In 1935, the Kremlin broke its pledge not to interfere in U. S. domestic politics.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
So, Russian interference in U.S. domestic politics has a long history. Obviously, from this 1935 date, they had been doing so previous to 1935.

So, why did the MSM, Dems, and the usual suspect Republicans get all in a tither about them dong what they've been doing for a century or so in 2016? Oh, right, just more anti Trump blather from the deep state.

In fact, Øbama ignored the warnings he received in 2014 about Russian meddling and did nothing about it.


In 1935, the Kremlin broke its pledge not to interfere in U. S. domestic politics. In response, Ambassador Bullitt returned to Washington in disgust, leaving Henderson for a time as chargé d'affaires in Moscow. As chargé, Henderson warned Washington that the Soviet Union was likely to cooperate with Nazi Germany. Four years later, Moscow signed the Soviet-German Non-aggression Pact of 1939. Henderson was one of the contributors to the Welles declaration of 1940, which established US non recognition policy of Baltic states occupation by Soviet Union.

Henderson deeply distrusted the Kremlin and was at odds with the enthusiasm most Americans—and President Roosevelt—had in early 1942 for their new Soviet wartime allies. On the occasion of the third anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Soviet Union, however, he submitted in a memorandum as Chargé in the Soviet Union to the Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, dated November 16, 1936, a description of the failure of the last years giving a lot place to the arguments of the Soviet side to raise a better understanding.

Nevertheless Eleanor Roosevelt and other Soviet sympathizers in the White House pressured the State Department to transfer Henderson out of the Soviet section. As a result, Henderson was sent to Baghdad as the U.S. ambassador to Iraq. "A man of the highest character, absolutely incorruptible....Overruled time after time, he asked in 1943 to be relieved of his duties as chief of the division".



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