all you obama haters etc....

i have a question...why in the world are you wishing obama does poorly....why? are you really that stupid to hope a sitting president does poorly? what kind of american wishes ill on his country to prove his party or whatever was right? do you really think of yourself as a proud american or simply a proud republican, conservative you can fill in the blank. if you are hoping obama does poorly then you are stupid and need to rethink your loyalities...we need a president to do well and take us out of our current situation....

to the democrats....we are up to our ass in gators...quit trying to drain the we got here is only for historicians to debate now...what is important is how we move forward...there are no past laurels to live on at this point....we need to unite and move forward with the goal of making this the greatest country we can.

my point: we have 4 years of obama...let all hope for the best...lets unite behind the president and hope we can get beyond the current for all of those wishing obama does poorly...stop being stupid partisan ass and realize this country needs to unite and achieve goals that are not beyond us...unless our focus is elsewhere....

so what is more important to you...being a proud republican, democrat or a proud american??? be honest ...can you put your party loyality behind and be a loyal american or will you just whine and bitch and hope for the worse and take glee in all the bad news about obama you can?

where is your unity behind bush? where is your dem leaders unity behind bush? you guys are so scared of repubs treating you like you treated them you are losing your mind.

further, just because obama was elected does not mean what he wants is best for this country and to that end i will fight his bad policies and hope they lose. if you don't think i have a right to do that, you don't know squat about america.
where is your unity behind bush? where is your dem leaders unity behind bush? you guys are so scared of repubs treating you like you treated them you are losing your mind.

further, just because obama was elected does not mean what he wants is best for this country and to that end i will fight his bad policies and hope they lose. if you don't think i have a right to do that, you don't know squat about america.

Scared of people that have been so incompetant for the last eight years? Hardly. Behind Bush? Bush should be standing before the Hague. His incompetance allowed 9-11. He failed to get Bin Laden. He attacked a nation that had nothing to do with 9-11. And squandered the support of the nation, and indeed, the whole world. His actions during Katrina, and afterword, were worth a charge of Dereliction of Duty. His creation of a policy of torture as a tool for this nation, his continual abrogation of the Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of this nation deserved impeachment. The Treason he and his minions did in the Plame Affair was an affront even to his own father.

Do you understand that I do not care for Bush. That I think that people that still defend him are incapable of facing reality. As for you not supporting Obama, OK. Just don't stand in the doorway, don't block off the hall.
Scared of people that have been so incompetant for the last eight years? Hardly. Behind Bush? Bush should be standing before the Hague. His incompetance allowed 9-11. He failed to get Bin Laden. He attacked a nation that had nothing to do with 9-11. And squandered the support of the nation, and indeed, the whole world. His actions during Katrina, and afterword, were worth a charge of Dereliction of Duty. His creation of a policy of torture as a tool for this nation, his continual abrogation of the Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of this nation deserved impeachment. The Treason he and his minions did in the Plame Affair was an affront even to his own father.

Do you understand that I do not care for Bush. That I think that people that still defend him are incapable of facing reality. As for you not supporting Obama, OK. Just don't stand in the doorway, don't block off the hall.

Your ignorance is showing again, do us the favor of not telling US what to think or do in regards Obama. WHICH is the entire point of this thread. You liberals trying to tell us, after 8 years of your moronic childish fits, to behave. We already ARE behaving better then you lying sacks of putrid filth.
His incompetance allowed 9-11.
It was Clinton that created the "Wall" between the NSA, CIA and FBI to keep them from coordinating an investigation into his Chinese laundered campaign contributions that led to the intel failure of 9/11.

He failed to get Bin Laden.
Presidents don't hunt down terrorists. That's the CIA's job. The same CIA that liberals like you do nothing but disparage and cut funding to - ala Clinton again.

He attacked a nation that had nothing to do with 9-11.
Here's the reason (9/11 is not mentioned): Iraq Resolution

And squandered the support of the nation, and indeed, the whole world.
It was the Democrat leadership that flip flopped on their support for the war (see previous link) when they thought it was politically expedient to do so. Their media lapdogs followed their lead.

His actions during Katrina, and afterword, were worth a charge of Dereliction of Duty.
It was a Democrat mayer and a Democrat governor that were the real incompetents. But again the Democrat lapdog media played cheerleader to cover for these incompetents and blame the administration.

His creation of a policy of torture as a tool for this nation
There is no evidence of a "policy of torture". Again this is Democrat and media demagoguery.

his continual abrogation of the Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of this nation deserved impeachment.
No "Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of this nation" have been "abrogated".

The Treason he and his minions did in the Plame Affair was an affront even to his own father.
There was no "treason". No charges were ever directly brought on this manufactured issue that was again demagoged by Democrats and the media.

Do you understand that I do not care for Bush. That I think that people that still defend him are incapable of facing reality.
You obviously took a wrong turn at Albuquerque - Daily Kos was the other direction... :cuckoo:
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Well said Gord.

If an honest look was taken at Clinton, it is scary how much he played a part in many american deaths.
Well said Gord.

If an honest look was taken at Clinton, it is scary how much he played a part in many american deaths.

Yup. The media are now going to cover up for Obama the same way they did for Clinton. And liberals will cheer on his every mis-step...

Yup. The media are now going to cover up for Obama the same way they did for Clinton. And liberals will cheer on his every mis-step...
uh, havent they already shown that they will be?
since they have already shown they will do anything to make him look good
Well yeah of course. I just ment when his policies fail.
time will tell, but i dont expect them to point it out
they will blame it all on Bush
"everything was worse than we thought it would be"

"those nasty republicans were too mean"
and any bill that doesnt pass, that has no republican or few, supporting, will be blamed on the republicans for its failure
time will tell, but i dont expect them to point it out
they will blame it all on Bush
"everything was worse than we thought it would be"

"those nasty republicans were too mean"
and any bill that doesnt pass, that has no republican or few, supporting, will be blamed on the republicans for its failure

Yeah, four years from now I can hear Obama out on the stump in 1012, I bring hope, I bring change, do you want another four years of Bush? I tried to be Clinton and it didn't work, so now it's my way or no way. No more Bush.

I've been posting in this thread for some time now
seek out professional help for your paranoia

Paranoia? LOL You're such a idiot that you don't even see what I was saying.
Go take an IQ test Forrest Gump:clap2::clap2:

wow, the ignorance of some is absolutely amazing
Your ignorance is showing again, do us the favor of not telling US what to think or do in regards Obama. WHICH is the entire point of this thread. You liberals trying to tell us, after 8 years of your moronic childish fits, to behave. We already ARE behaving better then you lying sacks of putrid filth.

It was Clinton that created the "Wall" between the NSA, CIA and FBI to keep them from coordinating an investigation into his Chinese laundered campaign contributions that led to the intel failure of 9/11.

Presidents don't hunt down terrorists. That's the CIA's job. The same CIA that liberals like you do nothing but disparage and cut funding to - ala Clinton again.

Here's the reason (9/11 is not mentioned): Iraq Resolution

It was the Democrat leadership that flip flopped on their support for the war (see previous link) when they thought it was politically expedient to do so. Their media lapdogs followed their lead.

It was a Democrat mayer and a Democrat governor that were the real incompetents. But again the Democrat lapdog media played cheerleader to cover for these incompetents and blame the administration.

There is no evidence of a "policy of torture". Again this is Democrat and media demagoguery.

No "Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of this nation" have been "abrogated".

There was no "treason". No charges were ever directly brought on this manufactured issue that was again demagoged by Democrats and the media.

You obviously took a wrong turn at Albuquerque - Daily Kos was the other direction... :cuckoo:

I'm new here so excuse my sprouting off but this is a topic that really knaws at me. A patriotic American wishes the best result possible for the nation irregardless of who occupies the office. That doesn't entail supporting his every decision or policy, or even the majority of them. During the worst days of the Iranian hostage crisis I stood in solidary with the nation praying for their release. I had more faith in Reagan's abilities (evidentally so did the Revolutionary Council) but you have to play the hand you're dealt until the round is over. There's a difference between voicing political opposition and subverting your country in order to facilitate an easier time around for your party candidate. Both fringes of the American political landscape are routinely guilty of shooting holes in the boat in order to spite their political opponent sitting on the other end. At some point a thinking person has to pause and consider unintended consequences of their actions. A desired end does not always justify the means. The bombthrowing political pundents will not agree, it's in their self interest to keep your emotions inflammed or else political and media rating agendas suffers. What the heck else would they have to fill their airtime? Their craft thrives on conflict. A patriot fights for his country. Only a fool fights his duly elected President at the urging of some blowhard on TV or radio. It's the difference between member of the loyal opposition and a political jihadist. Think about it.

Granted that is harsh, but it needs saying.
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I'm new here so excuse my sprouting off but this is a topic that really knaws at me. A patriotic American wishes the best result possible for the nation irregardless of who occupies the office. That doesn't entail supporting his every decision or policy, or even the majority of them. During the worst days of the Iranian hostage crisis I stood in solidary with the nation praying for their release. I had more faith in Reagan's abilities (evidentally so did the Revolutionary Council) but you have to play the hand you're dealt until the round is over. There's a difference between voicing political opposition and subverting your country in order to facilitate an easier time around for your party candidate. Both fringes of the American political landscape are routinely guilty of shooting holes in the boat in order to spite their political opponent sitting on the other end. At some point a thinking person has to pause and consider unintended consequences of their actions. A desired end does not always justify the means. The bombthrowing political pundents will not agree, it's in their self interest to keep your emotions inflammed or else political and media rating agendas suffers. What the heck else would they have to fill their airtime? Their craft thrives on conflict. A patriot fights for his country. Only a fool fights his duly elected President at the urging of some blowhard on TV or radio. It's the difference between member of the loyal opposition and a political jihadist. Think about it.

Granted that is harsh, but it needs saying.

Nothing harsh about it.

What we're seeing is what happens to a people who have been consistently fed a litany of lies.

What we are witnessing is the outcome of the well thought out partisan campaign to make our neighbors the enemy.

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