American Heroine,...Unsung


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There is that old, and true, aphorism: one can only find justice in the dictionary, or the cemetery.

Yup....don't look for justice on this plane, because "The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;"

1. Now, take Senator Joseph McCarthy....'The good is oft interred with their bones;'
And any thread defending the Senator will draw scads of self-proclaimed 'informed' individuals who are certain that the Senator was a beast who destroyed innocent Americans.

Yet, when pressed to name even one innocent individual, not a communist or supporter, who was ruined or destroyed by the Senator, the fact that they cannot do so has not the slightest impact on their "thinking."
Isn't that the definition of 'brain-washed"?

2. Of course, McCarthy was correct. There is evidence, old and new. The new is the disclosures of the KGB archives, opened in 1991, when the Soviet Union imploded.
The old would be the tons of government officials ID'd as Soviet agents by Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers. In fact, Bentley and Chambers "only knew the half of it....KGB sources of whom they were unaware honeycombed the federal government and its scientific laboratories."
Haynes, Klehr, and Vassiliev, "Spies," p. 195.

And "The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;"

applies not just to men!

3. Elizabeth Bentley was an American spy for the Soviet Union from 1938 until 1945. November 7, 1945, she defected from the Communist Party and Soviet intelligence and became an informer for the U.S. She exposed two networks of spies, ultimately naming over 80 Americans who had engaged in espionage for the Soviets.
Olmsted, "Red Spy Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth Bentley."

a. Her defection to the FBI was "the single most disastrous event in the history of Soviet intelligence in America." Her revelations revealed the link between the American Communist Party and Soviet intelligence.
Haynes, Klehr, Vassiliev, Op. Cit.

b. Bentley identified around 150 network members or collaborators.
M. Stanton Evans, "Blacklisted by History," p. 124.

c. BTW, the November 7th date of her defection, was the anniversary of Lenin's 1917 takeover of the Russian Revolution.

4. Even into the 1990's, when Haynes and Klehr exposed the evidence in the KGB archives, the truth was disbelieved in many quarters, and still is today (see item #1 above).

5. I've been to Yale University, and seen the statue of Nathan Hale, a Yale grad. But wouldn't it be appropriate of Vassar have one of their alum, Elizabeth Bentley?
Two spies to whom America owes a debt. So...why no Bentley memorial?

Here's why:

"On the American college campus, hothouse of Marxist pedagogues and incubator of American elites, a spy against the colonial British monarchy merits celebration whereas a spy against the colonial Communist dictatorship is anathema. In that Marxist-influenced outlook lies our greatest problem: the anti-anti-communist stranglehold on the narrative." Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 80.

6. Not only is a figure like Bentley hated in the academy, but, get this: Bard College in NY has an "Alger Hiss Professor of Social Studies."

a. Columbia University has the Corliss Lamont Chair of Civil Liberties."

b. The University of Washington is home to the "Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies."

c. The University of Colorado has the Dalton Trumbo Free Speech Fountain.

7. Refresher: those are memorials to America-haters.
Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy.

a. "[Corliss] Lamont and his wife made a pilgrimage to Moscow and loved what they saw,... the Lamonts returned home to America to report the “great deal of happiness,” the “new human nature” they had discovered in communist Russia. “[T]he new world of the twentieth century is the Soviet Union,” they glowed to their progressive comrades. “And no one who is seriously interested in the progress of the human spirit can afford to miss it.” Even as the Lamonts wrote those words, Stalin was ramping up his forced famine, his Great Purge, and launching his annihilation of tens of millions of people..... as ACLU Director, Lamont became a key figure in the Communist organization Friends of the Soviet Union..." Corliss Lamont - Discover the Networks

b. "Alfred Renton Bridges was an Australian citizen, a San Francisco labor leader, a secret member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party,[1] and a clandestine Soviet operative.... documentation from the archives of the fallen Soviet Union identifies Bridges not only as a member of the Communist Party USA but also as a clandestine member of the CPUSA’s Central Committee....., "was a member of the Central Committee of the American Communist Party, a perjurer, a lifelong servant of the greatest mass murderer in human history and a sworn enemy of the United States.” Harry Bridges - Conservapedia

c. Dalton Trumbo. "Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, Dalton Trumbo was a secret member of the Communist Party of theUnited States (CPUSA), which was a secret revolutionary organization loyal to the Soviet Union. Trumbo was a Stalinist, faithfully following every twist and turn in the Party line. And he was a person who participated in the Party's traditional suppression of free expression..... Dalton Trumbo was also part of the savage Communist Party inquisition against the director Robert Rossen in 1949, because of Rossen's film, "All the King's Men." Party Headquarters in New York thought that his film was too much an attack on one-man rule--i.e., Stalin. " FrontPage Magazine - Fountain of Lies

So.....I guess we'll see a statue dedicated to Elizabeth Bentley right after we see the one to Senator McCarthy......

Where are the two places one can find justice?
Not on a college campus today.
You really want to fuck McCarthy from the grave huh?
I think you're pretty shallow and idiotic, myself - so I'll consider your opinion of my screen name in the same way I consider Ahhhnuuuld an honest and loving Husband.

I wasn't looking to "prove" something, twit. I don't set out to messageboards to prove shit, I'd like to think I'm a bit more secure than someone (a-hem) who obsessively does that sort of thing for no name strangers over an alias.

It's interesting, is why I posted it.
I think you're pretty shallow and idiotic, myself - so I'll consider your opinion of my screen name in the same way I consider Ahhhnuuuld an honest and loving Husband.

I wasn't looking to "prove" something, twit. I don't set out to messageboards to prove shit, I'd like to think I'm a bit more secure than someone (a-hem) who obsessively does that sort of thing for no name strangers over an alias.

It's interesting, is why I posted it.

Glad to see you slink away as the coward that you are.

"I wasn't looking to "prove" something,..."
Of course you were....
...or did you happen to select that vid at random?

You provided a vid of the Army Hearings as though it would somehow counter the OP.

It does not.

You, being a moron, now have to retreat.....

Certainly glad that my promise to rip you a new one shamed you into that lie.
Obama's parents were in the latter group.. the group of America hating Soviet Sympathizers. Obama was raised and indoctrinated into that ideology. Now we have one descendent from those America hating communists sympathizers running the country...Sadly this is where we are in this country:(
Why could'nt you just come out and say what you need to say in 2-3 sentences PoliChic? No one, wants to wade through your wordy :blahblah: OP's formatted in what style exactly? NO ONE!!! :mad: GET A CLUE!!! :banghead: :boohoo:
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I think you're pretty shallow and idiotic, myself - so I'll consider your opinion of my screen name in the same way I consider Ahhhnuuuld an honest and loving Husband.

I wasn't looking to "prove" something, twit. I don't set out to messageboards to prove shit, I'd like to think I'm a bit more secure than someone (a-hem) who obsessively does that sort of thing for no name strangers over an alias.

It's interesting, is why I posted it.

Glad to see you slink away as the coward that you are.

"I wasn't looking to "prove" something,..."
Of course you were....
...or did you happen to select that vid at random?

You provided a vid of the Army Hearings as though it would somehow counter the OP.

It does not.

You, being a moron, now have to retreat.....

Certainly glad that my promise to rip you a new one shamed you into that lie.

You, being a moron, thought I linked to a video of the army hearings.

No, it's a discussion on the army hearings. You fail, again.

again and again
Why couldd'nt you just come out and say what you need to say in 2-3 sentences PoliChic? No one, wants to wade through your wordy :blahblah: OP's formatted in what style exactly. GET A CLUE!!! :banghead: :boohoo:

Her format it retarded.
After all the movies and books about spies why do some believe the USSR didn't have spies, or even the US? Perhaps one of the differences is when we catch a spy in America politicians turn into a political event and use the event for political gain? In short, we use the spy game for political purposes and perhaps some of the other nations do not? Certainly, Senator McCarthy used the spy thing for his political purposes and I often wonder if his bungling helped or hurt. In any case I suspect there were some stories in the real spy world about the Senator.
Why couldd'nt you just come out and say what you need to say in 2-3 sentences PoliChic? No one, wants to wade through your wordy :blahblah: OP's formatted in what style exactly. GET A CLUE!!! :banghead: :boohoo:

Her format it retarded.


what format is it Poligrrl?

It's the lazy man's way to let a plethora of sources say you thesis for you, as opposed to writing it by yourself, in a cogent and concise paragraph form like a normal human being.

It's all a part of the glaring insecurity which is screenname politicalchic.
Her format it retarded.


what format is it Poligrrl?

It's the lazy man's way to let a plethora of sources say you thesis for you, as opposed to writing it by yourself, in a cogent and concise paragraph form like a normal human being.

It's all a part of the glaring insecurity which is screenname politicalchic.

You're prolly right. She needs to get that addressed ;)

I might read her OP's, once in a while, if she didn't go out of her way to make them so tedious. :thup:
Why couldd'nt you just come out and say what you need to say in 2-3 sentences PoliChic? No one, wants to wade through your wordy :blahblah: OP's formatted in what style exactly? NO ONE!!! :mad: GET A CLUE!!! :banghead: :boohoo:

Here's a thought: don't read it if it's over your head.

As for the chances that you'll have any effect on the way I have a better chance with the Powerball Lottery.

Consider me more like Pavlov's cat.
After all the movies and books about spies why do some believe the USSR didn't have spies, or even the US? Perhaps one of the differences is when we catch a spy in America politicians turn into a political event and use the event for political gain? In short, we use the spy game for political purposes and perhaps some of the other nations do not? Certainly, Senator McCarthy used the spy thing for his political purposes and I often wonder if his bungling helped or hurt. In any case I suspect there were some stories in the real spy world about the Senator.

So very disappointed in you, reggie.

Are you this jejune....or do you really believe that the efforts of the USSR were aimed at eavesdropping, or even stealing battle plans?

Bulletin: They were aimed at overthrowing the government of the United States.
Ultimately, they were designed to bring gulags and Ukraine-starvation to a neighborhood near you.

You see, Roosevelt's New Deal was riddled with communists....paid agents of Stalin.

At a dinner party, a number administration officials spilled the beans, spoke openly about the plans to cause a revolution so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image.

"Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States.....garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them.
(Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin." The Washington Monthly

"William Albert Wirt (1874–1938) was a superintendent of schools in Gary, Indiana. Wirt developed the Gary Plan for the more efficient use of school facilities, a reform of the Progressive Movement that was widely adopted in other cities.... After his testimony against the Roosevelt Brain Trust, he was denounced as a reactionary by Democrats and those on the left,..."

what format is it Poligrrl?

It's the lazy man's way to let a plethora of sources say you thesis for you, as opposed to writing it by yourself, in a cogent and concise paragraph form like a normal human being.

It's all a part of the glaring insecurity which is screenname politicalchic.

You're prolly right. She needs to get that addressed ;)

I might read her OP's, once in a while, if she didn't go out of her way to make them so tedious. :thup:

Thank you, Betty and Moronica!

I will take your critique under advisement....and give it all the consideration it deserves.
Bet on it!
After all the movies and books about spies why do some believe the USSR didn't have spies, or even the US? Perhaps one of the differences is when we catch a spy in America politicians turn into a political event and use the event for political gain? In short, we use the spy game for political purposes and perhaps some of the other nations do not? Certainly, Senator McCarthy used the spy thing for his political purposes and I often wonder if his bungling helped or hurt. In any case I suspect there were some stories in the real spy world about the Senator.

So very disappointed in you, reggie.

Are you this jejune....or do you really believe that the efforts of the USSR were aimed at eavesdropping, or even stealing battle plans?

Bulletin: They were aimed at overthrowing the government of the United States.
Ultimately, they were designed to bring gulags and Ukraine-starvation to a neighborhood near you.

You see, Roosevelt's New Deal was riddled with communists....paid agents of Stalin.

At a dinner party, a number administration officials spilled the beans, spoke openly about the plans to cause a revolution so they can rebuild America in the Soviet's image.

"Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States.....garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them.
(Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin." The Washington Monthly

"William Albert Wirt (1874–1938) was a superintendent of schools in Gary, Indiana. Wirt developed the Gary Plan for the more efficient use of school facilities, a reform of the Progressive Movement that was widely adopted in other cities.... After his testimony against the Roosevelt Brain Trust, he was denounced as a reactionary by Democrats and those on the left,..."

So for all the work the USSR put into overthrowing our government the USSR is now gone and the US has survived. I would have to say the USSR spies were as incompetent as Senator McCarthy, well maybe a close race anyway. Still, I don't think any USSR spy waved a paper in the Kremlin saying "I have in my hand...." The sad thing about McCarthy is that the episode was almost funny but not quite, more pathetic perhaps.
So for all the work the USSR put into overthrowing our government the USSR is now gone and the US has survived. I would have to say the USSR spies were as incompetent as Senator McCarthy, well maybe a close race anyway. Still, I don't think any USSR spy waved a paper in the Kremlin saying "I have in my hand...." The sad thing about McCarthy is that the episode was almost funny but not quite, more pathetic perhaps.
Incorrect Poindexter

Soviet spies adroitly infiltrated the U.S. government and the Manhattan Project which led to their stealing the secrets of how to build an atomic bomb. .. :cool:

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