Anti Nfl Kneeler “papa John” exposed for the racist he is

He represents the racist right....I just dont know why the right denies that they are racists. Its evident to all of minorities that overwhelmingly vote against them.
hey come the left denies that they too are racists? most Mexicans in S.Cal know.....
First you righties have to admit that you hate non whites...its very evident.
He represents the racist right....I just dont know why the right denies that they are racists. Its evident to all of minorities that overwhelmingly vote against them.
hey come the left denies that they too are racists? most Mexicans in S.Cal know.....
First you righties have to admit that you hate non whites...its very evident.
first you would have to prove i am a righty.....and since anytime you have said something about me and i asked you to prove it,and of course you just ignored those requests,the only thing evident about you is you are a fucking liar....and once again,as usual,you avoid answering a might be because you know dam well i am right about what i said....many lefties are just as racist as any righty is....and people like yourself are the prime examples.....
Issa-----I have a little tiny question------which, of course, you need not answer. Are you white or "non-white" ? If you do not wish to answer-----would you,
please, tell me how you define "white" and "non-white"? If you do not wish to answer----please just so indicate
PAPA JOHN was a vocal complainer of the nfl players kneeling . He even severed ties wh the nfl as their pizza sponsor. (Immediately replaced by dominos)

Well the right wing jerk sure let his true colors fly in a conference call wh a PR firm hired to save chain that became the official pizza of alt right nazis .

He started dropping N bombs and how cornel sanders used to get away with it . Oh and how they would drag blacks around the back of their cars in his old town when he was a kid .

Stay classy conservatives.

How do you rebrand Papa John's when the problem is Papa John?
Yeah, speaking of classy...

Congratulations Little Timmy! The Selection Committee of the JoeyB Dolezal Liars Club has unanimously approved your immediate membership, waiving the normal nominating and approval process.

Like the founder himself, JoeyB Dolezal, the out-of-control anti-(fill in the blank) gusto you exhibit in your screeds is such that you’ll make up a complete lie in order to advance or enhance the negativity aspect of your subject matter. In this instance you lied twice...

1. “He started by dropping N-bombs...”

2. “ his old town when he was a kid.”

So class let’s extend a nice warm welcome to the JBD Liars Club to TimmyB Dolezal!!! He’s made it the old-fashioned way. He EARNED it!
Papa Johns sucks.

That may well be true. But the reason why Mr. Schnatter's poor language came forward was allegedly because Schnatter told the PR outfit that this conference call was with, to go to hell when they tried to blackmail him for $6 Million.

At least that is Schnatter's story.
PAPA JOHN was a vocal complainer of the nfl players kneeling . He even severed ties wh the nfl as their pizza sponsor. (Immediately replaced by dominos)

Well the right wing jerk sure let his true colors fly in a conference call wh a PR firm hired to save chain that became the official pizza of alt right nazis .

He started dropping N bombs and how cornel sanders used to get away with it . Oh and how they would drag blacks around the back of their cars in his old town when he was a kid .

Hey Tummy, I couldn't care less who the NFL gets their pizza from, Papa Johns Pizza sucks anyway. And I care even less if he used a colorful slang word in private, in passing that Blacks themselves use freely amongst themselves every day freely with impunity. I don't fear words, words don't hurt, stupid ideas do---- and what could be more stupid than to castrate one race (whites) for a word that you giggle at when another race (blacks) use it? People castrate whites for the word calling them racists (anyone remember Roseanne?) when the castration itself is THE ULTIMATE EXPRESSION OF RACISM, because it is NOT APPLIED EQUALITY. It is applied ACCORDING TO RACE---- the very DEFINITION of racism.

When I was young, there were such slang words for every nationality on the planet. Germans were Krauts, English were Limeys, but we only see ONE of them as grounds to end people's lives, EXCEPT WHEN A BLACK USES IT. Then its AOK. Jerk. Are we to believe that an entire planet was racist just for using ethnic slang? Are people really so conditioned to believe you're OK now if you call a person "Chinese" but are a terrible racist if you call the same person a Chink? A rose is still a rose by any other same, and words are just words.

Do you believe in stolen valor ? Cause when whites use the n word, it’s kinda like that .
please explain
That much of the unwarranted hostility toward NFL players who knelt during the anthem was motivated by racism is a fact beyond dispute.

Then the NFL should have made that clear when they were discussing this issue earlier this year.

The fact that they didn't stand up for their players against the allegedly racist fans shows rank cowardice on their part. The football fans who don't like to see our nation's flag and its veterans disrespected should have been told in no uncertain terms that there are other things they can do, other programs on TV they can watch, if they don't care for proud, African American players exercising their 1st Amendment rights on Sunday afternoon.
and blacks can never be racist...can never lose a job for being hateful/racist
you do see the idiocy of this, yes?
PAPA JOHN was a vocal complainer of the nfl players kneeling . He even severed ties wh the nfl as their pizza sponsor. (Immediately replaced by dominos)

Well the right wing jerk sure let his true colors fly in a conference call wh a PR firm hired to save chain that became the official pizza of alt right nazis .

He started dropping N bombs and how cornel sanders used to get away with it . Oh and how they would drag blacks around the back of their cars in his old town when he was a kid .

Stay classy conservatives.

How do you rebrand Papa John's when the problem is Papa John?

Again...who cares?
If the guy is dumb enough to do this kind of shit he deserves what he gets.

I met the dude, he is obnoxious. I was all hungover, too, that didn't help my perception of him, I'm sure.

"Hey man! Have a piece of pizza! He's all "Best pizza you ever had, no?" I'm thinking about the NYer pizza around the corner, I say "It's good."

Dude was pumped up about his product, I'll give him that.

He never said the N-word in my presence. Probly said "pizza" about 50x in a minute. :scared1:
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It took me the longest time to find what it was he actually said, and what reason.
After finally finding it, I am underwhelmed.
He did not call black people, *iggers. In a conference call with a sensitivity company that he sought help to gain sensitivity, he was explaining where he comes from, and how it use to be there. And used Col. Sanders as an example who called black people *iggers.
As well as how they use to drag black people behind pickup trucks where he came from.
It was dumb, and not relevant as both instances were well before his time... but was it something so bad that he should have his entire career ended??
If it is then Michael Che should be living in a trailer by now.
I really have questions about Mr. Schnatter's story. Were there really a lot of African Americans getting dragged by cars in Jeffersonville back in the 60's and 70's when he was a kid?

I had never heard about that and if there are people here from the Louisville Metro area, I'd like to have that confirmed. If true, that these kinds of crimes were being committed regularly in his town, it would certainly could have scarred the Pizza Chef's psyche.
PAPA JOHN was a vocal complainer of the nfl players kneeling . He even severed ties wh the nfl as their pizza sponsor. (Immediately replaced by dominos)

Well the right wing jerk sure let his true colors fly in a conference call wh a PR firm hired to save chain that became the official pizza of alt right nazis .

He started dropping N bombs and how cornel sanders used to get away with it . Oh and how they would drag blacks around the back of their cars in his old town when he was a kid .

Hey Tummy, I couldn't care less who the NFL gets their pizza from, Papa Johns Pizza sucks anyway. And I care even less if he used a colorful slang word in private, in passing that Blacks themselves use freely amongst themselves every day freely with impunity. I don't fear words, words don't hurt, stupid ideas do---- and what could be more stupid than to castrate one race (whites) for a word that you giggle at when another race (blacks) use it? People castrate whites for the word calling them racists (anyone remember Roseanne?) when the castration itself is THE ULTIMATE EXPRESSION OF RACISM, because it is NOT APPLIED EQUALITY. It is applied ACCORDING TO RACE---- the very DEFINITION of racism.

When I was young, there were such slang words for every nationality on the planet. Germans were Krauts, English were Limeys, but we only see ONE of them as grounds to end people's lives, EXCEPT WHEN A BLACK USES IT. Then its AOK. Jerk. Are we to believe that an entire planet was racist just for using ethnic slang? Are people really so conditioned to believe you're OK now if you call a person "Chinese" but are a terrible racist if you call the same person a Chink? A rose is still a rose by any other same, and words are just words.

Do you believe in stolen valor ? Cause when whites use the n word, it’s kinda like that .
please explain

Sure. It’s the same premise . If white people use the n word it’s like co opting what that group went through. Like saying you are a war vet , when you are not .
If white people use the n word it’s like co opting what that group went through. Like saying you are a war vet , when you are not .

How about African Americans using the C word or the H word? Should they be calling people honkies and crackers?

Isn't that co-opting the jive ass white mf'ers?
PAPA JOHN was a vocal complainer of the nfl players kneeling . He even severed ties wh the nfl as their pizza sponsor. (Immediately replaced by dominos)

Well the right wing jerk sure let his true colors fly in a conference call wh a PR firm hired to save chain that became the official pizza of alt right nazis .

He started dropping N bombs and how cornel sanders used to get away with it . Oh and how they would drag blacks around the back of their cars in his old town when he was a kid .

Hey Tummy, I couldn't care less who the NFL gets their pizza from, Papa Johns Pizza sucks anyway. And I care even less if he used a colorful slang word in private, in passing that Blacks themselves use freely amongst themselves every day freely with impunity. I don't fear words, words don't hurt, stupid ideas do---- and what could be more stupid than to castrate one race (whites) for a word that you giggle at when another race (blacks) use it? People castrate whites for the word calling them racists (anyone remember Roseanne?) when the castration itself is THE ULTIMATE EXPRESSION OF RACISM, because it is NOT APPLIED EQUALITY. It is applied ACCORDING TO RACE---- the very DEFINITION of racism.

When I was young, there were such slang words for every nationality on the planet. Germans were Krauts, English were Limeys, but we only see ONE of them as grounds to end people's lives, EXCEPT WHEN A BLACK USES IT. Then its AOK. Jerk. Are we to believe that an entire planet was racist just for using ethnic slang? Are people really so conditioned to believe you're OK now if you call a person "Chinese" but are a terrible racist if you call the same person a Chink? A rose is still a rose by any other same, and words are just words.

Do you believe in stolen valor ? Cause when whites use the n word, it’s kinda like that .
PAPA JOHN was a vocal complainer of the nfl players kneeling . He even severed ties wh the nfl as their pizza sponsor. (Immediately replaced by dominos)

Well the right wing jerk sure let his true colors fly in a conference call wh a PR firm hired to save chain that became the official pizza of alt right nazis .

He started dropping N bombs and how cornel sanders used to get away with it . Oh and how they would drag blacks around the back of their cars in his old town when he was a kid .

Hey Tummy, I couldn't care less who the NFL gets their pizza from, Papa Johns Pizza sucks anyway. And I care even less if he used a colorful slang word in private, in passing that Blacks themselves use freely amongst themselves every day freely with impunity. I don't fear words, words don't hurt, stupid ideas do---- and what could be more stupid than to castrate one race (whites) for a word that you giggle at when another race (blacks) use it? People castrate whites for the word calling them racists (anyone remember Roseanne?) when the castration itself is THE ULTIMATE EXPRESSION OF RACISM, because it is NOT APPLIED EQUALITY. It is applied ACCORDING TO RACE---- the very DEFINITION of racism.

When I was young, there were such slang words for every nationality on the planet. Germans were Krauts, English were Limeys, but we only see ONE of them as grounds to end people's lives, EXCEPT WHEN A BLACK USES IT. Then its AOK. Jerk. Are we to believe that an entire planet was racist just for using ethnic slang? Are people really so conditioned to believe you're OK now if you call a person "Chinese" but are a terrible racist if you call the same person a Chink? A rose is still a rose by any other same, and words are just words.

Do you believe in stolen valor ? Cause when whites use the n word, it’s kinda like that .
please explain

Sure. It’s the same premise . If white people use the n word it’s like co opting what that group went through. Like saying you are a war vet , when you are not .

If I say it, I'm talking about someone that's black, how 'bout dat? They are, too. It is what it is. :dunno:

Personally, I'm from in town, and I don't give a fuck. I'll walk through the projects at 2AM, baby. Some jit wants to mess with me, they're going to get hurt.

If white people use the n word it’s like co opting what that group went through. Like saying you are a war vet , when you are not .

How about African Americans using the C word or the H word? Should they be calling people honkies and crackers?

Isn't that co-opting the jive ass white mf'ers?

I am a cracker. I bet you didn't know there were black crackers, too, huh? There were, them slaving bastards didn't care to come on down heanh trying to chase them. Mighta been the gators n skeeters. They usually stopped around the Suwanee and went back home. Too tough a-traveling for them, I guess.
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PAPA JOHN was a vocal complainer of the nfl players kneeling . He even severed ties wh the nfl as their pizza sponsor. (Immediately replaced by dominos)

Well the right wing jerk sure let his true colors fly in a conference call wh a PR firm hired to save chain that became the official pizza of alt right nazis .

He started dropping N bombs and how cornel sanders used to get away with it . Oh and how they would drag blacks around the back of their cars in his old town when he was a kid .

Hey Tummy, I couldn't care less who the NFL gets their pizza from, Papa Johns Pizza sucks anyway. And I care even less if he used a colorful slang word in private, in passing that Blacks themselves use freely amongst themselves every day freely with impunity. I don't fear words, words don't hurt, stupid ideas do---- and what could be more stupid than to castrate one race (whites) for a word that you giggle at when another race (blacks) use it? People castrate whites for the word calling them racists (anyone remember Roseanne?) when the castration itself is THE ULTIMATE EXPRESSION OF RACISM, because it is NOT APPLIED EQUALITY. It is applied ACCORDING TO RACE---- the very DEFINITION of racism.

When I was young, there were such slang words for every nationality on the planet. Germans were Krauts, English were Limeys, but we only see ONE of them as grounds to end people's lives, EXCEPT WHEN A BLACK USES IT. Then its AOK. Jerk. Are we to believe that an entire planet was racist just for using ethnic slang? Are people really so conditioned to believe you're OK now if you call a person "Chinese" but are a terrible racist if you call the same person a Chink? A rose is still a rose by any other same, and words are just words.

Do you believe in stolen valor ? Cause when whites use the n word, it’s kinda like that .
please explain

Sure. It’s the same premise . If white people use the n word it’s like co opting what that group went through. Like saying you are a war vet , when you are not .
no--it's not the same--hahah
....Stolen valor is pretending to be what you are not--a service member to try to get recognition, glory, fame, job ,etc
...when some whites use the N word, they are not trying to pretend they are black
...and for the whites that do try to pretend to be black--they are idiots:
graduate at lower levels
commit murder/rape/hate crimes/crime at higher levles
what idiot would want to pretend to be black!?????!!!!!! yes--an idiot would!!
you do not get recognition, fame, glory, jobs---

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