all you obama haters etc....

Paranoia? LOL You're such a idiot that you don't even see what I was saying.
Go take an IQ test Forrest Gump:clap2::clap2:

wow, the ignorance of some is absolutely amazing
yes, i saw what you wrote, moron, if you dont want to look like a moron, stop posting moronic shit
Publius Infinitum said:
No one is wishing the Marxist Muslim that the anti-American subversives voted into the highest office of power in the world will do poorly. We're merely noting that given that which he has professed, he will slow economic growth, usurp individual liberty and undermine the security of the US on the whole...

That is a mathematical certainty...

My goodness, you mean that he will be George W. Bush #2?

LOL... To be GWB#2, Hussein will have to govern from the center... Hussein professed Marxism, he panned to the radical left... Now IF he tries to govern from the left, the economy of GW Bush (and I'm speaking of the actual economy, decidedly NOT the mythical economy drawn from the Marxist ether which the left desperately needs to project to distract from the actual Bush economy...) will appear as the purest essence of unspeakable prosperity.

What you idiots can't seem to understand is that Bush is a fascist. Meaning that Bush likes to blend his capitalism with a healthy dose of socialism... Bush is a strong nationalist, believing in the bedrock strength of the US, but sadly, he falls prey to the erroneous belief that the core principles on which the US is founded, should be blended with a large dose of 'compassion'... which inevitably comes at the cost of violating, disregarding or otherwise setting aside those very principles at one level or another and is imparted through socialist policy, which runs counter to wealth creation. And it is wealth creation which funds all of that EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE compassion... so where one sets policy which runs counter to the CREATION OF WEALTH... it is fairly unlikely that one will ever be able to execute on those promises which REQUIRE THE CREATION OF WEALTH AS THE MEANS TO SUSTAIN THEM...

Now all that means, simply put is that Bush is the truest essence of that most pure of all forms of humanity... the sanctified MODERATE! The Centrist... that believes that 'everyone has some good ideas and some bad ideas.' Which is how he managed to work his way down from 95% approval rating at the end of 2001 (the end of the first calendar year of his first term) to the heady heights of 20-something % at the middle of his last year in office. GW wants to please everyone; he reaches out to the opposition, sets a new, compassionate tone and hopes everyone can respect his decisions...

This in contrast to a Marxist Muslim who is feigning moderation and Christianity.

Of course, many of us knew that Hussein was an empty suit and given that she has now built the Clint-enstien Cabinet, re-energizing a long dead collection of misfits and malcontents, deal-makers and charlatans... this from a complete and total lack of options; everyone is now realizing that this dumbass doesn't have the slightest fucking idea what he is going to do and never really, in his own mind, thought for one second that he might actually be elected... so he's pulling from the remnants of the last albatross that the nation had around its neck.

As I see it at this point, he will try to govern from the center, at least what the left considers center which falls dead center in 'radical left' territory... from which the Marxists need to look hard right to see... and who will be weeping and gnashing their teeth as they are once again rejected... and who will pull this loser farther and farther to the left in the process.

So while you idiots have pretended that the US has been in recession for the last 8 years, you're about to see what a real recession looks like. When you see the cap-gains tax roll up... watch the equity market (look it up) fall; when you see the income tax rates go up, watch the business market fall... when you see the 'socialist bailout' of the auto-industry go up... leaving the US Auto-makers strapped with massive socialist induced operating costs... and ridiculous CAFE and other eco-regulatory demands/expenses... watch the US market's dis-interest in those product force the US auto-makers to fall; at which time you idiots will be standing around blaming 'capitalism'...

Hussein is a Marxist, sis... and a Marxist is the ONLY THING ON THIS EARTH that makes Fascism appealing to anyone.

What you are really afraid of is that he will do great and show how the last eight years of neo-con idiocy has been totally out of step with what this nation represents.

What I am 'afraid of' is that you idiots will, through the election of this Marxist Muslim, have forced me and my fellow Americans to once again recognize and face the certainty that 'in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation ...;' and in so doing risk the forfeiture of my life and the well being of my family as we exercise our rights to remain free.

There is no potential for 'worry' that leftist policy will ever result in 'success;' as for there to be the potential for success where the goal is wealth, the creation of wealth is absolutely essential; thus, as the only potential goal of leftist policy is the undermining of the means to create wealth, the only potential means for Hussein to 'BE SUCCESSFUL' would be for him to project and impart policy which runs counter TO THAT OF LEFTIST POLICY. Which FTR would be fine with me... but that is not going to happen; and for all of the reasons posted above.

As I've said many times; The Ideological left is the means by which the STUPID advance their political voice... thus you idiots simply are not capable of understanding, that IF Leftists were known for their tendency to project wealth building policy, THEY WOULD NOT BE KNOWN AS LEFTISTS...

Now before you go crying that Hussein is not a leftists... let's review...

Hussein, you and the other idiots have long cried that GW Bush is an extreme right winger. In practice and in truth GW Bush is the purest essence of the Moderate; this is incontestable, despite the cries by the left to the contrary.

Now you mentioned in an earlier post that you feel the Nation needs an IQ test... so here's asample question for you: What is the position held on the ideological line, of those that refer to the middle as THE FAR RIGHT?

I trust that answers your question... now feel free to complain that the response was too long, and do so while crying about your vast intellectual means.
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I'm new here so excuse my sprouting off but this is a topic that really knaws at me. A patriotic American wishes the best result possible for the nation irregardless of who occupies the office. That doesn't entail supporting his every decision or policy, or even the majority of them. During the worst days of the Iranian hostage crisis I stood in solidary with the nation praying for their release. I had more faith in Reagan's abilities (evidentally so did the Revolutionary Council) but you have to play the hand you're dealt until the round is over. There's a difference between voicing political opposition and subverting your country in order to facilitate an easier time around for your party candidate. Both fringes of the American political landscape are routinely guilty of shooting holes in the boat in order to spite their political opponent sitting on the other end. At some point a thinking person has to pause and consider unintended consequences of their actions. A desired end does not always justify the means. The bombthrowing political pundents will not agree, it's in their self interest to keep your emotions inflammed or else political and media rating agendas suffers. What the heck else would they have to fill their airtime? Their craft thrives on conflict. A patriot fights for his country. Only a fool fights his duly elected President at the urging of some blowhard on TV or radio. It's the difference between member of the loyal opposition and a political jihadist. Think about it.

Granted that is harsh, but it needs saying.

What it needs is specifics. WHO, exactly, is "fighting the President at the urge of blowhards"? Give examples. And while I realize that it's all the rage to say, "Both sides are equally guilty" in order to establish one's "bipartisan, unbiased" cred, I would really like an example of the right shooting holes in the boat merely to spite their political opponents. They frequently shoot themselves in the foot because they're too spineless to really defend their positions, but I'm drawing a blank on them actively subverting and damaging the country to hurt their opponents.
A thinking conservatives assessment of Obama's choices;

Op-Ed Columnist
The Insider’s Crusade
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Published: November 21, 2008
Jan. 20, 2009, will be a historic day. Barack Obama (Columbia, Harvard Law) will take the oath of office as his wife, Michelle (Princeton, Harvard Law), looks on proudly. Nearby, his foreign policy advisers will stand beaming, including perhaps Hillary Clinton (Wellesley, Yale Law), Jim Steinberg (Harvard, Yale Law) and Susan Rice (Stanford, Oxford D. Phil.).

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David Brooks

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"As long as America denigrates education and achievement as 'elitist' our position in the world will continue to slip."
Gavin, Washington, DC
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The domestic policy team will be there, too, including Jason Furman (Harvard, Harvard Ph.D.), Austan Goolsbee (Yale, M.I.T. Ph.D.), Blair Levin (Yale, Yale Law), Peter Orszag (Princeton, London School of Economics Ph.D.) and, of course, the White House Counsel Greg Craig (Harvard, Yale Law).

This truly will be an administration that looks like America, or at least that slice of America that got double 800s on their SATs. Even more than past administrations, this will be a valedictocracy — rule by those who graduate first in their high school classes. If a foreign enemy attacks the United States during the Harvard-Yale game any time over the next four years, we’re screwed.

Already the culture of the Obama administration is coming into focus. Its members are twice as smart as the poor reporters who have to cover them, three times if you include the columnists. They typically served in the Clinton administration and then, like Cincinnatus, retreated to the comforts of private life — that is, if Cincinnatus had worked at Goldman Sachs, Williams & Connolly or the Brookings Institution. So many of them send their kids to Georgetown Day School, the posh leftish private school in D.C., that they’ll be able to hold White House staff meetings in the carpool line.

And yet as much as I want to resent these overeducated Achievatrons (not to mention the incursion of a French-style government dominated by highly trained Enarchs), I find myself tremendously impressed by the Obama transition.

The fact that they can already leak one big appointee per day is testimony to an awful lot of expert staff work. Unlike past Democratic administrations, they are not just handing out jobs to the hacks approved by the favored interest groups. They’re thinking holistically — there’s a nice balance of policy wonks, governors and legislators. They’re also thinking strategically. As Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute notes, it was smart to name Tom Daschle both the head of Health and Human Services and the health czar. Splitting those duties up, as Bill Clinton did, leads to all sorts of conflicts.

Most of all, they are picking Washington insiders. Or to be more precise, they are picking the best of the Washington insiders.

Obama seems to have dispensed with the romantic and failed notion that you need inexperienced “fresh faces” to change things. After all, it was L.B.J. who passed the Civil Rights Act. Moreover, because he is so young, Obama is not bringing along an insular coterie of lifelong aides who depend upon him for their well-being.

As a result, the team he has announced so far is more impressive than any other in recent memory. One may not agree with them on everything or even most things, but a few things are indisputably true.

First, these are open-minded individuals who are persuadable by evidence. Orszag, who will probably be budget director, is trusted by Republicans and Democrats for his honest presentation of the facts.

Second, they are admired professionals. Conservative legal experts have a high regard for the probable attorney general, Eric Holder, despite the business over the Marc Rich pardon.

Third, they are not excessively partisan. Obama signaled that he means to live up to his postpartisan rhetoric by letting Joe Lieberman keep his committee chairmanship.

Fourth, they are not ideological. The economic advisers, Furman and Goolsbee, are moderate and thoughtful Democrats. Hillary Clinton at State is problematic, mostly because nobody has a role for her husband. But, as she has demonstrated in the Senate, her foreign-policy views are hardheaded and pragmatic. (It would be great to see her set of interests complemented by Samantha Power’s set of interests at the U.N.)

Finally, there are many people on this team with practical creativity. Any think tanker can come up with broad doctrines, but it is rare to find people who can give the president a list of concrete steps he can do day by day to advance American interests. Dennis Ross, who advised Obama during the campaign, is the best I’ve ever seen at this, but Rahm Emanuel also has this capacity, as does Craig and legislative liaison Phil Schiliro.

Believe me, I’m trying not to join in the vast, heaving O-phoria now sweeping the coastal haute bourgeoisie. But the personnel decisions have been superb. The events of the past two weeks should be reassuring to anybody who feared that Obama would veer to the left or would suffer self-inflicted wounds because of his inexperience. He’s off to a start that nearly justifies the hype.

More Articles in Opinion » A version of this article appeared in print on November 21, 2008, on page A35 of the New York edition.
A thinking conservatives assessment of Obama's choices;

David Brooks

All conservatives are open minded thinkers; thus Brooks is nowhere approaching a conservative.

Brooks is a 'progressive,' who happens to be registered as a Republican; he is a fascist, on par with GW Bush; he is part of the problem.

The GOP came to power at the end of a ruinous reign of US Leftist political terror and economic ruin; 8 yrs after the 'Brooks Prescription' of "Compassionate Conservatism" was prescribed, the GOP is all but shut out.

So while I appreciate that Brooks and her fascist comrades are entitled to their opinion, they're not conservatives and they should stop implying otherwise; and they're now welcomed to keep thier 'opinions' to themselves; much more adherence to their 'thinking' and the GOP will be resting on the historical shelf next to the Whigs...
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i have a question...why in the world are you wishing obama does poorly....why? are you really that stupid to hope a sitting president does poorly? what kind of american wishes ill on his country to prove his party or whatever was right? do you really think of yourself as a proud american or simply a proud republican, conservative you can fill in the blank. if you are hoping obama does poorly then you are stupid and need to rethink your loyalities...we need a president to do well and take us out of our current situation....

to the democrats....we are up to our ass in gators...quit trying to drain the we got here is only for historicians to debate now...what is important is how we move forward...there are no past laurels to live on at this point....we need to unite and move forward with the goal of making this the greatest country we can.

my point: we have 4 years of obama...let all hope for the best...lets unite behind the president and hope we can get beyond the current for all of those wishing obama does poorly...stop being stupid partisan ass and realize this country needs to unite and achieve goals that are not beyond us...unless our focus is elsewhere....

so what is more important to you...being a proud republican, democrat or a proud american??? be honest ...can you put your party loyality behind and be a loyal american or will you just whine and bitch and hope for the worse and take glee in all the bad news about obama you can?

Dissent is as American as the Constitution.
i have a question...why in the world are you wishing obama does poorly....why? are you really that stupid to hope a sitting president does poorly? what kind of american wishes ill on his country to prove his party or whatever was right?

Where the hell was this question when it was the left OPENLY and blatantly hoping Bush did poorly and in fact, doing all they could to undermine his Presidency and undermine the confidence of the American people in this President - at every turn? All I saw were leftists and elected Democrats who made it plain they were willing to see the nation suffer longterm damage and consequences, ones that a Democrat President would also have to deal with -if they thought their party MIGHT score some cheap political points by doing so. The left is the group most unwilling to set aside their politics and put the country's best interests first. They don't agree that there are many times when what is in our nation's best interests is in conflict with what may be in their party's best interests. But would admit that even if that were true (which it is) - they would still gladly sacrifice the nation's best interests before those of their party's.

I may have missed the posts -but I haven't seen anyone say they actually hope Obama does poorly. They may still hold grudges about the election itself, the blatant media bias and even EXPECT that Obama will do poorly. Let's face it -the guy is a freshman Senator who waited all of 18 months before using it as a springboard to run for President. He is THE singlemost unqualified person to ever hold this job in at least a century. Eloquent speaking skills will only get the guy so far -especially since no job he has ever held has given him ANY relevant experience at all. He is relying on people who know a heck of a lot more than he does about EVERYTHING -including even just the very basics about how to just set up an executive office. Who is going to hold his hand when it comes to RUNNING it though? His VP doesn't have any more executive experience than he does. I'm not going to be surprised if it turns out to be just a very expensive lesson to Americans about why job experience actually matters and in fact, counts far more than having little more than eloquent speaking skills. It may end up being a harsh reminder that the job of President isn't just a window-dressing type of job and it sure isn't an entry level job. Was about 100 years since the last time Americans had to learn that lesson the hard way.

But I'm an American first and I really do hope Obama does well -because I love my country more than ANY political party. It would be nice to see the left do the same the next time a Republican is in the White House though. In fact, it would be downright amazing. Probably even heart attack inducing.
Where the hell was this question when it was the left OPENLY and blatantly hoping Bush did poorly and in fact, doing all they could to undermine his Presidency and undermine the confidence of the American people in this President - at every turn? All I saw were leftists and elected Democrats who made it plain they were willing to see the nation suffer longterm damage and consequences, ones that a Democrat President would also have to deal with -if they thought their party MIGHT score some cheap political points by doing so. The left is the group most unwilling to set aside their politics and put the country's best interests first. They don't agree that there are many times when what is in our nation's best interests is in conflict with what may be in their party's best interests. But would admit that even if that were true (which it is) - they would still gladly sacrifice the nation's best interests before those of their party's.

I may have missed the posts -but I haven't seen anyone say they actually hope Obama does poorly. They may still hold grudges about the election itself, the blatant media bias and even EXPECT that Obama will do poorly. Let's face it -the guy is a freshman Senator who waited all of 18 months before using it as a springboard to run for President. He is THE singlemost unqualified person to ever hold this job in at least a century. Eloquent speaking skills will only get the guy so far -especially since no job he has ever held has given him ANY relevant experience at all. He is relying on people who know a heck of a lot more than he does about EVERYTHING -including even just the very basics about how to just set up an executive office. Who is going to hold his hand when it comes to RUNNING it though? His VP doesn't have any more executive experience than he does. I'm not going to be surprised if it turns out to be just a very expensive lesson to Americans about why job experience actually matters and in fact, counts far more than having little more than eloquent speaking skills. It may end up being a harsh reminder that the job of President isn't just a window-dressing type of job and it sure isn't an entry level job. Was about 100 years since the last time Americans had to learn that lesson the hard way.

But I'm an American first and I really do hope Obama does well -because I love my country more than ANY political party. It would be nice to see the left do the same the next time a Republican is in the White House though. In fact, it would be downright amazing. Probably even heart attack inducing.
I've voted for the lessor of the 2 evils for the last 20 years pretty fucking sad if you ask me?? That the American people cant offer up better candidates but like my pods always say, its all about the money these days bro. I couldnt really give a flying rats ass one way or the other WTF runs this country as long as i get my fair share, and oh, i dont wish well the ideas of marxism, as far as Obama all the luck in the world? cause i can bet you he is gonna need it, with the financial fiasco he'll have to contend with, in which him and clinton both help create???:eek: dont make me post links to prove my point:eusa_eh:
All those Yale and Harvard degrees, makes me feel so warm and protected.

I used to work at the University of Arizona, and I have come to the considered opinion that college degrees exist in inverse proportion to common sense. Your average professor with a PhD is utterly brilliant in his own very narrow specialty within his field, and utterly incapable of wiping his own ass without a diagram and instructions from Houston Control. That's why universities spend so much money on secretaries: to babysit their PhDs.
A sort of concensus. Those elite universities's alumni have screwed us up a number of times.
i find it amusing that neither of you answered the questions but just attacked me....ignorance is rarely that amusing...

You mean it's ignorant when we refuse to give any credit to ridiculous questions based upon lies?

I haven't heard of anyone wishing evil upon Obama. You may hear criticism of his behavior and his decisions...but we all want him to do the right thing.

Of course, the expectation is that he won't.

And as was previously pointed out, you guys screamed "bush shoudl die" "Bush is a Nazi" "Bush is a baby killer, murderer and criminal" "Impeach Bush" for 8 years.

And now it's a matter of "we're the winners, we can do anything we want. So what if we lied? We won! We don't answer to you!"

Have fun watching the economy drain down the sink, and increased terror attacks. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
You mean it's ignorant when we refuse to give any credit to ridiculous questions based upon lies?

I haven't heard of anyone wishing evil upon Obama. You may hear criticism of his behavior and his decisions...but we all want him to do the right thing.

Of course, the expectation is that he won't.

And as was previously pointed out, you guys screamed "bush shoudl die" "Bush is a Nazi" "Bush is a baby killer, murderer and criminal" "Impeach Bush" for 8 years.

And now it's a matter of "we're the winners, we can do anything we want. So what if we lied? We won! We don't answer to you!"

Have fun watching the economy drain down the sink, and increased terror attacks. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Just in case you hadn't noticed, the economy is already down the sink. Damn near to the septic tank. Remember all the yapping about how good the economy actually was until October? Now we find that by real numbers, we have been in a reccession for a year. Guess what, those of us in the real world knew that, it was just the Bushbots that kept parroting the talking points.

Bush had the whole nation, and the whole world, for that matter, behind him after 9-11. It took an extroidenery series of incompetant decisions to bring him to the point of a 75% disaproval rating. And as for lies, Bush and the Republican Party has been doing nothing but that for the last eight years. WMD. "Heck of a job, Brownie". "Wanted, dead or alive". "The economy is fundementally sound". And so on, ad nauseum.
Of course. It's all Bush's fault. All of it, always. Will be forever.

What a crock.
Just in case you hadn't noticed, the economy is already down the sink. Damn near to the septic tank. Remember all the yapping about how good the economy actually was until October? Now we find that by real numbers, we have been in a reccession for a year. Guess what, those of us in the real world knew that, it was just the Bushbots that kept parroting the talking points.

Bush had the whole nation, and the whole world, for that matter, behind him after 9-11.talking points It took an extroidenery series of incompetant decisions to bring him to the point of a 75% disaproval rating. And as for lies, Bush and the Republican Party has been doing nothing but that for the last eight years. WMD. "Heck of a job, Brownie". "Wanted, dead or alive". "The economy is fundementally sound". And so on, ad nauseum.
talking points The alter of KOS

Well, yes as a matter of fact I have noticed. I've also noticed that everytime obamalama opens his mouth to speak the numbers take a nose dive... they always have a split screen on fox.. :lol:

Thanks, Obama, for fixing our econcomy like you promised.

Oh, already said you couldn't do that, after all...

Thanks, Obama, for bringing change to the Whitehouse..

Oh wait...that was before you hired all the "seasoned" Clintonistas.

Thanks, Obama. You look really good on the boob tube.

Thanks, Obama, for fixing our econcomy like you promised.

Oh, already said you couldn't do that, after all...

Thanks, Obama, for bringing change to the Whitehouse..

Oh wait...that was before you hired all the "seasoned" Clintonistas.

Thanks, Obama. You look really good on the boob tube.

Yes, I totally agree.

It is never too early to declare the man's entire administration a total failure.

Avoid the January 21st. rush.
Just pointing out the lies he's already told. Never too early to reveal your entire campaign had nothing to do with what you REALLY intend to do once enthroned.
You haven't pointed out any lies.

All you have done is whine about his choices for cabinent positions.
If one is bringing "change" to the Whitehouse, I wonder how one can accomplish that by filling your cabinet with the vets of a previous admin. So he was lying when he was talking about "change".

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