Adam Schiff explains why all his outlandish claims about Russian Collusion didn't show up in Mueller Report.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
It was because Mueller lost his marbles. Wow! He sure threw him under the bus to make a buck.

I guess all the overwhelming evidence of Trump/Russia collusion Schiff claimed he had will never see the light of day because Mueller is senile.

It was because Mueller lost his marbles. Wow! He sure threw him under the bus to make a buck.

I guess all the overwhelming evidence of Trump/Russia collusion Schiff claimed he had will never see the light of day because Mueller is senile.

Bold talk from a criminal traitor who was caught committing Perjury and criminally manufacturing fake evidence which he submitted as legitimate evidence.

That f*ing weasel should have been indicted, prosecuted, & sent to Gitmo.
Bold talk from a criminal traitor who was caught committing Perjury and criminally manufacturing fake evidence which he submitted as legitimate evidence.

That f*ing weasel should have been indicted, prosecuted, & sent to Gitmo.

Should Schiff ever be prosecuted, & sent to Gitmo, I'd gladly volunteer to be his guard. The idea of tying him to a chair and making him listen to 12 hours of heavy metal just gives me a woody. :04:

Schiff, Swalwell, and Pelosi are the worst. If Americans do not wake up, these clowns are in charge of your life. It is almost impossible to defeat them in their districts, so the only hope is to make their governance, UNACCEPTABLE!

While a year ago I would have believed that to be unattainable, I now believe that if we are smart, their own people will throw them out, IF we do it correctly.

Let ME be the person to meet Swallwell on his way out the door. I will take the lawsuit for kicking him in the gonads! A true traitor for pu***!

P.S. By the way Mrs Swallwell, divorce this asinine bast*** if you haven't already. His mistress probably gave Xi a little pu**** too, while he was telling her how to control your husband. So you now have the aura of swapping DNA, with the biggest threat to your children, and your country's survival, without you even knowing it. All because your husband; a sitting congressman, likes another womans pu***, is willing to throw YOU and YOUR children under the bus because he is horny, and believes he can get away with it.

Stick his a**, and watch how many Americans support you! Start a go-fund me page after you announce you are sending his ass back to his Chinese, spy, bit**, and many of us will make sure you have more money, then Eric the TRAITOR, could ever give you!
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It was because Mueller lost his marbles. Wow! He sure threw him under the bus to make a buck.

I guess all the overwhelming evidence of Trump/Russia collusion Schiff claimed he had will never see the light of day because Mueller is senile.

That pile useless manure shooting his mouth off again?
Gotta book to sell. Who the hell would buy anything he writes? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Usually by the gross
is this more parody?

i’m curious what Shifty’s excuse for he himself not showing it to us?
is this more parody?

i’m curious what Shifty’s excuse for he himself not showing it to us?
I guess when he gave all of that evidence to Mueller's battery of investigators and lawyers, Mueller's senility caused them all to forget about it.
I guess when he gave all of that evidence to Mueller's battery of investigators and lawyers, Mueller's senility caused them all to forget about it.
remember when trump was lambasted for “attacking mueller”- for merely calling him a “never trumper”

now Shifty essentially calls him an idiot…will there be similar articles about Shifty in the wake of this attack on a humble public servant?
Gotta book to sell. Who the hell would buy anything he writes? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
good point…the dembot cult is more into buying the parody he says…not actually reading…the transcript of the call is a great example of this
After the nonsense that took place with regards to fake ass Russia collusion and Trump being impeached for absolutely NOTHING it difficult to understand why so many think the election was rigged?

only terminally stupid leftists Think all of the above was actually legitimate!

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