Anybody but Romney.

Chance for Peace speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.
If you have the love of God, you won't want free abortions or same sex marriage either, both of which obama supports.
I do not support Obama. I am an Eisenhower Republican who wants my Party back from the hands of the thieves who have run it ever since Tricky Dicky Nixon followed Johnson in the office of the Presidency.

Since then we have had Reagan, CIA Bush and Fortunate Son Bush who have placed this country Trillions of dollars in debt to fund their friends and friends of friends in the Military Industrial Complex. Just think, if we had not had all of their wars, we would not have a national debt.

If it is out of your let it go.

There are many things the Federal GOP has lost it's way on.

We only have ourselves to blame.

Romney exists because that is what the current market calls for. It is not his fault and he is not evil. For you to say that is simply stupid......

What are you doing to get your party back ? Specifics please.
Romney is satanically evil. He is almost as bad as the Hitler clone dual, CIA BUSH and Fortunate Son Bush, both of whom think that the millions of dead at the hands of the Republiscams is something to laugh about. They have way out done Hitler and they openly laugh about it at Republiscam parties.

When you make millions off of the deaths of Millions of Innocent people, you are EVIL. They all need to be put on trial for Treason and put in prison for life or put to death as the court in the Hague decides. I am for taking all of the Republiscams to trial in the Hague. Every last one of them deserves the death penalty, but I will settle for life in prison for all of the hideous evil they have done to the world.
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If you have the love of God, you won't want free abortions or same sex marriage either, both of which obama supports.
I do not support Obama. I am an Eisenhower Republican who wants my Party back from the hands of the thieves who have run it ever since Tricky Dicky Nixon followed Johnson in the office of the Presidency.

Since then we have had Reagan, CIA Bush and Fortunate Son Bush who have placed this country Trillions of dollars in debt to fund their friends and friends of friends in the Military Industrial Complex. Just think, if we had not had all of their wars, we would not have a national debt.

Regarding GWB..
Did these events happen?
1) bust that cost $5 trillion in market losses, 400,000 jobs and countless businesses in 2001 after supposedly Clinton had a surplus?
So if there is a $5 trillion loss tax payers that had those losses can deduct or 30 years their losses or $166 billion a year.
2) Did 9/11 occur or is that all made up? It cost $2 trillion , 3 days airlines lost revenue, 10 days wall street closed, another 200,000 to 300,000 lost
jobs businesses, over 18,000 destroyed or damaged. Another $66 billion in losses that are now subtracted from tax payments.
3) Correct ME please if I'm wrong.. but the worst hurricane seasons in history occurred some like Katrina costing billions in destruction final figures
have these hurricanes costing $1 trillion again subtracted from tax revenue -- $33 billion..

Nearly $267 billion a year in LOST tax revenue.. YET in spite of all that
Did these numbers NOT happen??

Total people employed when Bush took office 2001 - There were 131,826,000!
Total people employed when Bush Left office 2008 - There were 136,790,000!

Almost 5 million more then when he started!

GDP when Bush took office 2001 $12.355,271,000,000
GDP when Bush left office 2008 $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2,004.22 billion!
USDA ERS - International Macroeconomic Data Set

NOW please correct me IKE GOP (and by the way IKE did nothing but play more golf then Obama.. WHICH IS good!... least government involvement is the best government...) but did the happen?
Is not the tax revenue reduced by $2.5 trillion since 2003 due to these writeoffs?
OH and one more minor point..
I bet you were cheering like these Democrats cheered.. encouraged. Helped recruit.. Totally assisted in helping thug/barbarians that frequently put bombs on kids so they would blow up when OUR SOLDIERS were handing out candy! Were you cheering leading these statements that helped
KILL 3,000 US troops AFTER a military victory, and costing $600 billion and 6 years to complete.. WERE YOU a cheerleader like these TRAITORS??

For as Obama said:
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Today's radical right are no doubt on par with nazi germany.

Nazi are socialists....Thats your bailiwick
The Nazi's were not socialists. Not in any sense of the word. Socialism requires the government to control the means of production (either owning it or directmanagement) Communism is stronger than Socialism in that regard because it OWNS everything in common for the people. There is no private ownership under Communism, but limited individual enterprise is allowed under Socialism.

Hitler did not control the factories. He was a Right wing capitalist through and through. He allowed the factories to manage themselves, but gave them generous war contracts, just exactly like the Republiscams do in the United States.

Hitler was not taking care of the German people from cradle to grave like socialist countries do with full medical care. The German people bought their own medical care.
The German people under Hitler had to do lots of things that are usually provided by a socialist government. The United States, as presently constituted, (with our Socialist School System that is failing and our Social Security system) is far more Socialist than Germany ever was under Hitler.

Germany became Socialist After World War Two, not before.
Today's radical right are no doubt on par with nazi germany.

Nazi are socialists....Thats your bailiwick
The Nazi's were not socialists. Not in any sense of the word. Socialism requires the government to control the means of production (either owning it or directmanagement) Communism is stronger than Socialism in that regard because it OWNS everything in common for the people. There is no private ownership under Communism, but limited individual enterprise is allowed under Socialism.

Hitler did not control the factories. He was a Right wing capitalist through and through. He allowed the factories to manage themselves, but gave them generous war contracts, just exactly like the Republiscams do in the United States.

Hitler was not taking care of the German people from cradle to grave like socialist countries do with full medical care. The German people bought their own medical care.
The German people under Hitler had to do lots of things that are usually provided by a socialist government. The United States, as presently constituted, (with our Socialist School System that is failing and our Social Security system) is far more Socialist than Germany ever was under Hitler.

Germany became Socialist After World War Two, not before.

You are a idiot as well.
Chance for Peace speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.

you will NEVER be able to rewrite this history or any other part of history
Nazi are socialists....Thats your bailiwick
The Nazi's were not socialists. Not in any sense of the word. Socialism requires the government to control the means of production (either owning it or directmanagement) Communism is stronger than Socialism in that regard because it OWNS everything in common for the people. There is no private ownership under Communism, but limited individual enterprise is allowed under Socialism.

Hitler did not control the factories. He was a Right wing capitalist through and through. He allowed the factories to manage themselves, but gave them generous war contracts, just exactly like the Republiscams do in the United States.

Hitler was not taking care of the German people from cradle to grave like socialist countries do with full medical care. The German people bought their own medical care.
The German people under Hitler had to do lots of things that are usually provided by a socialist government. The United States, as presently constituted, (with our Socialist School System that is failing and our Social Security system) is far more Socialist than Germany ever was under Hitler.

Germany became Socialist After World War Two, not before.

You are a idiot as well.

You're just another brainwashed Beckbot that believes their propaganda of "They were the national socialists! See! socialists! and socialists means left and Obama is a socialist, which also means he's a nazi!" :eusa_hand:
I do not support Obama. I am an Eisenhower Republican who wants my Party back from the hands of the thieves who have run it ever since Tricky Dicky Nixon followed Johnson in the office of the Presidency.

Since then we have had Reagan, CIA Bush and Fortunate Son Bush who have placed this country Trillions of dollars in debt to fund their friends and friends of friends in the Military Industrial Complex. Just think, if we had not had all of their wars, we would not have a national debt.

If it is out of your let it go.

There are many things the Federal GOP has lost it's way on.

We only have ourselves to blame.

Romney exists because that is what the current market calls for. It is not his fault and he is not evil. For you to say that is simply stupid......

What are you doing to get your party back ? Specifics please.
Romney is satanically evil. He is almost as bad as the Hitler clone dual, CIA BUSH and Fortunate Son Bush, both of whom think that the millions of dead at the hands of the Republiscams is something to laugh about. They have way out done Hitler and they openly laugh about it at Republiscam parties.

When you make millions off of the deaths of Millions of Innocent people, you are EVIL. They all need to be put on trial for Treason and put in prison for life or put to death as the court in the Hague decides. I am for taking all of the Republiscams to trial in the Hague. Every last one of them deserves the death penalty, but I will settle for life in prison for all of the hideous evil they have done to the world.

A. You didn't answer the question.

B. You are not a republican of any kind (no Republican would send people to jail on the basis of political beliefs).

C. Bring it on. I'd like to see you try and enforce your brand of tyranny. When it's over, I know several trees that would serve as a good place to end your lawlessness with a rope.
Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Civil rights

While President Truman had begun the process of desegregating the Armed Forces in 1948, actual implementation had been slow. Eisenhower made clear his stance in his first State of the Union message in February 1953, saying "I propose to use whatever authority exists in the office of the President to end segregation in the District of Columbia, including the Federal Government, and any segregation in the Armed Forces".[160] When he encountered opposition from the services, he used government control of military spending to force the change through, stating "Wherever Federal Funds are expended, I do not see now any American can justify a descrimination of those funds."[161] When Robert B. Anderson, Eisenhower's first Secretary of the Navy argued that the Navy must recognize the "customs and usages prevailing in certain geographic areas of our country which the Navy had no part in creating", Eisenhower overruled him: "We have not taken and we shall not take a single backward step. There must be no second class citizens in this country."[162]

The administration declared racial discrimination a national security issue, as Communists around the world used the racial discrimination and history of violence in the U.S. as a point of propaganda attack.[163] The day after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education, that segregated schools were unconstitutional, Eisenhower told District of Columbia officials to make Washington a model for the rest of the country in integrating black and white public school children.[164][165] He proposed to Congress the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960 and signed those acts into law. The 1957 act for the first time established a permanent civil rights office inside the Justice Department and a Civil Rights Commission to hear testimony about abuses of voting rights. Although both acts were much weaker than subsequent civil rights legislation, they constituted the first significant civil rights acts since 1875.[166]

In 1957, the state of Arkansas refused to honor a federal court order to integrate their public school system stemming from the Brown decision. Eisenhower demanded that Arkansas governor Orval Faubus obey the court order. When Faubus balked, the president placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent in the 101st Airborne Division. They escorted and protected nine black students' entry to Little Rock Central High School, an all-white public school, for the first time since the Reconstruction era.[167] Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote to Eisenhower to thank him for his actions, writing "The overwhelming majority of southerners, Negro and white, stand firmly behind your resolute action to restore law and order in Little Rock".[168]
Eisenhower appointed the following Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States:
Earl Warren, 1953 (Chief Justice)
John Marshall Harlan II, 1954
William J. Brennan, 1956
Charles Evans Whittaker, 1957
Potter Stewart, 1958

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