Are There Any Christians That Believe In Ghosts?

Just curious as I already know that Meister is one of them and we've both had experiences with the paranormal before. I think that spirits are either souls with unfinished businesses, or couldn't find the light after they died and need help crossing over.

I don't believe in ghosts in the sense of what movies and books portray them. But I am still open to the possibility of them but in the more scientific aspect. But this whole spirits of the dead or demons or what not we traditional think of when it comes to ghosts I consider to be utter nonsense.

As anyone with a basic knowledge of science and physics knows all matter in our universe is made up of particles, sub atomic particles and even smaller particles. We also know they all vibrate at the same frequency.

So in theory if you have particles vibrating at even the slightest variance they could stand outside of our percieved range. There could almost infinite amounts of other "realities" stacked on top of each other each with their own frequencies.

So what if frequencies through some kind of freak nature anomaly and the frequencies match briefly and both exist in the same place. What we consider a ghost could simply be someone from another place briefly co existing with us.

It's not an impossible concept. While I don't believe that theory of mine at all, I still have to recognize it is a possibility.

But on the whole "ghosts" still play on our ancestors primitive minds that's been passed down for generations. Just like primitive man supposedly believed thunder were gods that were upset, or we used to drill holes in the heads of crazy people thinking it would make them sane, or that illness was due to tiny frogs living in our stomachs, and so on. Granted we disproved the other nonsense but ghosts still play a primal fear in us because we can't disprove them or prove them. Stories are also quite powerful and we have been telling stories of ghosts for thousands of years.
Just curious as I already know that Meister is one of them and we've both had experiences with the paranormal before. I think that spirits are either souls with unfinished businesses, or couldn't find the light after they died and need help crossing over.
I am a Christian and I believe in Ghosts because I have seem them many times in my life.
Just curious as I already know that Meister is one of them and we've both had experiences with the paranormal before. I think that spirits are either souls with unfinished businesses, or couldn't find the light after they died and need help crossing over.
Ghosts as in the TV variety, no. Our souls are off to new adventures upon death, and not on this world.
But angels and demons do exist among us. We know that angels will sometimes appear as humans, I have no doubt demons can do things too.
Just curious as I already know that Meister is one of them and we've both had experiences with the paranormal before. I think that spirits are either souls with unfinished businesses, or couldn't find the light after they died and need help crossing over.
I only believe in one Ghost. I do believe that there are other spiritual creatures that reside both inside & outside of the human realm of detection.
My mother was as devout as Christian as there ever was, and she told me of many paranormal experiences and visions she had throughout her life.
A paranormal experience is more convincing when two or more people have the same experience the same time.

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