Adults in Halloween Costumes


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
Do you dress up for Halloween?

For work?

For the trick or treaters?

For a party?

Or do you think it's stupid and only kids should dress up.
My youngest son is dressing up for work today...he sent me a cell phone picture of his costume. I laughed pretty hard.
We were watching Ghostbusters and my son decided to go as Vince Lothar so I went to Radio Shack got a bunch of wires and lights and took the metal colander, added my other sons chin strap from his lacrosse helmet and viola!
I'm sitting on the front porch dressed up like an internet nerd with my laptop giving me a suitable green glow waiting for the trick or treaters.
I have several masks but I wear no costumes. I have, but not in the past 20 years.

I once scared the bug eyes out of my neighbor with nothing more than a thermal blanket draped over my crouched-down frame. When he opened the door, I stood up roaring and he jumped back, fell over the couch and broke a fine coffee table.

Cheapest costume I ever had.
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I was gonna get an Obama mask and walk around and hand out money to everyone (fake, of course), but it's better not to get political about things on a fun night for everyone else.

I didn't dress up, and I crapped out half way through. The fam is still out, and I'm pre-gaming it getting ready for game 3.
We went to the Renaissance Fair one year around Halloween time for a wine tasting party, and I went dressed up like a prison inmate with a Bush mask on.

This was in Rural Pennsylvania where I'd expect it to be rather red, but I got mostly smiles, laughs, and compliments.

I think only one person actually gave me a dirty look.
I am dressed as Aphrodite... the boy is a ninja. At dinner tonight, I'll be surrounded by the Joker, Catwoman, two zombies, sammy davis jr and whatever everyone else is wearing there and at the party after.

I love Halloween!
It is starting to be adopted in Australia.

My wife bought candy but we only had one group of kids this year, I was watching the new Star Trek movie so could not be bothered to get up and dispense the candy.

Trick on them, treats for me.

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