A Reasonable Solution To The Gay Marriage Debate

People please return to school. Watching PBS has rotted your brain and you've lost the ability to communicate, let alone argue, effectively.

Saying "IT SAYS IT ON THIS SHOW I WATCHED" is not verification.

Documentary by a reputable and reliable educational television station*

shhhhhh....crazy woman doesnt have any reputable sources of her own so must attack you for actually learning something from educational programming that didnt originate on the 700 club.

back away slowly before you get her crazy on you. Its like a zombie apocolypse with this one spewing the stupid virus all over the place.
8,934 posts here in thelast few years on gay marriage.
Not one to date that has any evidence whatsoever any negative effects to heterosexual marriage.
Gays are getting married now.
How has it affected ANYONE?
Gay marriage=non issue. Waste of time.

It clearly is an issue, or there wouldn't this much opposition towards it. Why this is is beyond me, though. I frankly don't see why they care so much.

Waste of time. Non issue.
One day they all will be gone.
Good friend of mine, half Indian, career Army officer.
"40 years from now they will look back and see how stupid they were opposing equal rights for gay folk"
We call him "Vike" because the high school team he played for before he played in college were the Vikings. Vike told me years ago he had many gays and lesbians in his units in the Army and they were never a problem. Vike stated it was always some nosy women that would out them and get them discharged. He hated that.
The MAIN REASON the bigots are fighting gay marriage so hard NOW is because they know that the next generation and the current professional class in America has no problem with folks that are committed to and love each other getting married.
The uneducated and slow are the ones that oppose it primarily.
The gov't (the people) encourages behavior that will make a productive society. Married couples "usually" have children. They are more likely to establish a home, a community, a state, a country. It is important to them to have a "safe" place to raise their children. It is important for them to have a community that supports child raising/educating. Those children, raised properly, in a good community are likely to continue the same type of community building their parents did.

How is that relevant? I don't really see how it's fair to say it's not a right defined by the government (and yourself) and then say they should should receive governmental benefits.

Homosexuals cannot conceive a child by each other. Their relationships have not been shown to be community builders.

... but they can adopt (or through artificial insemination if they are a lesbian couple). Also, how are their relationships any more or less beneficial to society than that of heterosexual ones? They both potentially produce the same outcomes. :lol:

The 14th ammendment does not apply, equally, across the board: there are restrooms for women and men (seperate and not equal, women's restrooms usually have more stalls and more room), women do not serve in the military in the same capacity as men do, workplaces do not require the same work from people that do physical labor jobs because people have different strengths and weaknesses, children are treated differently than adults. Your 14th ammendment is weak; there are too many examples of different treatment under the law, that is perfectly justifiable, just as marriage qualifications are not met by homosexual couples.

How is not allowing same sex couples to marry justified?

It is not a "right" to receive welfare or social security, yet, under qualifiers, some (not equal) citizens receive benefits. I did not say they "should" receive benefits. I said that traditional marriage promotes a "healthy" society and so the gov't encourages that behavior by adding incentives, legally. Because the rest of the society benefits, as well (including homosexuals), those "incentives" are tolerated and accepted.

The "primary" purpose of a homosexual couple is NOT to conceive children with each other. They must rely on others for "their" children. There is no societal benefit to promote/encourage homosexual (fraudulent) marriage. They can adopt children, or produce them manipulating (not natural, not green) another person's body (outside "their" relationship) to have a child that is NOT part of both of them. Therefore their relationship is LESS beneficial to society, than the traditional couple (not speaking of the small percentage of traditional marriages that do not have children, but of the majority of traditional marriages that DO have children.

Can homosexuals add to society? Yes. Do they? In some cases. But the primary reason for homosexuals to join as a couple is NOT to make a family.
How is not allowing same sex couples to marry justified?

Because such a union is not a marriage.

and because other adult couples are also not allowed to marry.

How is it not marriage? By contemporary standards, gay marriage fits the definition and its qualifications perfectly.

Two people (potentially):
  • Sharing a bond on an intellectual, emotional, and physical level.
  • Having the desire to live their lives together.
Seems legitimate to me.

Here's another question: why do you care?

"contemporary standards"?? Is that the new homosexual activist RE-definition of marriage to deceive people into believing that two people of the same sex are just the same as two people of the opposite sex?

I care because historically, EVERY time someone comes along promoting a "feel good" agenda with no basis in reality, it ALWAYS ends in a total stain (huge numbers of people dying). Instead of the people explaining how "this time" it will end differently, and why, these people say, we have the right people leading, now....
Since when have people changed? When have they become less lustful, less greedy, less power hungry? HINT: THEY HAVE NOT CHANGED AND WILL NOT UNTIL THE LORD COMES AGAIN AND DEMONSTRATES HIS JUSTICE. Therefore, what they are promoting, if allowed to come to fullfillment will end in a total stain...
8,934 posts here in thelast few years on gay marriage.
Not one to date that has any evidence whatsoever any negative effects to heterosexual marriage.
Gays are getting married now.
How has it affected ANYONE?
Gay marriage=non issue. Waste of time.

It clearly is an issue, or there wouldn't this much opposition towards it. Why this is is beyond me, though. I frankly don't see why they care so much.

Waste of time. Non issue.
One day they all will be gone.
Good friend of mine, half Indian, career Army officer.
"40 years from now they will look back and see how stupid they were opposing equal rights for gay folk"
We call him "Vike" because the high school team he played for before he played in college were the Vikings. Vike told me years ago he had many gays and lesbians in his units in the Army and they were never a problem. Vike stated it was always some nosy women that would out them and get them discharged. He hated that.
The MAIN REASON the bigots are fighting gay marriage so hard NOW is because they know that the next generation and the current professional class in America has no problem with folks that are committed to and love each other getting married.
The uneducated and slow are the ones that oppose it primarily.

Not on this site. It's the uneducated and the slow who are promoting it.
So somebody's child who has reached the age of 18 is still not legally an adult according to you? Logic isn't your strong suit I guess.

Fair enough. I must have skipped over the word "adult" (my mistake). I would suggest you use the word "offspring" next time because the phrase "adult child" is an oxymoron and can be rather misleading.

However, my opinion still stands. If two people meet the qualifications that I listed, then why shouldn't they marry? Albeit, it's very unlikely to happen. In fact... I don't think it has ever genuinely happened without the aid of some delusion caused by a damage psyche.

The idea that the push for gay marriage dates back to the 19th century is a ludicrous lie.

Not really. Anyone with a bit of research under his or her belt would tell you the same. A rather credible source comes to mind... a PBS documentary called Before Stonewall which discusses this specifically (as well as the struggle for homosexuals during the first half of the 20th Century).

I'm sure that the desire to marry (or share a lifetime bond with) someone you love has existed for as long as humans have (homosexuals included).

Why don't we change the definition of homosexual to someone that chooses to be heterosexual. That way they could have a traditional marriage and be like those they choose to imitate? (Following your lead of changing a definition to suit "my" ideals, not consider who it will affect)

Yes, the desire to marry someone a person loves, has been a source of heartbreak for centuries. There is only one of each person, and not everyone can marry that person, hence the word: heartbreaker!
If that were indeed a true definition than brothers and sisters and parents and their adult children would be able to marry too.

A marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The current hysterical fad to change this into someting else is very stupid and short-sighted.

  1. Children are not consenting adults in the eyes of the state.
  2. Yes, brothers and sisters could marry if they met the qualifications listed. However, sexual intercourse and having children would be strongly discouraged due to birth defections, etc.
  3. Homosexuality and gay marriage is not a fad. The desire for homosexuals to marry has existed since the 19th Century, and homosexuality itself has existed for as long as recorded history has.
  4. Short-sighted and stupid? How?
You also didn't answer my question. Why do you care? How is this going to impact you in anyway?

So somebody's child who has reached the age of 18 is still not legally an adult according to you? Logic isn't your strong suit I guess.

The idea that the push for gay marriage dates back to the 19th century is a ludicrous lie.

Since you have decided to ignore ALL history and all evidence that contrdicts your fear based position, I suppose you would see it as a lie.

also, the Sun revolves around the Earth, the Moon is a vengeful wrathful God and theres a troll under the bridge that wants to eat your soul...as long as we're all going to live in Arts fantasy land, lets go all the way shall we?
It clearly is an issue, or there wouldn't this much opposition towards it. Why this is is beyond me, though. I frankly don't see why they care so much.

Waste of time. Non issue.
One day they all will be gone.
Good friend of mine, half Indian, career Army officer.
"40 years from now they will look back and see how stupid they were opposing equal rights for gay folk"
We call him "Vike" because the high school team he played for before he played in college were the Vikings. Vike told me years ago he had many gays and lesbians in his units in the Army and they were never a problem. Vike stated it was always some nosy women that would out them and get them discharged. He hated that.
The MAIN REASON the bigots are fighting gay marriage so hard NOW is because they know that the next generation and the current professional class in America has no problem with folks that are committed to and love each other getting married.
The uneducated and slow are the ones that oppose it primarily.

Not on this site. It's the uneducated and the slow who are promoting it.

Another shot from the fear based lunatic. Hows your cats?
Waste of time. Non issue.
One day they all will be gone.
Good friend of mine, half Indian, career Army officer.
"40 years from now they will look back and see how stupid they were opposing equal rights for gay folk"
We call him "Vike" because the high school team he played for before he played in college were the Vikings. Vike told me years ago he had many gays and lesbians in his units in the Army and they were never a problem. Vike stated it was always some nosy women that would out them and get them discharged. He hated that.
The MAIN REASON the bigots are fighting gay marriage so hard NOW is because they know that the next generation and the current professional class in America has no problem with folks that are committed to and love each other getting married.
The uneducated and slow are the ones that oppose it primarily.

Not on this site. It's the uneducated and the slow who are promoting it.

Another shot from the fear based lunatic. Hows your cats?

I don't have cats. I have a dog that kills them.

No fear here, just a desire to maintain traditional values. You people have been lying about social norms since the Kinsey studies, and we let you get away with it. I think it's fairly obvious that your idea of "normal" brings nothing but depravity, disease, death and destruction to people. Time to stop listening.
Last edited:
8,934 posts here in thelast few years on gay marriage.
Not one to date that has any evidence whatsoever any negative effects to heterosexual marriage.
Gays are getting married now.
How has it affected ANYONE?
Gay marriage=non issue. Waste of time.

I guess that is because you choose to ignore the truth. The first article is about domestic violence in homosexual relationships. Usually, when "couples" are violent, similar acts of violence are targeted towards the children....

Homosexual Couples and Domestic Violence - Conservapedia
In regards to homosexual couples and domestic violence, studies indicate that as a whole homosexual couples have higher rates of promiscuity than heterosexual couples. In addition, studies report that homosexual couples have significantly higher incidences of violent behavior which will be covered shortly. These studies are not surprising at all given what pathologists have stated regarding the commonness and brutality of homosexual murders.

Regarding studies regarding homosexual couples and violence, a recent study by the Canadian government regarding homosexual couples states that "violence was twice as common among homosexual couples compared with heterosexual couples".[2] According the American College of Pediatricians who cite several studies violence among homosexual couples is two to three times more common than among married heterosexual couples.[3] In addition, the American College of Pediatricians states the following: "Homosexual partnerships are significantly more prone to dissolution than heterosexual marriages with the average homosexual relationship lasting only two to three years."[3]

In June of 2004, the journal Nursing Clinics of North America reported the following regarding homosexual couples:


Domestic abuse is under-reported in the gay community...
Male-on-male same-sex domestic violence also has been reported in couples where one or both persons are HIV-positive. Intimate partner abuse and violence include humiliation, threatening to disclose HIV status, withholding HIV therapy, and harming family members or pets.[4]


In 2000, the New York Times in an article entitled Silence Ending About Abuse in Gay Relationships cites some information which may indicate that domestic abuse may be under-reported in the homosexual community.[5] The New York Times article states the following:


But the issue of gay domestic abuse has been shrouded by silence until recently...
For years, gay people have tried to keep quiet about the problem, said Dave Shannon, coordinator of the violence recovery program at Fenway Community Health, a gay and lesbian clinic in Boston.

Mr. Shannon said: People feel, 'Why should we air our dirty laundry? People feel so negatively about us already, the last thing we should do is contribute to negative stereotypes of us.' [5]”

The Journal of the Family Research Institute using data from the U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Center for Disease Control concluded that "married men who are not separated are at least 25 times less apt to be domestically attacked than a homosexual male in an 'on-going relationship.' Even if we include all married and separated husbands, the risk of domestic violence in a male-male homosexual relationship is still at least 18 times greater."[6]
Another study indicated that 83% of homosexuals report they have been emotionally abused by homosexual partners. [7]
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Domestic Abuse Fact Sheet states that "11% of women in homosexual relationships and 23% of men in homosexual relationships report being raped, physically assaulted, and/or stalked by an intimate partner".[8]
A study published in The Journal of Family Violence reported among its participants that "Emotional abuse was reported by 83%" of its participants.[7]
A study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence examined conflict and violence in lesbian relationships. The researchers found that 90 percent of the lesbians surveyed had been recipients of one or more acts of verbal aggression from their intimate partners during the year prior to this study, with 31 percent reporting one or more incidents of physical abuse. [9]
A 1985 study of 1109 lesbians by Gwat-Yong Lie and Sabrina Gentlewarrier reported that slightly more than half of the respondents indicated that they had been abused by a female partner.[10]
Coleman, in a 1990 study of 90 lesbians reported that 46.6% had experienced repeated acts of violence.[11]
A study of 113 lesbians reported (1994) that 41% said they had been abused in one or more relationships.[12]
In their book, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence (1991), Island and Letellier postulate that "the incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population."[13]
The Journal of Social Service Research reported in 1991 that survey of 1,099 lesbians showed that slightly more than 50 percent of the lesbians reported that they had been abused by a female lover/partner, "the most frequently indicated forms of abuse were verbal/emotional/psychological abuse and combined physical-psychological abuse." [14]
A study of lesbian couples reported (2000) in the Handbook of Family Development and Intervention "indicates that 54 percent had experienced 10 or more abusive incidents, 74 percent had experienced six or more incidents, 60 percent reported a pattern to the abuse, and 71 percent said it grew worse over time."[15]

Gay couple accused of abusing two of their nine adopted sons | Mail Online A gay couple who adopted nine boys have been accused of sexually assaulting two of the children.

Read more: Gay couple accused of abusing two of their nine adopted sons | Mail Online

A DUTCH man accused of sexually abusing more than 60 children was “married” to his homosexual lover. Under American law, this man would be able to adopt children or obtain children through surrogates and raise them in his home. How long before we see children subjected to a lifetime of abuse by their adoptive homosexual parents? Heterosexual men commit sexual abuse too, but they do not have the same rate of sexual perversion against the young. The Thinking Housewife › “Married” Pedophile Accused of Abusing More than 60 Children

BY DOUG PATTON, Conservative viewpoint

All who continue to deny the dire warnings concerning the freak show that awaits our culture at the bottom of the slippery slope called "gay rights" need only contemplate the story of 11-year-old Thomas Lobel.

Thomas is being raised in San Francisco (of course) by two lesbians, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, who claim they were "married" by a rabbi in some sort of ceremony back in 1990. They adopted Thomas when he was 2 years old.

Because he has a speech impediment, Thomas learned sign language at an early age. According to his two "mothers," he told them in sign language — at age 3, mind you — that he was a girl. On the strength of that assertion — from a 3-year-old! — Moreno and Lobel made a gigantic leap and assumed it must be true. Thomas, they concluded, must be what is euphemistically referred to these days as "transgendered." You know, transgendered, like "Chaz" Bono, Sonny and Cher's little girl-turned-lesbian-turned-boy-turned-who-knows-what-next.

So, this troubled little boy, Thomas Lobel (whom the only parents he has ever known now call "Tammy"), confused and withdrawn because of his handicap, was brainwashed into believing something he couldn't possibly understand yet.

Four years ago, when Thomas was 7, psychiatrists "diagnosed" him with "gender identity disorder." By age 8, with ongoing encouragement from his two lesbian parents, he was supposedly "transitioning," whatever that means.

But this story gets worse. Much, much worse.

This summer, aided and abetted by a medical establishment that no longer has any moral or cultural moorings, these two deviants started the hideous process of "gender reassignment" on poor Thomas, now 11, in order to suppress the onset of his male puberty and physically turn him into a girl! This "therapy" includes a hormone-suppressant, which is implanted in his upper left arm to prevent him from developing naturally into the boy God intended him to be. It will suppress the growth of facial hair, the natural deepening of his voice and the broadening of his shoulders.

Thomas will remain a pre-pubescent boy until he and his "mothers" decide whether he should transition to an adult female. In order to do that, he will have to take female hormones, which will raise his voice, allow him to grow breasts and develop other feminine physical characteristics. Lastly, of course, is the decision to have sex-change surgery.

San Francisco is one of only four cities in the United States with a hospital that has a program for "transgender children." The others are Boston, Seattle and Los Angeles. The University of California San Francisco is home to the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health.

Such an innocuous sounding name.

There is virtually no chance that this poor, bewildered boy will "decide" to do anything other than to allow himself to be manipulated and mutilated by these domineering women in his life. They, along with the so-called doctors who condone and facilitate this perversion, should be prosecuted for child abuse.

What will these two decide to convince their son to become next? A dog? A cat? A fencepost? A lesbian? What was wrong with him being a boy? That's how he was born. That's what he was supposed to be.

"Everybody was angry with us," Moreno says. "They all said, 'How could you be doing this? You might be ruining his whole life!'" She says she and her partner have faced intense criticism from both friends and family.

What they should be facing is a judge and jury. Instead, we have criminal child abuse being validated by our psychiatric community and our legal system. It may not be popular to say so, but this is the stagnant social cesspool that results from embracing deviancy.

In the blink of an eye we have gone from unthinkable to the new normal.

Lesbian couple guilty of criminal child abuse | Hernando Today

Exposure to a plethora of pernicious elements that often plague the homosexual lifestyle left Dawn feeling “outraged at the incidences of same-sex domestic abuse, sexual advances toward minors, and loss of sexual partners as if people were only commodities.”

“From a young age, I was exposed to explicit sexual speech, self-indulgent lifestyles, varied GLBT subcultures and gay vacation spots. Sex looked gratuitous to me as a child. I was exposed to all inclusive manifestations of sexuality including bathhouse sex, cross-dressing, sodomy, pornography, gay nudity, lesbianism, bisexuality, minor recruitment, voyeurism and exhibitionism. Sado-masochism was alluded to and aspects demonstrated. Alcohol and drugs were often contributing factors to lower inhibitions in my father’s relationships.”
The Effects of Gay Marriage on Children | This is Marriage

Timothy J. Dailey Ph.D. -- Homosexual Parenting: Placing children at risk

Lesbian Couple sentenced 30 years for Child Abuse


Kenmore women each sentenced to 30 years

Two Kenmore women accused of abusing their six children were sentenced to 30 years in prison each this afternoon.

Mary Rowles, 31, the mother of the six children, and her lesbian partner, Alice Jenkins, 28, could have received more than 100 years each from Summit County Common Pleas Judge Patricia Cosgrove.

In October, the women pleaded guilty to an entire 55-count indictment alleging kidnapping, child endangering, felonious assault and other charges involving the children, now ages 7 to 15.

Rowles' five sons allege they were locked in dark closets, deprived of food, forced to eat feces and were mentally and physically abused for a year or more. Rowles' 12-year-old daughter was not subjected to the same abuse, police said, but is included as a victim because of her presence in the home. Lesbian Couple sentenced 30 years for Child Abuse - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Lesbian Couple Drug, Torture and Starve Seven-Year-Old Boy

Posted on December 1, 2007

For some reason, when I read about this I though of a recent post over on Feminist Critics:

Seven-year-old Sean Gibson was found earlier this month wandering in a parking lot by employees of Westgate Resorts in Kissimee, Florida. He was out late by himself and begging for food at a buffet. The poor kid only weighed 37 pounds. They called authories who took him to the hospital.

Now domestic partners Suzette Stevenson, 45, and Jamie Lynn Martin, 26, have been charged with aggravated child abuse.

Fair warning, the torture these women subjected this boy to is rather graphic:

The boy, who is not a biological child to either woman, was allegedly tied by his wrists and made to stand in an upright position for hours at a time, forced to drink shampoo, was burned with cigarettes and had to urinate and defecate in a closet, according the Baker County Sheriff’s Office documents.


Instead, the two women allegedly threatened him with a box cutter and left him in a car, drugged with some type of adult sleeping pill, as they tried to collect $100 in a real estate promotion awarded to anyone who visited a timeshare open house.

And here:

The staff at Celebration was appalled when the extent of Sean’s abuse became apparent.

They amputated the big toe of his left foot, one of two that had been broken by bending. Other injuries include rope burns on his wrists from where he was left hanging by his arms from two large wall lights at the trailer.

“He had burns on the sides of his ears, and they believe those came from being dragged across carpets,” said the investigator. “The doctor initially called him ‘walking death’ and indicated he may have damage to internal organs from repeated kicking.”

Sean’s head was covered in bruises and knots believed to be from blows by fists, hands or other objects.

The one thing about this is that at numerous point people had the opportunity to intervene. At the daycare someone should have noticed. The fact that this boy was pulled out of school should have been a red flag. Or maybe someone could have bothered to verify the fake birth certificate these women had. The social service system was designed to address situations like this, but at every point that someone had a chance to step in no one did a thing. In the end it was the boy had to save himself.

One other element about this stands out. These two women were torturing this boy for apparently no reason at all. That just does not fit with the general profile of abusers. There is always reason, no matter how ridiculous it may be. Given that, I cannot say that the torture was not mitigated by these women’s general attitude towards males as a result of their sexual orientation. That is not to say that being lesbians caused them to be abusive, but there seem to be a propensity for lesbians who abuse children to specifically target boys. Lesbian Couple Drug, Torture and Starve Seven-Year-Old Boy | Toy Soldiers

To be honest, I quit looking at this point. I was looking for a case, I believe out of CA where a lesbian couple abuse a young girl (she had cigarette burns), and other scars of abuse. I have noticed when those cases "make" the news, they are only posted for a short while, and get no where near the attention that other abuse cases get.
How is it not marriage? By contemporary standards, gay marriage fits the definition and its qualifications perfectly.

Two people (potentially):
  • Sharing a bond on an intellectual, emotional, and physical level.
  • Having the desire to live their lives together.
Seems legitimate to me.

Here's another question: why do you care?

If that were indeed a true definition than brothers and sisters and parents and their adult children would be able to marry too.

A marriage is a union between a man and a woman. The current hysterical fad to change this into someting else is very stupid and short-sighted.

The same argument was made against interracial marriage. How does it feel to agree with fear based bigotry?

Interracial marriage can produce children (the main purpose of marriage to perpetuate the species in a stable environment). Homosexuals cannot copulate and conceive without "cheating" their pronounced "preference".
People please return to school. Watching PBS has rotted your brain and you've lost the ability to communicate, let alone argue, effectively.

Saying "IT SAYS IT ON THIS SHOW I WATCHED" is not verification.

Kosh, let me share with you the timeless tale of "The Big Government Thug", enjoy....


(Kosher walks on Soccer Field during a heated game)

Listen up everyone! New government mandate: No one is allowed to play soccer, it is hereby outlawed for all.

Soccer Player:
Uh, what the heck? Why?

Kosher: The majority agrees that baseball is the best sport, and therefore should be the only sport citizens are allowed to play.

Soccer Player: But look - there's a baseball diamond right over there. How about you go play baseball, and we play soccer. We can do both simultaneously, peacefully. Everyone wins that way, and th..

Shut it bucko! Again, baseball is the best sport. With my infinite wisdom and knowledge, I know what's best for you and the entire country, and therefore I feel it my duty to use government authority in order to force you to live by my own personal standards.

Soccer Player: What a dick...

(Soccer players leave field, Kosher smiles arrogantly)

Scene end.

Just who is it that is trying to change the game for those that are already playing and following the set rules????
People please return to school. Watching PBS has rotted your brain and you've lost the ability to communicate, let alone argue, effectively.

Saying "IT SAYS IT ON THIS SHOW I WATCHED" is not verification.

Documentary by a reputable and reliable educational television station*

Sorry, that is not "totally" true. I have watched documetaries about Biblical history, and watched things that directly opposed what was printed in the Bible, that was presented as facts. I have issues with accepting what PBS says at "face value". They have been caught in deception too many times.
8,934 posts here in thelast few years on gay marriage.
Not one to date that has any evidence whatsoever any negative effects to heterosexual marriage.
Gays are getting married now.
How has it affected ANYONE?
Gay marriage=non issue. Waste of time.

I guess that is because you choose to ignore the truth. The first article is about domestic violence in homosexual relationships. Usually, when "couples" are violent, similar acts of violence are targeted towards the children....

Homosexual Couples and Domestic Violence - Conservapedia
In regards to homosexual couples and domestic violence, studies indicate that as a whole homosexual couples have higher rates of promiscuity than heterosexual couples. In addition, studies report that homosexual couples have significantly higher incidences of violent behavior which will be covered shortly. These studies are not surprising at all given what pathologists have stated regarding the commonness and brutality of homosexual murders.

Regarding studies regarding homosexual couples and violence, a recent study by the Canadian government regarding homosexual couples states that "violence was twice as common among homosexual couples compared with heterosexual couples".[2] According the American College of Pediatricians who cite several studies violence among homosexual couples is two to three times more common than among married heterosexual couples.[3] In addition, the American College of Pediatricians states the following: "Homosexual partnerships are significantly more prone to dissolution than heterosexual marriages with the average homosexual relationship lasting only two to three years."[3]

In June of 2004, the journal Nursing Clinics of North America reported the following regarding homosexual couples:


Domestic abuse is under-reported in the gay community...
Male-on-male same-sex domestic violence also has been reported in couples where one or both persons are HIV-positive. Intimate partner abuse and violence include humiliation, threatening to disclose HIV status, withholding HIV therapy, and harming family members or pets.[4]


In 2000, the New York Times in an article entitled Silence Ending About Abuse in Gay Relationships cites some information which may indicate that domestic abuse may be under-reported in the homosexual community.[5] The New York Times article states the following:


But the issue of gay domestic abuse has been shrouded by silence until recently...
For years, gay people have tried to keep quiet about the problem, said Dave Shannon, coordinator of the violence recovery program at Fenway Community Health, a gay and lesbian clinic in Boston.

Mr. Shannon said: People feel, 'Why should we air our dirty laundry? People feel so negatively about us already, the last thing we should do is contribute to negative stereotypes of us.' [5]”

The Journal of the Family Research Institute using data from the U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Center for Disease Control concluded that "married men who are not separated are at least 25 times less apt to be domestically attacked than a homosexual male in an 'on-going relationship.' Even if we include all married and separated husbands, the risk of domestic violence in a male-male homosexual relationship is still at least 18 times greater."[6]
Another study indicated that 83% of homosexuals report they have been emotionally abused by homosexual partners. [7]
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Domestic Abuse Fact Sheet states that "11% of women in homosexual relationships and 23% of men in homosexual relationships report being raped, physically assaulted, and/or stalked by an intimate partner".[8]
A study published in The Journal of Family Violence reported among its participants that "Emotional abuse was reported by 83%" of its participants.[7]
A study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence examined conflict and violence in lesbian relationships. The researchers found that 90 percent of the lesbians surveyed had been recipients of one or more acts of verbal aggression from their intimate partners during the year prior to this study, with 31 percent reporting one or more incidents of physical abuse. [9]
A 1985 study of 1109 lesbians by Gwat-Yong Lie and Sabrina Gentlewarrier reported that slightly more than half of the respondents indicated that they had been abused by a female partner.[10]
Coleman, in a 1990 study of 90 lesbians reported that 46.6% had experienced repeated acts of violence.[11]
A study of 113 lesbians reported (1994) that 41% said they had been abused in one or more relationships.[12]
In their book, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence (1991), Island and Letellier postulate that "the incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population."[13]
The Journal of Social Service Research reported in 1991 that survey of 1,099 lesbians showed that slightly more than 50 percent of the lesbians reported that they had been abused by a female lover/partner, "the most frequently indicated forms of abuse were verbal/emotional/psychological abuse and combined physical-psychological abuse." [14]
A study of lesbian couples reported (2000) in the Handbook of Family Development and Intervention "indicates that 54 percent had experienced 10 or more abusive incidents, 74 percent had experienced six or more incidents, 60 percent reported a pattern to the abuse, and 71 percent said it grew worse over time."[15]

Gay couple accused of abusing two of their nine adopted sons | Mail Online A gay couple who adopted nine boys have been accused of sexually assaulting two of the children.

Read more: Gay couple accused of abusing two of their nine adopted sons | Mail Online

A DUTCH man accused of sexually abusing more than 60 children was “married” to his homosexual lover. Under American law, this man would be able to adopt children or obtain children through surrogates and raise them in his home. How long before we see children subjected to a lifetime of abuse by their adoptive homosexual parents? Heterosexual men commit sexual abuse too, but they do not have the same rate of sexual perversion against the young. The Thinking Housewife › “Married” Pedophile Accused of Abusing More than 60 Children

BY DOUG PATTON, Conservative viewpoint

All who continue to deny the dire warnings concerning the freak show that awaits our culture at the bottom of the slippery slope called "gay rights" need only contemplate the story of 11-year-old Thomas Lobel.

Thomas is being raised in San Francisco (of course) by two lesbians, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, who claim they were "married" by a rabbi in some sort of ceremony back in 1990. They adopted Thomas when he was 2 years old.

Because he has a speech impediment, Thomas learned sign language at an early age. According to his two "mothers," he told them in sign language — at age 3, mind you — that he was a girl. On the strength of that assertion — from a 3-year-old! — Moreno and Lobel made a gigantic leap and assumed it must be true. Thomas, they concluded, must be what is euphemistically referred to these days as "transgendered." You know, transgendered, like "Chaz" Bono, Sonny and Cher's little girl-turned-lesbian-turned-boy-turned-who-knows-what-next.

So, this troubled little boy, Thomas Lobel (whom the only parents he has ever known now call "Tammy"), confused and withdrawn because of his handicap, was brainwashed into believing something he couldn't possibly understand yet.

Four years ago, when Thomas was 7, psychiatrists "diagnosed" him with "gender identity disorder." By age 8, with ongoing encouragement from his two lesbian parents, he was supposedly "transitioning," whatever that means.

But this story gets worse. Much, much worse.

This summer, aided and abetted by a medical establishment that no longer has any moral or cultural moorings, these two deviants started the hideous process of "gender reassignment" on poor Thomas, now 11, in order to suppress the onset of his male puberty and physically turn him into a girl! This "therapy" includes a hormone-suppressant, which is implanted in his upper left arm to prevent him from developing naturally into the boy God intended him to be. It will suppress the growth of facial hair, the natural deepening of his voice and the broadening of his shoulders.

Thomas will remain a pre-pubescent boy until he and his "mothers" decide whether he should transition to an adult female. In order to do that, he will have to take female hormones, which will raise his voice, allow him to grow breasts and develop other feminine physical characteristics. Lastly, of course, is the decision to have sex-change surgery.

San Francisco is one of only four cities in the United States with a hospital that has a program for "transgender children." The others are Boston, Seattle and Los Angeles. The University of California San Francisco is home to the Center of Excellence for Transgender Health.

Such an innocuous sounding name.

There is virtually no chance that this poor, bewildered boy will "decide" to do anything other than to allow himself to be manipulated and mutilated by these domineering women in his life. They, along with the so-called doctors who condone and facilitate this perversion, should be prosecuted for child abuse.

What will these two decide to convince their son to become next? A dog? A cat? A fencepost? A lesbian? What was wrong with him being a boy? That's how he was born. That's what he was supposed to be.

"Everybody was angry with us," Moreno says. "They all said, 'How could you be doing this? You might be ruining his whole life!'" She says she and her partner have faced intense criticism from both friends and family.

What they should be facing is a judge and jury. Instead, we have criminal child abuse being validated by our psychiatric community and our legal system. It may not be popular to say so, but this is the stagnant social cesspool that results from embracing deviancy.

In the blink of an eye we have gone from unthinkable to the new normal.

Lesbian couple guilty of criminal child abuse | Hernando Today

Exposure to a plethora of pernicious elements that often plague the homosexual lifestyle left Dawn feeling “outraged at the incidences of same-sex domestic abuse, sexual advances toward minors, and loss of sexual partners as if people were only commodities.”

“From a young age, I was exposed to explicit sexual speech, self-indulgent lifestyles, varied GLBT subcultures and gay vacation spots. Sex looked gratuitous to me as a child. I was exposed to all inclusive manifestations of sexuality including bathhouse sex, cross-dressing, sodomy, pornography, gay nudity, lesbianism, bisexuality, minor recruitment, voyeurism and exhibitionism. Sado-masochism was alluded to and aspects demonstrated. Alcohol and drugs were often contributing factors to lower inhibitions in my father’s relationships.”
The Effects of Gay Marriage on Children | This is Marriage

Timothy J. Dailey Ph.D. -- Homosexual Parenting: Placing children at risk

Lesbian Couple sentenced 30 years for Child Abuse


Kenmore women each sentenced to 30 years

Two Kenmore women accused of abusing their six children were sentenced to 30 years in prison each this afternoon.

Mary Rowles, 31, the mother of the six children, and her lesbian partner, Alice Jenkins, 28, could have received more than 100 years each from Summit County Common Pleas Judge Patricia Cosgrove.

In October, the women pleaded guilty to an entire 55-count indictment alleging kidnapping, child endangering, felonious assault and other charges involving the children, now ages 7 to 15.

Rowles' five sons allege they were locked in dark closets, deprived of food, forced to eat feces and were mentally and physically abused for a year or more. Rowles' 12-year-old daughter was not subjected to the same abuse, police said, but is included as a victim because of her presence in the home. Lesbian Couple sentenced 30 years for Child Abuse - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Lesbian Couple Drug, Torture and Starve Seven-Year-Old Boy

Posted on December 1, 2007

For some reason, when I read about this I though of a recent post over on Feminist Critics:

Seven-year-old Sean Gibson was found earlier this month wandering in a parking lot by employees of Westgate Resorts in Kissimee, Florida. He was out late by himself and begging for food at a buffet. The poor kid only weighed 37 pounds. They called authories who took him to the hospital.

Now domestic partners Suzette Stevenson, 45, and Jamie Lynn Martin, 26, have been charged with aggravated child abuse.

Fair warning, the torture these women subjected this boy to is rather graphic:

The boy, who is not a biological child to either woman, was allegedly tied by his wrists and made to stand in an upright position for hours at a time, forced to drink shampoo, was burned with cigarettes and had to urinate and defecate in a closet, according the Baker County Sheriff’s Office documents.


Instead, the two women allegedly threatened him with a box cutter and left him in a car, drugged with some type of adult sleeping pill, as they tried to collect $100 in a real estate promotion awarded to anyone who visited a timeshare open house.

And here:

The staff at Celebration was appalled when the extent of Sean’s abuse became apparent.

They amputated the big toe of his left foot, one of two that had been broken by bending. Other injuries include rope burns on his wrists from where he was left hanging by his arms from two large wall lights at the trailer.

“He had burns on the sides of his ears, and they believe those came from being dragged across carpets,” said the investigator. “The doctor initially called him ‘walking death’ and indicated he may have damage to internal organs from repeated kicking.”

Sean’s head was covered in bruises and knots believed to be from blows by fists, hands or other objects.

The one thing about this is that at numerous point people had the opportunity to intervene. At the daycare someone should have noticed. The fact that this boy was pulled out of school should have been a red flag. Or maybe someone could have bothered to verify the fake birth certificate these women had. The social service system was designed to address situations like this, but at every point that someone had a chance to step in no one did a thing. In the end it was the boy had to save himself.

One other element about this stands out. These two women were torturing this boy for apparently no reason at all. That just does not fit with the general profile of abusers. There is always reason, no matter how ridiculous it may be. Given that, I cannot say that the torture was not mitigated by these women’s general attitude towards males as a result of their sexual orientation. That is not to say that being lesbians caused them to be abusive, but there seem to be a propensity for lesbians who abuse children to specifically target boys. Lesbian Couple Drug, Torture and Starve Seven-Year-Old Boy | Toy Soldiers

To be honest, I quit looking at this point. I was looking for a case, I believe out of CA where a lesbian couple abuse a young girl (she had cigarette burns), and other scars of abuse. I have noticed when those cases "make" the news, they are only posted for a short while, and get no where near the attention that other abuse cases get.

Particularly when those hetero abusers are...gasp...CHRISTIAN. Then you get idiots like Sky and Ravi screeching that sending children to church should result in hard time or the death penalty.
It clearly is an issue, or there wouldn't this much opposition towards it. Why this is is beyond me, though. I frankly don't see why they care so much.

Waste of time. Non issue.
One day they all will be gone.
Good friend of mine, half Indian, career Army officer.
"40 years from now they will look back and see how stupid they were opposing equal rights for gay folk"
We call him "Vike" because the high school team he played for before he played in college were the Vikings. Vike told me years ago he had many gays and lesbians in his units in the Army and they were never a problem. Vike stated it was always some nosy women that would out them and get them discharged. He hated that.
The MAIN REASON the bigots are fighting gay marriage so hard NOW is because they know that the next generation and the current professional class in America has no problem with folks that are committed to and love each other getting married.
The uneducated and slow are the ones that oppose it primarily.

Not on this site. It's the uneducated and the slow who are promoting it.

You and the right wing kooks.
"promoting it"
No, we want to ALLOW IT.
I promote free beer, hot women and no taxes.
8,934 posts here in thelast few years on gay marriage.
Not one to date that has any evidence whatsoever any negative effects to heterosexual marriage.
Gays are getting married now.
How has it affected ANYONE?
Gay marriage=non issue. Waste of time.

It clearly is an issue, or there wouldn't this much opposition towards it. Why this is is beyond me, though. I frankly don't see why they care so much.

Waste of time. Non issue.
One day they all will be gone.
Good friend of mine, half Indian, career Army officer.
"40 years from now they will look back and see how stupid they were opposing equal rights for gay folk"
We call him "Vike" because the high school team he played for before he played in college were the Vikings. Vike told me years ago he had many gays and lesbians in his units in the Army and they were never a problem. Vike stated it was always some nosy women that would out them and get them discharged. He hated that.
The MAIN REASON the bigots are fighting gay marriage so hard NOW is because they know that the next generation and the current professional class in America has no problem with folks that are committed to and love each other getting married.
The uneducated and slow are the ones that oppose it primarily.

You are an intolerant hateful person because you call people "bigots" just because they disagree with you. SHAME ON YOU.
It clearly is an issue, or there wouldn't this much opposition towards it. Why this is is beyond me, though. I frankly don't see why they care so much.

Waste of time. Non issue.
One day they all will be gone.
Good friend of mine, half Indian, career Army officer.
"40 years from now they will look back and see how stupid they were opposing equal rights for gay folk"
We call him "Vike" because the high school team he played for before he played in college were the Vikings. Vike told me years ago he had many gays and lesbians in his units in the Army and they were never a problem. Vike stated it was always some nosy women that would out them and get them discharged. He hated that.
The MAIN REASON the bigots are fighting gay marriage so hard NOW is because they know that the next generation and the current professional class in America has no problem with folks that are committed to and love each other getting married.
The uneducated and slow are the ones that oppose it primarily.

You are an intolerant hateful person because you call people "bigots" just because they disagree with you. SHAME ON YOU.

I call them like I see them.
Grow some stones. Get used to it Gary. I have relatives that are gay and lesbian. You claim they are less than human and I will call you a bigot everytime I hear it.
Waste of time. Non issue.
One day they all will be gone.
Good friend of mine, half Indian, career Army officer.
"40 years from now they will look back and see how stupid they were opposing equal rights for gay folk"
We call him "Vike" because the high school team he played for before he played in college were the Vikings. Vike told me years ago he had many gays and lesbians in his units in the Army and they were never a problem. Vike stated it was always some nosy women that would out them and get them discharged. He hated that.
The MAIN REASON the bigots are fighting gay marriage so hard NOW is because they know that the next generation and the current professional class in America has no problem with folks that are committed to and love each other getting married.
The uneducated and slow are the ones that oppose it primarily.

You are an intolerant hateful person because you call people "bigots" just because they disagree with you. SHAME ON YOU.

I call them like I see them.
Grow some stones. Get used to it Gary. I have relatives that are gay and lesbian. You claim they are less than human and I will call you a bigot everytime I hear it.

SHAME ON YOU. You call people bigots and haters just because they disagree with you about redefining marriage. You are a VERY INTOLERANT person..

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