Are American government actions endangering Israel's future?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Seeing the recent selling out Obama did to England, by giving Russia all of England's nuclear secrets (WHY in the hell would we do that??????), combined with 2.5 years worth of other questionable activity, I must ask, has the US government's actions taken a drastic anti-Israeli turn?

If Egypt falls into radical hands, along with Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, combined with a satanically dangerous Iran, unstable Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, we are looking at the 6 Day War scenario all over again.

Israel within 5 years could be surrounded by anti-Israeli, radical run Islamic nations. And we, the US, are allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons. Israel will strike Iran before that happens. And if Israel is surrounded by radical ruling governments, they'll attack Israel. We are looking at a serious shit storm brewing there. That scenario would make gas prices hit $10 a gallon here easily.

WHY aren't we building more nuclear reactors? The left has ONE part of the message right: Get electric cars on the road and fast. But they're right for the wrong reason. They think they'll save polar bears by doing it. Wrong. But we DO have the ability, with clean nuclear power, to have all the energy we want. 100 new nuclear reactors would fuel electric cars for centuries, alongn with the rest of our infrastructure. That, combined with electric cars, would mean the Mid East can go suck it for all we care. But the left won't allow the nuclear reactors, and the right won't accept ugly green cars. But combined, if both accepted the other, we're free.

But anyhow, this is bad. Really bad. Obama sold out England. He boxed up and mailed back the bust of Winston Churchill when he took office, that was a message of "Screw you England". His church choice and 2009 Cairo speech was another message, "Screw you Israel". So his stand is very clear. The USA will no longer be a friend to England or Israel. So who are we friends with? Well, we've sure as hell helped out Russia, China, and the radical Muslim elements of the world. Hmmm.
The answer is: Who cares?

Who cares? I'll list them, or who SHOULD care:

1- Israeli children who don't wanna be blown up in a nuclear holocaust.
2- Peaceful Muslim children who don't wanna be killed in a retaliation attack.
3- US children whose parents can't afford $10 a gallon gas
4- US troops who will get sucked into WW3 if the Muslim world attacks Isreal like 1967 again
5- Any peace loving person who doesn't understand why it's bad to give Englands nuclear secrets to Russia
6- Any person who has studied the traditional methods used by Asian military powers throughout history, from BC to today (Hint, they like sneak attacks when their enemy least expects it, read Sun Tzu and apply to historic facts about Asian military action)
7- YOU, for any reason above
8- ME, for every reason above

Do you want me to go on?

Or do you wanna talk about how stupid Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman are again...and again...and again....and again?
The answer is: Who cares?

"Iago, one of William Shakespeare's most intriguing and plausible villains in the book of Othello, is often described as being completely evil. However, one could argue that Iago is actually a sociopath, having no conscious and being an immoral human being."
Critical Analysis of The Character Iago in William Shakespeare's "Othello".

When asked his opioion about the murder of millions of human beings, he responds:

'The answer is: Who cares?'
Israel within 5 years could be surrounded by anti-Israeli, radical run Islamic nations.

Jews parked their own asses there. That's nobody's fault but their own. Of course, Jews never accept blame for anything, so don't expect to hear them say that. It's always someone else's fault: Nazis, Muslims, Klansman in the woods of Tennessee...
The answer is: Who cares?

"Iago, one of William Shakespeare's most intriguing and plausible villains in the book of Othello, is often described as being completely evil. However, one could argue that Iago is actually a sociopath, having no conscious and being an immoral human being."
Critical Analysis of The Character Iago in William Shakespeare's "Othello".

When asked his opioion about the murder of millions of human beings, he responds:

'The answer is: Who cares?'

It's nice to know how a scripted character in a work of fiction behaves. Because it's entirely relevant to real life.

As already stated, Israel is its own country. As far as I'm concerned, the US should not be basing its policy on what makes other countries safe. It needs to base its policy on what America needs. The US does far too much as it is to meddle in the business of other countries. There's no reason for us to meddle in this current Egyptian affair, especially if the only reason for doing so is because another country, who already enjoys an unjust amount of favortism from us, might have its own security issues to deal with.
The answer is: Who cares?

"Iago, one of William Shakespeare's most intriguing and plausible villains in the book of Othello, is often described as being completely evil. However, one could argue that Iago is actually a sociopath, having no conscious and being an immoral human being."
Critical Analysis of The Character Iago in William Shakespeare's "Othello".

When asked his opioion about the murder of millions of human beings, he responds:

'The answer is: Who cares?'

Is this the same Shakespeare who came up with Shylock?
The answer is: Who cares?

Well let's see. Considering Israel Is a Nuclear Armed Nation, Literally surrounded by Nations full of People who would love to see Israel Destroyed.

I would say we should all care. Like Israel or not. As long as she is there, we better hope they never find themselves facing being over run and Destroyed, Because you better believe the Jewish People will use those Nukes in the End.

The Phrase Never again comes to mind.

Israel is a Serious Potential Flash Point for Nuclear war. Anyone who says "who Cares" is extremely Ignorant.
Israel within 5 years could be surrounded by anti-Israeli, radical run Islamic nations.

Jews parked their own asses there. That's nobody's fault but their own. Of course, Jews never accept blame for anything, so don't expect to hear them say that. It's always someone else's fault: Nazis, Muslims, Klansman in the woods of Tennessee...

Um actually Jews Started Returning to the Area under the Encouragement of the Brits who controlled the area.
Um actually Jews Started Returning to the Area under the Encouragement of the Brits who controlled the area.

Actually, Zionism became a movement of action beginning in the 19th century while the area was under Ottoman rule. It started with the exploitation of an Ottoman law that allowed Jews to move into the area and steal the land out from underneath the Palestinians, literally. The Balfour declaration was primarily motivated by the UK's hopes for profitable trade relations with a Jewish state in Palestine.
Bucs seems to think we should be the police for the middle east.

Too bad that the people of Egypt did not ask the USA for permission to work to fix their country to better suit them. Or so they think anyway.
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Humm? I love how some of these very people here showing their hate of Jews are the ones calling the Tea Party racist, religionist, hatemongers, yet the left is the ones with video proof of violent rhetoric, racism, religionism etc.

Keep up the good work, you're making your point well...
Seems like many think if you do not actively support Israel you hate them and are antisemetic.

I do not actively support Australia, but I am not antiaustralic.
Humm? I love how some of these very people here showing their hate of Jews are the ones calling the Tea Party racist, religionist, hatemongers, yet the left is the ones with video proof of violent rhetoric, racism, religionism etc.

Keep up the good work, you're making your point well...

really? the far left hates jews more than the far right?

last time i checked my history books, extremism was always bad for jews.

that doesn't make the tea party not racist... or not violent.... or not rightwingnuts.

as for religionism, you mean like the rabid religious right?
Humm? I love how some of these very people here showing their hate of Jews are the ones calling the Tea Party racist, religionist, hatemongers, yet the left is the ones with video proof of violent rhetoric, racism, religionism etc.

Keep up the good work, you're making your point well...

I don't know whom you are accusing of hating Jews. But I certainly hope it's not me, since as a Jew myself it simply would make you look quite foolish. Fortunately, I make thorough efforts to not allow biases to cloud my judgment. This allows me to take an objective view on a great many things, even though the circumstances of my birth might influence me to a different position even without substantive basis for said position.
Humm? I love how some of these very people here showing their hate of Jews are the ones calling the Tea Party racist, religionist, hatemongers, yet the left is the ones with video proof of violent rhetoric, racism, religionism etc.

Keep up the good work, you're making your point well...

really? the far left hates jews more than the far right?

last time i checked my history books, extremism was always bad for jews.

that doesn't make the tea party not racist... or not violent.... or not rightwingnuts.

as for religionism, you mean like the rabid religious right?
Where is the proof of Tea Party extremism? Where is the far right shown to have been against Israel?
Humm? I love how some of these very people here showing their hate of Jews are the ones calling the Tea Party racist, religionist, hatemongers, yet the left is the ones with video proof of violent rhetoric, racism, religionism etc.

Keep up the good work, you're making your point well...

really? the far left hates jews more than the far right?

last time i checked my history books, extremism was always bad for jews.

that doesn't make the tea party not racist... or not violent.... or not rightwingnuts.

as for religionism, you mean like the rabid religious right?

One of the planks in the platform of the left is a hatred of Israel.

1. “Harvard University has sold millions of dollars in shares in Israeli companies, a move that it insists is purely financial but which has already been claimed by a pro-Palestinian group as a victory in its boycott and divestment campaign against Israel.

Groups sympathetic to the Palestinians have been pressing universities in the US, the UK and elsewhere to end investment in Israel and to boycott Israeli academics.

Students and staff at the university pushed for divestment from Israel in 2002 but their campaign was swamped by an one opposed to the action. Pro-Palestinian groups claimed Harvard was responding now to the bad publicity that has plagued Israel since its attacks on Gaza and on the international flotilla bringing aid to the Palestinians in May.

The idea of boycotts and divestment against Israel was inspired by a similar strategy that some credit with bringing an end to apartheid in South Africa. US churches, students, academics, and others took a lead in that campaign.

Although students and academics on campuses across the US have intermittently organised campaigns against Israel, so far they have recorded no successes.”
Harvard insists Israeli shares sale not driven by boycott | World news | The Guardian

a. "Today, just as the nature of liberalism has mutated, so has its attitude towards Israel. While there are a few exceptions, today,
Israel's enemies are found primarily on the left and in those institutions most closely identified with the new American liberalism including the news media, academia and the mainline Protestant churches."
Why The Left Hates Israel

I'm surprised at you:
2. The 'Religious Right' has been a bastion of support for the state of Israel.
“It is my belief that the Bible Belt in America is Israel’s only safety belt right now,” says Rev. Jerry Falwell, one of the leaders of the Christian Right. That’s the bulk of Evangelical Christians; Falwell claims to speak for all of them.

“There are 70 million of us,” he says. “And if there’s one thing that brings us together quickly it’s whenever we begin to detect our government becoming a little anti-Israel.”

Zion's Christian Soldiers - 60 Minutes - CBS News
The idea of boycotts and divestment against Israel was inspired by a similar strategy that some credit with bringing an end to apartheid in South Africa. US churches, students, academics, and others took a lead in that campaign.
More people are starting to understanding that Israel is no different than the once brutal apartheid nation of South Africa.

And should be treated in the same way with boycotts, divestment, and embargoes.

In order to topple Israel's fascist government and bring it's zionist leaders to court for crimes against humanity. :evil:

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