Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

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Lets contrast Newt and Barry, shall we?

Over $400 Billion of National Debt Paid Down During the Balanced Budget Years. During his four year Speakership, Gingrich led a reduction in the share of the public debt for every worker in the amount of $2,484. (Compared to an increase of $26,302 per worker under Obama.)
During his tenure as Speaker, he represented the public face of the Republican opposition to President Bill Clinton. Under his Speakership, Congress passed and Clinton signed the 1996 reform of welfare, a capital gains tax cut and the first balanced budget since 1969.

The one budget Newtians seem to be proud of was an abject failure that still haunts the nation to this day. It benefits only from a (now) misleading title and a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy that could be dispelled with about 3 minutes of research.
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Barrys LEGACY:

The growth in the U.S. unemployment rate continues to outpace the rest of the world. Since February, the average unemployment rate for the European Union has grown by 1.2 percentage points. By contrast, the U.S. unemployment rate has grown by 1.9 percentage points - a 58 percent greater increase. Nor does the rate look particularly strong compared with what economists were predicting at the beginning of last year. Back in mid-January 2009, business economists and forecasters surveyed by the Wall Street Journal expected the December unemployment rate to be at 8.6 percent.

EDITORIAL: Obama's 17% unemployment rate - Washington Times
Another Barry statistic, Barry and the dingbat Dim Congress:

Unemployment Jumps Under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid

in Deregulate to Stimulate, Economy, Employment, Stimulus to Nowhere

Unemployment averaged about 5.2 percent under both Clinton and Bush, but rose to an average of 9.43 percent under Obama (the current rate is at least 9.6 percent, and may rise to over 10 percent next year). See this graph. The unemployment rate began rising in 2007, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) took charge of Congress (their control of Congress led to massive increases in federal spending). It rose further after passage of the $800 billion stimulus package under Obama. 48 out of 50 states have lost jobs since passage of the stimulus package. The Obama administration mistakenly said the stimulus would keep unemployment under 8 percent.

Unemployment Jumps Under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid

Newt will bring Barry kicking and screaming to the debate table and force Barry to run on his HORRIFIC record of JOB LOSS, MALAISE..

Unemployment Rate Hits 9.7% Under Barack Obama … Highest Rate Since 1983
Of all the republican candidates, the one least likely democrats will vote for is Gingrich, regardless his ‘record.’

A republican presidential candidate will always need a good number of democrats to vote for him if he’s to win. Democrats hate Gingrich, it’s one of many reasons he can’t win.
The Socialist record of Barry and Pelosi- the two America cannot afford!

Only 45.4% of Americans had jobs in 2010, the lowest rate since 1983
US Now Has Largest Percent Deficit to GDP of Any Developed Economy

The LEFT'S agenda to destroy capitalism has been at break neck speed.. Send a message and a stopper- NEWT 2012
Of all the republican candidates, the one least likely democrats will vote for is Gingrich, regardless his ‘record.’

A republican presidential candidate will always need a good number of democrats to vote for him if he’s to win. Democrats hate Gingrich, it’s one of many reasons he can’t win.

Barry can't run and hide beneath the Liberal Slime Media's panties when facing off with Newt in Lincoln Style debates.. He WILL BE FORCED to defend his record.. Not even Mother Teresa could make his HORRIBLE record look good. I'll bet he doesn't have the GUTS to face off with Newt.. He's a coward.. and we all know it. Time will tell. Newt WILL BE our candidate and NEWT will be the next President of the United States. Count on it.

With both in support of mandated healthcare I cannot see any difference between the two.
No matter what he says now will not change what he said back in the 90's Especially when he tried to get around the question of are you for mandated healthcare coverage. He is against it now for political purposes. That's all it's just that simple I am sorry if you disagree.
Anybody who tried to balance the budget in the next five years (5 year plan? soounds communist to me) is going to crash this economy.

Taking money out of a system that is already lacking money is seriously a dumb idea.

The solution is either deficit spending or giving the banks a serious haricut.

By haircut I mean having them write OFF debts.

Now obviously nobody holding debt instruments is going to support that move, but it may come down to that here in the USA just like it is already happening to EURO banks holding Greece's debts.

You cannot squeeze blood out of a stone.

Newt has already done it once.. that's why he's running.. He's laid out the MASSIVE cuts he intends to back once he's President. Moronic liberals think they can spend us out of debt.. HOW STUPID CAN ONE BE?????

Not out of debt, LGS, out of this balance sheet depression we're stuck in.

But of the two approaches I prefer that we just give the holders of all that dubious debt a haircut.

Now that wouldn't increase the debtload, it would eliminate it.

That is what the EU is planning on doing, right now.

Don't get me wrong, though, reducing the debt by proclaimation comes with a different set of problems.

Foremost among those problems is the fact that the Banksters won't be much interested in lending money to governments henceforth.

But really, think about it.

Do we really want our governments to be borrowing money in the future?

I suspect you don't, and I don't either.
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He's been divorced as many times as Limbough. Why would the party who claims to represent family values want him as a banner carrier?
I think LAdy GUn Slinger is vying to be Newt's 4th (or is it 5th?) wife

And your asinine comment furthers the debate in what manner???

What debate? All you do is toot Newt's horn and act like he single-handedly balanced the budget, then when you're called out and asked to prove it, all you can do is post propaganda from Newt's own website. It's little more than you publicly blowing Newt.

You're going to have to wait for that ring from Tiffany's until Newt's current wife is in the hospital and dying of cancer. That's how Newt rolls.
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He's been divorced as many times as Limbough. Why would the party who claims to represent family values want him as a banner carrier?

Haven't you noticed? They don't actually represent family values. They just talk like they do. When the cameras are off and they get back to their private lives, they cheat on their wives and bang young men. True story.

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