Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

Yes.. plenty of laws are not in the constitution.... but ones that specifically grant powers to the federal government beyond those specifically granted in the constitution, are wrong...

Based on what authority? Rightist dogma?

just because the constitutional process has been thwarted for the sake of power, favor, lust, or whatever else, does not validate it's doing

What evidence do you have that the ‘Constitutional process’ has been ‘thwarted’? That you disagree with how the Court has ruled over the decades? That’s not evidence, that’s ignorant rightwing whining.


Helvering v. Davis


That’s not completely accurate.

Marbury also codified the doctrine of judicial review and the Court’s authority to interpret the meaning of the Constitution:


[Chief Justice Marshall] declared that Madison should have delivered the commission to Marbury; however, he ruled that the Court lacked the power to issue writs of mandamus. While a section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 granted the Court the power to issue writs of mandamus, the Court ruled that this exceeded the authority allotted the Court under Article III of the Constitution and was therefore null and void. So, while the case limited the court's power in one sense, it greatly enhanced it in another by ultimately establishing the court's power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional. Just as important, it emphasized that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and that the Supreme Court is the arbiter and final authority of the Constitution. As a result of this court ruling, the Supreme Court became an equal partner in the government.

FindLaw Supreme Court Center: Landmark Decisions

And as Professor Joel Grossman noted:

[T]he Court - in an opinion authored by Chief Justice John Marshall - ruled that it was not bound by an act of Congress that was "repugnant to the Constitution."

William Rehnquist has described Marbury as "the most famous case ever decided by the United States Supreme Court." But, at the time it was issued, neither Marshall nor his chief adversary (and cousin), Thomas Jefferson, could have imagined the further growth and acceptance of the power of judicial review that Marbury declared.

FindLaw's Writ - Grossman: The 200th Anniversary of Marbury v. Madison

Other branches of government may indeed interpret the Constitution in the context of their mandate; but the doctrine of judicial review is unique to the Supreme Court; as the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, so too are the Court’s rulings – they are consequently final and binding.
also not exactly true.

The dicta you cite in marbury applies to the courts in the apllication of the law. the SCOTUS rulings are final and binding on the courts. It of course effects the other branches because the executive would be waisting its time enforcing a law the courts would not apply. That however does not change the fact that the courts have NO power to force the executive to enforce a law they themselves deem unconstitutional. marbury in no way suggests the courts have either a monopoly or a supreme ability to interpret the law. No court ruling can prevent the congress from passing a law simply because the courts found a previous law unconstitutional (so much for the final say), neither could they stop the president from signing and enforcing it. What they could do is not apply the law in court when cases were bought before them rendering enforcement moot.

In fact, courts do not actually interpret the law in 99.99% of the cases, what they do is decide which of the interpretations presented to them is the more correct (and most times defer to the executives interpretation). it is the executive branch that must first interpret the law, how else could they enforce it? The court in it's function determines if the executive is interpreting the law correctly in its enforcement when they (the court) apply the law. They do this by listenning to arguments about how the law should be interpreted from the two appelant parties. they do not interpret the law for themselves, they decide between the interpretations presented to them.

Congress: Determine and define
Executive: Interpret and enforce
Courts: Decide and apply

also your essay there is misleading on one fact, the court in marbury did not declare that it alone was not bound by a law of the congress repugnant to the constitution, they declared that ALL agencies of government including the courts were not bound by an act of the congresss repugnant to the constitution. To declare that they alone were not bound would set the opinions of the court above the constitution itself.
Polls: Gingrich Grows on GOP Voters - Washington Wire - WSJ

As more and more Americans watch the debates, they see a Statesman with a deep grasp of the issues that effect us today. Newt can bring our country back to where the Founders intended.. A free Republic. This country is heading toward a Socialist State and if the leftists have their way, as with Woodrow Wilson who plunged America in to Progressivism ,( a nice word for communism).. we will be catapulted toward that end goal should Barry and company retain power. We cannot and will not allow our beloved America to fall. Newt has a proven track record.. His personal life aside which never seems to matter to liberals when it's their guy in office.. He can and will get the job done. His reverence for the office and love of country demands no less. Send Newt to face Barry.. and let the debates begin.
Anybody who tried to balance the budget in the next five years (5 year plan? soounds communist to me) is going to crash this economy.

Taking money out of a system that is already lacking money is seriously a dumb idea.

The solution is either deficit spending or giving the banks a serious haricut.

By haircut I mean having them write OFF debts.

Now obviously nobody holding debt instruments is going to support that move, but it may come down to that here in the USA just like it is already happening to EURO banks holding Greece's debts.

You cannot squeeze blood out of a stone.
Anybody who tried to balance the budget in the next five years (5 year plan? soounds communist to me) is going to crash this economy.

Taking money out of a system that is already lacking money is seriously a dumb idea.

The solution is either deficit spending or giving the banks a serious haricut.

By haircut I mean having them write OFF debts.

Now obviously nobody holding debt instruments is going to support that move, but it may come down to that here in the USA just like it is already happening to EURO banks holding Greece's debts.

You cannot squeeze blood out of a stone.

Newt has already done it once.. that's why he's running.. He's laid out the MASSIVE cuts he intends to back once he's President. Moronic liberals think they can spend us out of debt.. HOW STUPID CAN ONE BE?????
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I smell fear... liberals know this man will clean that IDIOT Barry's clock.. Just a walk in the park.
This is a man who GOT IT DONE:

When Newt Gingrich was sworn in as the first Republican Speaker of the House in forty years in January 1995, the Congressional Budget Office projected that over the next decade the cumulative federal budget deficits would total $2.7 trillion. Shortly after Gingrich left office in January 1999, CBO projected that over the next decade that federal surpluses would total over $2.3 trillion– a four-year turnaround in the financial outlook of the United States of $5 trillion
When Newt Gingrich was sworn in as the first Republican Speaker of the House in forty years in January 1995, the Congressional Budget Office projected that over the next decade the cumulative federal budget deficits would total $2.7 trillion. Shortly after Gingrich left office in January 1999, CBO projected that over the next decade that federal surpluses would total over $2.3 trillion– a four-year turnaround in the financial outlook of the United States of $5 trillion

There's a reason he doesn't actually point to anything he did to account for that.
Barry has presided over the Second Depression of the United States. Newt presided over one of the largest booms in the history of our nation.

Eleven Million New Jobs Created By the American People. In four years, the national unemployment rate fell from 5.6% to 4.2%
When Newt Gingrich was sworn in as the first Republican Speaker of the House in forty years in January 1995, the Congressional Budget Office projected that over the next decade the cumulative federal budget deficits would total $2.7 trillion. Shortly after Gingrich left office in January 1999, CBO projected that over the next decade that federal surpluses would total over $2.3 trillion– a four-year turnaround in the financial outlook of the United States of $5 trillion

There's a reason he doesn't actually point to anything he did to account for that.

Legislation and numbers don't lie. Next.
This is what the Socialist Left fear most from Newt:

Bipartisan Welfare Reform that Lifted Millions from Poverty. Within five years of the passage of bipartisan welfare reform, child poverty had dropped by nearly a quarter, child poverty in single-parent households reached an all-time low, and nearly two-thirds of those who left welfare were gainfully employed.

Socialist depend upon the Nanny State.. they need hard working Conservatives to support their welfare in all forms.
Sorry, are you saying PRWORA balanced the budget and created 11 million jobs? Or are we talking about it because it's pretty much the only "success" Newt can point to from his tenure?
Legislation and numbers don't lie. Next.

Great, what legislation are we talking about?

As a co-author of the 1994 Contract with America, Gingrich was in the forefront of the Republican Party's dramatic success in that year's Congressional elections and subsequently was elected Speaker of the House. In 1995, Time magazine named him "Man of the Year" for his role in leading the Republican Revolution in the House, ending 40 years of the Democratic Party being in the majority. During his tenure as Speaker, he represented the public face of the Republican opposition to President Bill Clinton. Under his Speakership, Congress passed and Clinton signed the 1996 reform of welfare, a capital gains tax cut and the first balanced budget since 1969.


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