Are American government actions endangering Israel's future?

The Arab street's hostility toward Washington is great enough that a majority (57%) believe regional security would be enhanced if Iran had nuclear weapons.

wait until the united states or israel either bombs or invades iran. im pretty sure the ONLY reason the arab world has somewhat opposed iran possessing nuclear weapons is because iran's majority is shi'a where as pretty much all other muslim countries are sunni. once an act of aggression is instigated against iran the entire muslim world will be unified in a bitter war to the end against the US and israel. it's already happening in iraq and afghanistan.

it's a shame that americans are so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they abandon all reason and logic when it comes to such touchy subjects as anti - israel, zionism, jews, 'holocaust' and such. we are fighting an uphill battle against the ignorance of the masses.
One thing I've noticed almost everyone agreeing on regarding recent events in Egypt is how differently those events would likely have played out before the Internet.

I'm guessing several thousand protesters would have been murdered about one week ago and most of us would have moved on by now.

I think you're dead right about ignorance and how that inhibits any rational response to "emotional" issues. Expressing unpopular opinions about Israel in particular will quickly lead to fallacies being thrown about on both sides.

Here's a quiz on how much you really understand about the distinction between "Israeli" and "Jewish" Democracy. The source will be questioned by those supporting Israel; however, the answers to some of the questions are independent of which side is asking.

The Internet has changed communication more than anything else I've seen in my 63 years. It could change our world in ways none of us are able to imagine at this moment.
I only care if our government actions harm us, let other sovereign nations worry about themselves, we weren't appointed to be the "Matt Dillion" nor the "Milburn Drysdale" of the world.
You're so utterly clueless one could inject mass brain cells in to your skull and you would still walk backassward. Christians live in Israel moron.. LOTS OF CHRISTIANS and they're welcome there. Hey genius, your "so called Palis" live there too. Not too bright, are we?

And non-Aryans lived in NAZI Germany...

LMAO!! So what?? You made the charge that Israel wanted a racially pure homeland.. IE, YOU'RE A LIAR and I proved it. Who gives a damn that some "NON-ARYANS" lived in Nazi Germany..

Ah, so non-jews still being in Isra-El means the Zionists don't want purity, but non-Aryans in NAZI Germany means- nothing, because Jews can do no wrong and the Germans are evil?
that's simply because they HID DUMMY
Wrong-o. Those who didn't meet the purity test could still be welcome if they served the Reich. See certain branches of the Waffen SS that a recent Republic an candidate liked to dress as. Hell, look at the old war footage and see how few of the members of Germany's army met the description of the pure Aryan race.

Hell, look at Goebbels and Himmler.
Sometimes being an allie is about more than money. Like being on the right side of God.

Wow. The Jew haters came out in full force. I expected that on the race relations forum, where I go to absurdly hurl ridiculous statements which I completely don't believe in just to get funny reactions. But now? Jeez. You folks are straight up biggots.

Wait, we're supposed to make foreign policy decisions based on religion? And you wonder why so many nations with Muslim majorities think that the US has some kind of anti-Muslim agenda? We're supposed to be a secular nation. If you want to live in a theocracy, may I suggest Iran?
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