taking a beating, he favored the failed policies of the Bush administration, he had no foreign policy plan whatsoever, Paul Ryan added nothing to the ticket, he was and is a historic flip-flopper.

Feel free to cite your own reasons (other than his race) why Obama won. This should be hilarious watching you give credit to a black man.
If you want to have intelligent political debate, drive-by comments like this serve no purpose. The election has been analyzed to death
I can have an intelligent debate about politics.

I doubt you could.

I can't argue with the ideologically challenged. You jumped on a bandwagon, and you're gonna ride all the way to the cliff in 2016. I think it's safe to say that history has proven Romney right, and Obama wrong. We needn't go any further, do we?

I knew you couldn't muster any honesty at all. Hey man, look, it's no shock. If you compliment a black person, you're giving "aid and comfort" to the enemy in most conservative circles. You can't help's in your DNA to hate blacks.

History has proven Romney right? About what exactly....please elaborate. We kept the tax cuts he (Bush) wanted...Romney's plan was to cut the taxes further. As a result we'd simply have the same number of rich folks sitting on their money, more poor folks, less middle-income Americans. History has taught most of us that....

What an asshole remark! Because I disagree with Obama politically, it's all about the black DNA, huh? Grow the hell up. I do not, and will not, try to convince you that it has nothing to do with race, because, to you, EVERYTHING is about race.
Fortifying your ignorance is an odd way of trying to shed it.

When you question the birthplace of a white guy for no reason...let us know.

Well, let's see ... Romney opposed Obamacare. Considering the damage it has done, and the credibility hit leftists have taken, I guess you got to give him that one, huh?
Except he was the architect of the plan in Mass. The ACA gains more and more acceptance every day.

Romney said he would secure the border first, and then discuss the illegal immigrants in country next. Gotta give him that one, too, huh?
And since 40% of the illegal immigrants came here legally and just overstayed their welcome...that would have had zero effect on illegal immigration.

The list goes on ... but you don't care.
What list?

It pleases your ego to think that you are supporting the poor little black president don't care if he's right or wrong, you don't care if he's lied to the American public, you don't care if he's violated the Constitution. None of that matters ... because he's black.

He's been more hope than change....I'll give you that.

If Obama has violated the Constitution, then so has almost every other President in recent memory. you think the GOP would let him get away with such a thing in this day and age? Where are the impeachment proceedings?

I love it... "poor little black president" really can't help yourself can you?

Your view is too warped to present a logical challenge ....

"Except he was the architect of the plan in Mass. The ACA gains more and more acceptance every day."

Obviously, you didn't bother to educate yourself about the candidate positions, did you? Had you done that, you wouldn't have made such idiotic statement.

"And since 40% of the illegal immigrants came here legally and just overstayed their welcome...that would have had zero effect on illegal immigration."

--- which means that Romney''s approach would have immediately attacked 60% of the problem --- beats the hell out of the 0% of Obama after 6 years, don't you think? Use your head ....

"If Obama has violated the Constitution, then so has almost every other President in recent memory. "

If you would actually study the precedents set by other presidents, you would readily see that Obama has overstepped his constitutional bounds. His actions do NOT mirror those of previous president. Quit listening to liberal mouthpieces who have a vested interest in the result. Check it out -- and get back to us.

I love it... "poor little black president" really can't help yourself can you?

You are so blinded by your leftist absolutism, that you don't even recognize sarcasm .... you should be ashamed of being so close-minded.

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