Americans Don’t Disagree About What Racism Is ... White People Do


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Mar 11, 2015
You see this here at USMB.

Americans Don’t Disagree About What Racism Is ... White People Do

Michael Harriot

Of all the entitlements that fall under the umbrella of the oft-rejected term “white privilege,” perhaps the biggest is the opportunity to exist in theory. White people are afforded the freedom of living in a perpetual state of grand delusion which allows them, among other things, to create reality out of hypothetical thin air.

As the dominant members of society, they get to trade in false equivalencies and define their existence by dismissing everything that doesn’t fit their narrative. They preface sentences with “all things being equal” or “imagine if a white person said ...” They can vote for a white supremacist and call it “racial anxiety.” They can create a term like “reverse racism” out of whole cloth.

To them, reality isn’t important. What matters are the things that feel real to them.

On Tuesday, the conservative outlet, the Federalist posted an article by David Marcus entitled: “Americans Disagree About what Racism is, and It’s a Big Problem.”

The thesis of the article is based on the narrative of false equivalence that has been adopted by the conservative right. Specifically, that non-whites are allowed to play the race card at their leisure while white people are criticized and painted as racist for doing the same things.

From the outset, the author’s explanation of race and racism is misguided. At its heart, it illustrates the point that many white people don’t understand about racism. Marcus writes:

There are two basic definitions of racism in the United States, one roughly associated with progressives and one roughly associated with conservatives. The former describes racism as the failure to acknowledge and seek to redress systemic discrimination against select disadvantaged minority groups. It is very broad and captures everything from unconscious bias to white supremacy. The latter views racism as making assumptions about, or taking action towards, an individual or group on the sole basis of their race. It is narrow and generally requires belief, intent, and animosity.

These definitions don’t simply differ; to a great extent they actually contradict each other. Much of the contradiction stems from the fact that the progressive definition of racism requires that an advantaged individual or group must be attacking the less privileged. The more conservative and narrow definition of racism requires no appeal to power structures, only to bias, and can be committed by anyone towards anyone.

This oft-cited bullshit argument must finally be dismantled.

First, we must agree that racism has nothing to do with “belief,” intent or animosity. It is the result of actions and policies that create and perpetuate racism. The grand delusion that one can only be racist if there is hate in one’s heart is the biggest myth of white supremacy and one of the largest reasons it still exists.

Regardless of how they define racism, it is perpetuated by white America. White supremacy is a measurable, tangible reality that is upheld by white people and it can only be dismantled by white people. And the only way white people will ever do that is to stop living in theory and face the harsh reality.

Americans Don’t Disagree About What Racism Is ... White People Do
The problem is people spending WAAAAAAAAAY too much time and energy looking for Racism around every corner, in every written word, in every sideways glance, every interaction. It is a sad way to live one's life.
Well if you know IM2, all he does is scour the internet trying to prove that every white person on this board is a bigoted racist. Frankly, that makes him the most disagreeable and depressing person on this forum.
,.....God Damn those white people!!!! good call IM2---keep it coming ..those damn whites just can't stop being racist...I hear you brother
The problem is people spending WAAAAAAAAAY too much time and energy looking for Racism around every corner, in every written word, in every sideways glance, every interaction. It is a sad way to live one's life.

That's not the problem and you eximplfy what the writer is talking about .

"White people are afforded the freedom of living in a perpetual state of grand delusion which allows them, among other things, to create reality out of hypothetical thin air."
Well if you know IM2, all he does is scour the internet trying to prove that every white person on this board is a bigoted racist. Frankly, that makes him the most disagreeable and depressing person on this forum.

Since you don't know me, it means that your comment is wrong. But what you are is a white racist afflicted with white fragility. This is why you only complain when blacks here point out white racism but say nothing to your fellow white supremacists.
Blah, blah,blah...
Dominate member of society?
That would be the millionaires pandering to minorities from their gated high security mansions. The ones who screw us all. That is where your privilege is and you are fine with it as long as they mouth the right words.
Just another division gimp thread by the site race pimp.
In more than twenty years of running diversity-training and cultural-competency workshops for American companies, the academic and educator Robin DiAngelo has noticed that white people are sensationally, histrionically bad at discussing racism. Like waves on sand, their reactions form predictable patterns: they will insist that they “were taught to treat everyone the same,” that they are “color-blind,” that they “don’t care if you are pink, purple, or polka-dotted.” They will point to friends and family members of color, a history of civil-rights activism, or a more “salient” issue, such as class or gender. They will shout and bluster. They will cry. In 2011, DiAngelo coined the term “white fragility” to describe the disbelieving defensiveness that white people exhibit when their ideas about race and racism are challenged—and particularly when they feel implicated in white supremacy. Why, she wondered, did her feedback prompt such resistance, as if the mention of racism were more offensive than the fact or practice of it?

In a new book, “White Fragility,” DiAngelo attempts to explicate the phenomenon of white people’s paper-thin skin. She argues that our largely segregated society is set up to insulate whites from racial discomfort, so that they fall to pieces at the first application of stress—such as, for instance, when someone suggests that “flesh-toned” may not be an appropriate name for a beige crayon. Unused to unpleasantness (more than unused to it—racial hierarchies tell white people that they are entitled to peace and deference), they lack the “racial stamina” to engage in difficult conversations. This leads them to respond to “racial triggers”—the show “Dear White People,” the term “wypipo”—with “emotions such as anger, fear and guilt,” DiAngelo writes, “and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and withdrawal from the stress-inducing situation.”

DiAngelo, who is white, emphasizes that the stances that make up white fragility are not merely irrational. (Or even comical, though some of her anecdotes—participants in a voluntary anti-racism workshop dissolving with umbrage at any talk of racism—simmer with perverse humor. “I have found that the only way to give feedback without triggering white fragility is not to give it at all,” she remarks wryly.) These splutterings “work,” DiAngelo explains, “to reinstate white equilibrium as they repel the challenge, return our racial comfort, and maintain our dominance within the racial hierarchy.” She finds that the social costs for a black person in awakening the sleeping dragon of white fragility often prove so high that many black people don’t risk pointing out discrimination when they see it. And the expectation of “white solidarity”—white people will forbear from correcting each other’s racial missteps, to preserve the peace—makes genuine allyship elusive. White fragility holds racism in place.

A Sociologist Examines the “White Fragility” That Prevents White Americans from Confronting Racism
Blah, blah,blah...
Dominate member of society?
That would be the millionaires pandering to minorities from their gated high security mansions. The ones who screw us all. That is where your privilege is and you are fine with it as long as they mouth the right words.
Just another division gimp thread by the site race pimp.
Another example of white fragility. The delusion of racial unity is strong in this one.
Blah, blah,blah...
Dominate member of society?
That would be the millionaires pandering to minorities from their gated high security mansions. The ones who screw us all. That is where your privilege is and you are fine with it as long as they mouth the right words.
Just another division gimp thread by the site race pimp.
Another example of white fragility. The delusion of racial unity is strong in this one.
Nah, Mr Broadbrush.
Your one line pony show is simply old and boring.

I applaud the extensive copy/paste though.
It must have been the most exhausting 30 seconds of your life.

Too bad many don't take all that effort serious, and that drives you nuts. Speaking of fragility, and all that.
Blah, blah,blah...
Dominate member of society?
That would be the millionaires pandering to minorities from their gated high security mansions. The ones who screw us all. That is where your privilege is and you are fine with it as long as they mouth the right words.
Just another division gimp thread by the site race pimp.
Another example of white fragility. The delusion of racial unity is strong in this one.
Nah, Mr Broadbrush.
Your one line pony show is simply old and boring.

I applaud the extensive copy/paste though.
It must have been the most exhausting 30 seconds of your life.

Too bad many don't take all that effort serious, and that drives you nuts. Speaking of fragility, and all that.
More white fragility.

Let me tell you what's tired and one line pony. Whites like you.

You just want us to shut up about your racism and it drives you crazy that we're in here in your online klavern putting a mirror to your face.

The supreme court ruled recently that institutional racism was still a problem. You benefit from that. We all aren't in the same boat white boy and that's a fact.
Racism is a word
Your faggot racist ass don't get to redefine it
Since I didn't redefine it, and your whites ass doesn't get to define it either, go put your tv dinner in the oven and STFU.
And here we go. Another example of weak white fragile males who can't accept the fact of how they do not get to make shit up then claim what they have made up is reality.
The author of the article is pretty damned racist. He's obsessed with white people and exercises his black privilege by making big money saying racist things about them.
Oops, I forgot the fragile white racist females who a clicking the laughers. Funny how the some of the number 1 recipients of affirmative action think.

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