Another Victim Shot By A Trigger Happy Homeowner

Black people have not screwed up the country, you all are just resentful because more Black people are making enough progress to catch up and in some cases exceed the accomplishments of many of the white racists.

And the problem lies with those individuals who are unable or dissatisfied with not being able to work in law enforcement without violating the civil or other rights of the people whom they are tasked with "serving" and "protecting" and whose taxes pay their salaries.

The government wasn't paying attention dumbshit. And the terrible acts were done 8 generations ago.

YOU never suffered. YOUR dad never suffered.

YOU, are a whiney sniveling bitch, begging for handouts.

Grow up.

White people just don't do enough to wipe his ass and feed like he wants to be fed.
Ray is a case in point. He doesn't have the ability to discern between the laws that allow him to carry a weapon concealed and the laws that allow him to use a firearm in self-defense.

He believes that having been granted a permit to carry a firearm means by extension that he's allowed to use said weapon to shoot people under a myriad of circumstances.
lol that's some bizarrely stupid stuff, considering gun crimes so popular with black yoof and your gang banging doper Heroes. You want to come out in favor of sweeping black neighborhoods of guns and do something positive instead of 'Weez Be Sniveln' Bout Whitey All Dayz Agin"?
You ignorant, racist POS, my dad was born in 1928 in back water GA, I was the youngest of my siblings and came up in the late 50s early 60s in NC. So cocksucka don't try and tell me that my family doesn't know about the Jim Crow South. See you are just the typical ignorant, racist bitch that thinks black folks just have it so grand in this country.

Yeah. He wasn't a SLAVE!

You honestly think the injustices against people of African descent, that began with slavery ended with the passage of 13th Amendment which abolished slavery, except as punishment for a crime after having been duly tried and convicted? (paraphrase)

Do you have any clue what came afterwards? State (meaning government) sponsored American apartheid.

Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that was enforced by the government of South Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s. The word "apartheid" comes from the Afrikaans language and means "separateness."
Under apartheid, people in South Africa were classified into different racial groups and separated from one another in all aspects of life, including housing, education, healthcare, employment, and public services. The white minority government of South Africa reserved the best resources and opportunities for white people, while non-white people were subjected to inferior treatment and harsh living conditions.
The apartheid system was designed to maintain white minority rule and suppress any opposition to it. The government used a range of repressive measures, including imprisonment, torture, and assassination, to silence those who opposed the system.
Apartheid was a deeply unjust and oppressive system that was widely condemned by the international community. In the 1980s, a campaign of economic sanctions and boycotts against South Africa helped to bring an end to apartheid, and in 1994, democratic elections were held and Nelson Mandela became the country's first black president.

The crimes in AFRICA, don't apply here. Dummy.

You want to help black people, go to Africa and stop the slavery STILL happening there!

It wasn't civilized but people weren't civilized back then according to our standards today.
Man go on somewhere with that weak ass excuse. You claimed folks of color were savages, but you were civilized.
The difference between us is as time went on, whites became more civilized while blacks became more uncivilized, and that's what we see on the news almost every night.
Really? What year did you become civilized?
Whites became more educated and blacks became less. That's why you have no ability to answer a post without breaking it down sentence by sentence.
That probably wouldn't have anything to do with you setting the curriculum that was learned would it? You have to break that bullshit down piece by piece, for the simple fact you throw so much of it out there.
I won't ask you what privileges whites have over blacks because you'll simply drift back to the world you live in which is the 1950s or before. Either that or you'll make up some unproven bullshit that only takes place in your mind and not the real world where the rest of us reside.
No numb nuts, unlike you I can prove every damn thing I post. The problem is racist like you are in denial and just like this weak ass post you just try to make excuses for the uncivilized and inhumane acts of those who came before you.
He didn't have to be a slave, see that is where you show how much of a ignorant racist you are. The injustices that black folks have suffered in this country didn't stop at slavery. Fool.

And they were all at the hands of the democrat party......a party you still vote for....

Who is the moron other than those who complain about the history of slavery, then vote for the democrat party, the party of slavery, the kkk, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests and lynchings.....

You vote for that excuse us if we don't take you seriously.
Who is the moron other than those who complain about the history of slavery, then vote for the democrat party, the party of slavery, the kkk, jim crow, poll taxes, literacy tests and lynchings.....

Not to mention last presidential election, they overwhelmingly voted for the candidate that said the most racist things about blacks in our lifetime. How smart is that?
Man go on somewhere with that weak ass excuse. You claimed folks of color were savages, but you were civilized.

Really? What year did you become civilized?

That probably wouldn't have anything to do with you setting the curriculum that was learned would it? You have to break that bullshit down piece by piece, for the simple fact you throw so much of it out there.

No numb nuts, unlike you I can prove every damn thing I post. The problem is racist like you are in denial and just like this weak ass post you just try to make excuses for the uncivilized and inhumane acts of those who came before you.

No, you can't answer a post in one or two paragraphs because you lack the education and can't stay focused on anything. In the past you proved nothing unless it was fudged numbers that avoid the truth. Us uncivilized? Show me a video of the last time a group of whites ripped through a store by the dozens stealing or destroying everything in it. Show me the last sports event where dozens of whites started a mob fight. We see this with blacks several times a week, and remember you're only 13% of the population.
Black people have not screwed up the country, you all are just resentful because more Black people are making enough progress to catch up and in some cases exceed the accomplishments of many of the white racists.

And the problem lies with those individuals who are unable or dissatisfied with not being able to work in law enforcement without violating the civil or other rights of the people whom they are tasked with "serving" and "protecting" and whose taxes pay their salaries.

Not at all, it's just police can no longer do their jobs. Blacks are constantly fighting with police officers and when they try to subdue a suspect, other blacks get pissed off If somebody gets badly hurt or killed in the process. Democrat politicians get involved and weaken the ability of officers which makes their jobs much more dangerous, so they left and can't find new officers to take their place.

So now we're stuck with anybody that's willing to do the job regardless of their abilities. Why do you supposed violent crime is on such a rise particularly in those black communities? Oh, that's right, it's black progress.
The concepts of "no duty to retreat" and using lethal force to neutralize an "imminent threat of death or grievous bodily harm" so that you may assert a self-defense claim are two different things and covered by at least two different laws.

No, they are combined in my state. I'm under no obligation by law to opt for less deadly defense in the event of a home intrusion. If the cops interview me and I say I felt like blowing them away because I wanted to, there is nothing they can charge me with.
How many ships did the Africans own that transported black captives to America?

Doesn't matter. If blacks weren't enslaving other blacks there would have been no need for the ships in the first place.

Slavery was, and still is a BLACK ISSUE!
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