GOP lawmakers argue to keep first cousin marriage legal.

Only in TN. They passed a bill not too long ago that was rooted in the conspiracy theory of "chemtrails" didn't they? :)

Appalachia hell.

It is permitted under Torah law for cousins to marry. In fact, the Sages seem to view marriages between relatives as desirable. The Talmud recommends that a person marry his niece (Yevamot 62b). (There’s a debate in the commentators if it applies specifically to a sister’s daughter or also to a brother’s.) The assumption is that a person will have an especially close relationship with a close relative, perhaps because of their likely similar personalities and values. The reasoning may be the same for a cousin, but the Talmud doesn't mention it. (I should point out that for a woman to marry her nephew is forbidden from the Torah – Leviticus 18:12-13.)
Turns out the main proponent's grandparents were first cousins, lol.

Gotta love Appalachia.

Not if it creates defective children.

Please, tell me you didn’t nor ever will procreate. 🤦‍♂️
So you would prefer to see your grandchildren killed than be born with some type of defect. Your own kids happiness is irrelevant to you. Jesus Christ you are a horrible parent and need to have your kids taken from you before you harm them.
So you would prefer to see your grandchildren killed than be born with some type of defect. Your own kids happiness is irrelevant to you. Jesus Christ you are a horrible parent and need to have your kids taken from you before you harm them.

And we just found another living in his own wittle world. 🤷‍♀️

Go forth and don’t multiply
I may find it sick and disgusting or a degenerate lifestyle, but what consisting adults do is their business. Government for the most part needs to stay out of people’s personal lives and allow them to live the life they choose.
It's much better when a gay predator engages in a pedophilic relationship in their view. They have no comment about it.

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