"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

The really simple answer to all that is that God is NOT what the Bible says he is.
Well at least two things are shown. Dragon did not think deeply about the questions, and two pays attention to those he ignores.
"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

Christians are fear mongering idiots.

Just sayin..

Are you afraid of slaves?

Maybe... Slaves are the dumbest humans. Dumb is dangerous. People that believe in devils and gods are dangerous. People act on what they know. It stands to reason that if someone irrationally believes in Devils and Gods that they will be irrational in other areas of their lives..including the part where we co mingle and I am forced to share the world with them.

I tend to watch the delusional christians more closely, the same way I watch any crazy person.
One cannot adhere to a DOGMA (any dogma, not JUST religious dogma) and be a free thinker.

One can BELIEVE something of course, but if one believes that something without question, if one clings to a belief even when evidence comes to light that makes that dogma dubious?

Then one is not a free thinker.

A LOT of people who are atheists are not REMOTELY free thinkers.

They believe other dogmas which cannot be proven, which means that they are not exactly the free thinkers they might like to think they are.
"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

Christians are fear mongering idiots.

Just sayin..

Are you afraid of slaves?

Maybe... Slaves are the dumbest humans. Dumb is dangerous. People that believe in devils and gods are dangerous. People act on what they know. It stands to reason that if someone irrationally believes in Devils and Gods that they will be irrational in other areas of their lives..including the part where we co mingle and I am forced to share the world with them.

I tend to watch the delusional christians more closely, the same way I watch any crazy person.

Actually, I meant are you afraid of Satan's slaves? If Christians are fear mongering, and the topic is Satan's slaves, then one assumes you are afraid of satan's slaves.
One cannot adhere to a DOGMA (any dogma, not JUST religious dogma) and be a free thinker.

One can BELIEVE something of course, but if one believes that something without question, if one clings to a belief even when evidence comes to light that makes that dogma dubious?

Then one is not a free thinker.

A LOT of people who are atheists are not REMOTELY free thinkers.

They believe other dogmas which cannot be proven, which means that they are not exactly the free thinkers they might like to think they are.

That works.
A LOT of people who are atheists are not REMOTELY free thinkers.

True. In fact, those atheists who make a point of calling themselves atheists are still following Christian (usually) dogma, just turning everything around into a negative. A slave in rebellion is still a slave; when he's truly free, there's no longer a need to rebel.

I do think there are atheists who are not dogmatists, though. You don't tend to hear from them, but I'm sure they exist.
That's a great theory, but there's no support for it at all.

Really? Tell ya what Kaiser Twit, give the OT a read sometime.

You might be surprised. Christians aren't the only ones that get into Heaven.

I didn't say they were, you loon. I said there was no support for your statement that Christ came for only gentiles.

Try to stay on topic.

PS...I have read the OT. More than once. More than twice.
That's a billboard making the rounds, allegedly put up by various churches. I can't verify that it isn't a hoax and it may be. But whether or not any churches have actually displayed that billboard, that IS the thinking of many conservative Christians. I've seen it expressed by certain posters here.

In fact, I think we can take it a bit further: traditional Christianity and freedom in general are enemies. Freedom is a value that's antithetical to traditional Christianity. Not to the teachings of Jesus, mind -- but to traditional Christian teaching.

To a traditional Christian, there is a very, very narrow range of thought, feeling, and action that are permissible. To think freely is to be a heretic or an unbeliever. To feel freely is to lust, to desire, almost certainly to be an adulterer or fornicator in one's imagination, and in some cases to be a homosexual; it's to be angry at times, to long for what traditional morality says should not be yours, to envy and resent.

Freedom means nothing if it is not freedom to sin. Traditional Christianity is opposed to sin. Therefore, traditional Christianity is opposed to freedom.

I couldn't disagree with you more. The First Rule in Judaism and Christianity both is "God First In All Things". Couple that with Personal Responsibility, acknowledge, that We Each learn from "Cause and Effect", from "Consequence", both Good and Bad, and you find Yourself both Free and Accountable. Your first issue is with Your Own Conscience. Are you looking for a Friend or Enemy in that?
I couldn't disagree with you more. The First Rule in Judaism and Christianity both is "God First In All Things". Couple that with Personal Responsibility, acknowledge, that We Each learn from "Cause and Effect", from "Consequence", both Good and Bad, and you find Yourself both Free and Accountable. Your first issue is with Your Own Conscience. Are you looking for a Friend or Enemy in that?

I am merely noting that in traditional Christianity, there is very little in the way of thought that is considered allowable, and a great deal of fear and bribery used to imprison the mind. You may, of course, come up with your own theology (as you seem to have done), which is "Christian" in the sense of being compatible with Christ's teaching, and which does not fit that description. If so, however, it will not be traditional Christianity.

As long as people believe that they MUST hold certain opinions or they will be punished, their minds are in prison.
I couldn't disagree with you more. The First Rule in Judaism and Christianity both is "God First In All Things". Couple that with Personal Responsibility, acknowledge, that We Each learn from "Cause and Effect", from "Consequence", both Good and Bad, and you find Yourself both Free and Accountable. Your first issue is with Your Own Conscience. Are you looking for a Friend or Enemy in that?

I am merely noting that in traditional Christianity, there is very little in the way of thought that is considered allowable, and a great deal of fear and bribery used to imprison the mind. You may, of course, come up with your own theology (as you seem to have done), which is "Christian" in the sense of being compatible with Christ's teaching, and which does not fit that description. If so, however, it will not be traditional Christianity.

As long as people believe that they MUST hold certain opinions or they will be punished, their minds are in prison.
An interesting thing is that a big part of Christianity is forgiveness. Until I finally learned how to forgive, I never knew how liberated my mind could be.
I couldn't disagree with you more. The First Rule in Judaism and Christianity both is "God First In All Things". Couple that with Personal Responsibility, acknowledge, that We Each learn from "Cause and Effect", from "Consequence", both Good and Bad, and you find Yourself both Free and Accountable. Your first issue is with Your Own Conscience. Are you looking for a Friend or Enemy in that?

I am merely noting that in traditional Christianity, there is very little in the way of thought that is considered allowable, and a great deal of fear and bribery used to imprison the mind. You may, of course, come up with your own theology (as you seem to have done), which is "Christian" in the sense of being compatible with Christ's teaching, and which does not fit that description. If so, however, it will not be traditional Christianity.

As long as people believe that they MUST hold certain opinions or they will be punished, their minds are in prison.

I both agree and disagree with aspects of your positioning. My position is that True Religion starts from within, it is not external. Matters of Conscience are between You and Your Maker. It is not my place to Intervene, by taking control, but only to point you to your own Conscience, your conduit. There is a place where others make value decisions for the blind or the weak, we each have areas where we do not have sight, that is a temporary state though, which we outgrow. To me the Slave is one prisoner to addiction, obsession, Vice, not one who holds an opinion, however contrary it seems, or unpopular. What I would ask is that the perspective be validated. If it is a true perspective, it stands in adversity, on it's own merit.

There are aspects throughout time, history, that stand for a reason, whether realized or not, and some that are misused or misrepresented. One thing is clear, We are not the Authority on what is Right or Just. We cannot decree cause and effect, though we may have become very adept at misrepresenting it. Bible Interpretation is just that too. It is a Tool, a Powerful Tool, with many pitfalls and snares, by design. There is no Light Study or Translation of it. Love God with All the Strength of Your Being. Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. It's not a bad place to start.

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