Anyone here STILL believe that Trump is all for the "common citizen"?

When trump said the rich will not be gaining by this plan...he sounded like a lying democrat...nuff said.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.
When trump said the rich will not be gaining by this plan...he sounded like a lying democrat...nuff said.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The deficit was cut in half during Obama's term.
When trump said the rich will not be gaining by this plan...he sounded like a lying democrat...nuff said.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

Keep bending over Hawk-baby...Was the statement below a bit of a lie???.......LOL

The Latest: Trump Claims Tax Plan Will Cost Him 'A Fortune' | Political ...

Well gee, do you have any actual proof of what his taxes were, and what they will be?

The article certainly didn't. Neither do you.

Knowing what you know about the tax bill, why don't you construct for us ANY plausible scenario under which Trump's taxes will be HIGHER under this new bill.
Well gee, do you have any actual proof of what his taxes were, and what they will be?

The article certainly didn't. Neither do you.

Concession duly noted, Hawk-baby........When will Trump release his tax returns from 2006-2016???...................has any date for those releases been announced?

(what an asshole.........LOL)
When trump said the rich will not be gaining by this plan...he sounded like a lying democrat...nuff said.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The deficit was cut in half during Obama's term. a woman telling a guy her breast augmentation doubled her cup size and it went from flat chested to an A-Cup. These progressives will happily buy a bag of dog poop for $1,000 a pop if it is packaged up just right!!:bye1:
Well gee, do you have any actual proof of what his taxes were, and what they will be?

The article certainly didn't. Neither do you.

Concession duly noted, Hawk-baby........When will Trump release his tax returns from 2006-2016???...................has any date for those releases been announced?

(what an asshole.........LOL)

The only concession here is you admitting you have no proof what his taxes are, thus you have no proof of him lying about his tax rate.
Why are you so obsessed with what his income is anyway? Did it bother you so much when Hillary and the Hussein made millions?
When trump said the rich will not be gaining by this plan...he sounded like a lying democrat...nuff said.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?
That's a really, really stupid comment. Do you miss the point completely? Because you are so dim or because you choose to do so, loving and adoring the Drumph so much you choose wilful ignorance?
The only concession here is you admitting you have no proof what his taxes are, thus you have no proof of him lying about his tax rate.

Did Trump say he would lose a fortune with this tax scam? Yes or No?
Since the Corker Kickback "clause" in this tax scam, will Trump lose a fortune?
Yes or No??

Simple questions for a Trump cultist, ass kisser, don't you think???......LOL

Typical racist southerner, still defending the rich plantation owners. You are just too ignorant to understand how rich people are stealing from you. And they steal a lot more from you than imaginary welfare queens, you know...the people you oppress but then act like they are oppressing you because they want equal rights.

Fuck your phony victimhood.

You sound like the typical Communist asshole with your hate of anybody that makes more money than you do.

Rich people don't steal from me. The government does.

Unless you are one of these despicable welfare queens that lives of the government then the government steals from you too.

Fuck you Moon Bat. You are the scum of this country.

Rich people do steal from you by pushing a higher tax burden on to you, but obviously you are too stupid to understand that.

I don't hate people who make more money than you. BTW, I am probably wealthier than you.

I'm not the scum of the country, just because I believe in social justice. Unlike you, I think slavery is a bad thing.
When trump said the rich will not be gaining by this plan...he sounded like a lying democrat...nuff said.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The economy is already 'rolling', if you believe Trump himself. Therefore, no need for a budget busting tax cut 'stimulus'.
When trump said the rich will not be gaining by this plan...he sounded like a lying democrat...nuff said.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The economy is already 'rolling', if you believe Trump himself. Therefore, no need for a budget busting tax cut 'stimulus'.

It is rolling already, but we have an entire decade of Democrat made messes to clean up.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The economy is already 'rolling', if you believe Trump himself. Therefore, no need for a budget busting tax cut 'stimulus'.

It is rolling already, but we have an entire decade of Democrat made messes to clean up.

You mean getting us back to 2008?

lol, that is goddam funny.
Trump's going to gain $11-15 million on this.

You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The economy is already 'rolling', if you believe Trump himself. Therefore, no need for a budget busting tax cut 'stimulus'.

It is rolling already, but we have an entire decade of Democrat made messes to clean up.

And what 'messes' does the tax bill clean up? That the Democrats and Democrats only created?
You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The economy is already 'rolling', if you believe Trump himself. Therefore, no need for a budget busting tax cut 'stimulus'.

It is rolling already, but we have an entire decade of Democrat made messes to clean up.

You mean getting us back to 2008?

lol, that is goddam funny.
It's f**king hilarious.
I am a "common man" and thanks to Trump I will have now have more money to spend on my family instead of giving it to the filthy government so yes I think Trump is "for the common man".

uh-huh. it's only temporary & those making $75K will be hit when the piper comes calling. oh ya.... guess what's next? medicare & social security. gotta pay for them thar tax 'cuts' somehow. & mama's getting old.... how will the nursing home get paid for her? nope.... medicaid ain't gonna do it no' mo.

it's only temporary & those making $75K will be hit when the piper comes calling.

In January, the Dems should introduce a bill to make middle class tax cuts deeper and permanent.
Stick it to those nasty Republicans.
We all know the Dems are all about letting people keep more of their own money.

not one (D) voted for the bill & the majority are wealthy themselves. why would that be?

not one (D) voted for the bill

They should write a new, strictly middle class tax cut.
What's stopping them?

they are in the minority at this point in time. but.............. 2018 just might change that. :eusa_dance:

they are in the minority at this point in time.

So they won't even try?

but.............. 2018 just might change that.


Vote Dem in 2018......"We're gonna raise your taxes!"

Sure fire winner right there.
What any american who works hard to scrape by is figuring out is NEITHER party supports working people. It has always been this way always will be. In my 82 years of life it is so easy to see. for the rich by the rich of the rich. Again neither party cares. People will figure it out. I have educated my kids well on would be proud.

You sound like you are envious.

You think it is OK for the filthy government to steal from people making more money than you and give it to you?

Because that is what it sounds like you trying to rationalize.

In a Democracy like we have the bad thing is that the mob can use the government to steal from you and that is despicable.

In my 70 years of life I have never had a rich person steal from me but I sure as hell have had the filthy ass welfare queens elect politicians who used the government to steal from me so they can get their free stuff.

ever hear of vera coking? she was an old woman.... who trump tried to use the government...... to STEAL her home thru eminent domain. to STEAL her home, so he can bulldoze it & pave her land into a casino parking lot.

so.... you were saying what now? trump is scum.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — Even with giant casino hotels dwarfing her crumbling three-story home, Vera Coking refused to sell.

An unlikely player in a real-life game of Monopoly, the feisty widow turned down $1 million at least once for her 30-by-60-foot lot, and now says she wants $3 million.

She may never get it.

Coking watched from the outside as Donald J. Trump's newest casino project, a 22-story addition to neighboring Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, opened Feb. 16, next door to the home where she has lived for 35 years.

Trump lost out on a bid to have the lot seized in an eminent domain proceeding. So he built around her.

Coking is surrounded on three sides by the casino hotels.

Coking, whose wood-framed house is an eyesore with peeling white paint and a collapsed railing on the second-floor deck, lives on Social Security. Her health is failing, and she is in the process of fighting a condemnation action by the city.

"If they give me the right price, I would sell," said Coking, who appears to be in her 70s.

Her lawyer, Glenn A. Zeitz, continues to push Trump to buy her out. In recent talks, Zeitz said Trump's lawyers indicated that they would not pay more than $1 million. He said the house and lot are worth at least $2 million.

Trump's employees have two words for the 5-foot-5 woman living at 127 Columbia Place. They call her "Trump's ulcer."

"This is not an innocent little darling we're dealing with here," Trump said recently. "This is a tough, cunning, crafty person who has purposely allowed that property to go to hell, right at the foot of the entrance to Atlantic City, so she can get a higher price."

Trump said he doesn't want the property badly enough to pay Coking's price. Odds are that Caesars Atlantic City Hotel Casino, which is across the street in the other direction, won't buy it either.

Coking blames Trump for her predicament.

"He never sat down with me. All he did was destroy my house and destroy my health. He should be ashamed of himself," said Coking, who walks with a cane and speaks with a trace of a European accent.

She has sued Trump over damage to the house during the 1993 demolition of a steel skeleton left hovering just above her house after Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione's casino project on the site went bust.

She also claimed that Trump Plaza workers dumped snow on her sidewalk, causing her to slip and injure her hip.

Trump said he has offered to paint the house and fix it up, but Coking told him no dice.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home

yaaaaaa.............. lol - go ahead & spin that.

Go bitch to Trump about that. I don't give a shit Moon Bat.

The welfare queens using the government to steal from me is a far more oppressive thing in my life than some businessman influencing politicians to use eminent domain for their benefit.

Every year I pay a ton in income tax that is used to provide welfare to the welfare queens and the illegals and the Muslim refugees and all that other scum that elect Liberals to take my money.

Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions in taxes and has given hundreds of millions to charity. Far more than you have so just shut the fuck up with you mindless anti Trump hate. It just makes you look like a fool.

blah blah fucking blah *uh-huh*

why won't he show his tax returns to prove what you can only claim, sweety? & don't use the tired excuse that he is under audit. nixon was under audit as well at the time & he showed them.

why won't he show his tax returns

Because....screw you loser!!!
Obama & Clinton no longer can make any kind of policy that effects us. past problems with them don't belong here. this is about Trump, and what he stands for. just going by things he said while out stumping for him self, that turned out to be not true. & this tax bill that gives then takes away what has been given, I am inclined not to take him at his word. that's just my opinion. it is very childish to insult other people here who are just giving there opinions.
Why is it so hard for democrats to understand that those who pay the most taxes will receive the biggest reduction in taxes when taxes are cut? Do democrats actually believe that the rich already pay no taxes, so they will GET money given to them when taxes are reduced?

How does such stupidity flourish?
Why is it so hard for democrats to understand that those who pay the most taxes will receive the biggest reduction in taxes when taxes are cut? give tax breaks (83% of the breaks go to corporations) WITHOUT cuts in spending......precipitating the BORROWING of $1.5 fucking TRILLION is NOT a win for America......just a win for those corporations......

WHY......WHY are tax breaks for Corps.......PERMANENT .......while for individuals, TEMPORARY???????

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