Are Environmental Regulations Unnecessary?

Nough said...

Broad brush fallacy.

Global warming nutters are idiots.

How are you getting a "global warming" argument out of an image that shows the importance of environmental regulations, such as those directed at preventing air pollution? Are you trying to say you prefer to breath toxic waste?
So what is the purpose of your bs here? Judging from your other idiotic threads I think it's pretty much a given that you are trying to promote your delusional, superstitious and idiotic global warming doomsday cult fearmongering propaganda again.


Hey dumbass, is that what this is about or not?

That you assumed an image showing air pollution in 1973, and how environmental regulations have resulted in much cleaner air for us to breath was making a statement about global warming shows what a dumbass you are. Go back to sleep, Rumple.

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