Zone1 Why is Christianity True And Not The Faith Of The Hare Krishnas?

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Jul 7, 2022
What makes Christianity the only true religion in the world, and a religion like that of the Hare Krishnas false? I would rather convert to the Hare Krishnas than become a Christian, due to how evil the Christians depict God. Evangelical Christianity is trying to kill God for people's sins and it claims that God will maintain the vast majority of people (99%+ of humanity), conscious, in a state of torment, being tortured in hell for all eternity, for not converting to Protestant Christianity. If anyone converts to the wrong half of Christianity (Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox) they would've converted to the wrong brand of Christianity hence would be subject to God's wrath too, according to Evangelical Christians.

How more wicked could a religion be? Why not just chant Hare Krishna and be happy? Convert to Hare Krishna, reject the psychopathic theology of Evangelicals.

Evangelical, Protestant Christianity seems more like spiritual terrorism, than anything else.
What makes Christianity the only true religion in the world, and a religion like that of the Hare Krishnas false? I would rather convert to the Hare Krishnas than become a Christian, due to how evil the Christians depict God. Evangelical Christianity is trying to kill God for people's sins and it claims that God will maintain the vast majority of people (99%+ of humanity), conscious, in a state of torment, being tortured in hell for all eternity, for not converting to Protestant Christianity. If anyone converts to the wrong half of Christianity (Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox) they would've converted to the wrong brand of Christianity hence would be subject to God's wrath too, according to Evangelical Christians. How more wicked could a religion be? Why not just chant Hare Krishna and be happy? Convert to Hare Krishna, reject the psychopathic theology of Evangelicals.

Evangelical, Protestant Christianity seems more like spiritual terrorism, than anything else.
The answer is simple...'cause Jebus says so~
Clowns like the OP are why we needed to have the Crusades.
LOL! You don't know much about the Crusades, do you?

What makes Christianity the only true religion in the world, and a religion like that of the Hare Krishnas false? I would rather convert to the Hare Krishnas than become a Christian, due to how evil the Christians depict God. Evangelical Christianity is trying to kill God for people's sins and it claims that God will maintain the vast majority of people (99%+ of humanity), conscious, in a state of torment, being tortured in hell for all eternity, for not converting to Protestant Christianity. If anyone converts to the wrong half of Christianity (Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox) they would've converted to the wrong brand of Christianity hence would be subject to God's wrath too, according to Evangelical Christians.

How more wicked could a religion be? Why not just chant Hare Krishna and be happy? Convert to Hare Krishna, reject the psychopathic theology of Evangelicals.

Evangelical, Protestant Christianity seems more like spiritual terrorism, than anything else.

I'm sorry that at your advanced age you're still going through these wild swings of belief and such. I mean that. I believe you need help.
What makes Christianity the only true religion in the world, and a religion like that of the Hare Krishnas false? I would rather convert to the Hare Krishnas than become a Christian, due to how evil the Christians depict God. Evangelical Christianity is trying to kill God for people's sins and it claims that God will maintain the vast majority of people (99%+ of humanity), conscious, in a state of torment, being tortured in hell for all eternity, for not converting to Protestant Christianity. If anyone converts to the wrong half of Christianity (Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox) they would've converted to the wrong brand of Christianity hence would be subject to God's wrath too, according to Evangelical Christians.

How more wicked could a religion be? Why not just chant Hare Krishna and be happy? Convert to Hare Krishna, reject the psychopathic theology of Evangelicals.

Evangelical, Protestant Christianity seems more like spiritual terrorism, than anything else.
Wasnt christians who killed Christ.
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I'm sorry that at your advanced age you're still going through these wild swings of belief and such. I mean that. I believe you need help.
That's all you can do, resort to silly ad hominem and gaslighting. Your god is evil, and so are you.
LOL! You don't know much about the Crusades, do you?
---The Crusades were organized by western European Christians after centuries of Muslim wars of expansion. Their primary objectives were to stop the expansion of Muslim states, to reclaim for Christianity the Holy Land in the Middle East, and to recapture territories that had formerly been Christian.---

---The Crusades were organized by western European Christians after centuries of Muslim wars of expansion. Their primary objectives were to stop the expansion of Muslim states, to reclaim for Christianity the Holy Land in the Middle East, and to recapture territories that had formerly been Christian.---

Nice copy and paste...LOL!
Wasnt christians who killed Christ.
Christians assert that the infinite, eternal God that created trillions of galaxies, can't forgive sin, unless he kills himself. They also claim, he actually did that, killing himself for their sins. If that wasn't enough nonsense, they also believe that the God that created this universe, will torture people in his private torture chamber called "hell" forever, keeping 99%+ of humanity fully-conscious, in a state of utter torment for all eternity (a trillion, trillion, quadrillion, ad infinitum years, unending forever and ever, tortured by God's wrath and indifference). Their sicko-evil religion, is nothing more than a blasphemous, silly claim, that amounts to spiritual terrorism.
Christians assert that the infinite, eternal God that created trillions of galaxies, can't forgive sin, unless he kills himself. They also claim, he actually did that, killing himself for their sins. If that wasn't enough nonsense, they also believe that the God that created this universe, will torture people in his private torture chamber called "hell" forever, keeping 99%+ of humanity fully-conscious, in a state of utter torment for all eternity (a trillion, trillion, quadrillion, ad infinitum years, unending forever and ever, tortured by God's wrath and indifference). Their sicko-evil religion, is nothing more than a blasphemous, silly claim, that amounts to spiritual terrorism.
yeah thats it....who killed him........
Compare your first and second sentences re: ad hominems. WHOA
Yes, I return the favor. If you wish to do that to me, expect me to return fire. I don't agree with the hypocritical, stupid "turn the other cheek", "don't resist evil" crap. You have no argument in defense of your evil religion, so you have nothing left than to attack me personally. I attack ideas, not people, until the people with the bad ideas that I am criticizing attack me personally.
yeah thats it....who killed him........
You are the people inventing and conjuring up all of this nonsense, hence you're the ones killing God for your sins. You assert and believe that humanity's sins killed God, because God supposedly, according to you, can't forgive sin or rehabilitate and redeem humanity any other way. God must subject himself to death, and die for your sins. The Hebrew Bible defines the state of the dead as "knowing nothing" and not being able to worship and praise God. It's the place of the underworld. So your silly theology throws God into the underworld.

  1. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 (קהלת ט׳:ה־ו׳)
    • Hebrew: "כִּי הַחַיִּים יוֹדְעִים שֶׁיָּמֻתוּ, וְהַמֵּתִים אֵינָם יוֹדְעִים מְאוּמָה, וְאֵין לָהֶם עוֹד שָׂכָר, כִּי נִשְׁכַּח זִכְרָם. מֵאַהֲבָתָם וּמִשְׂנֹאָתָם וּמִקִּנְאָתָם כְּבָר אָבַד, וְחֵלֶק אֵין לָהֶם עוֹד לְעוֹלָם בְּכָל אֲשֶׁר נַעֲשָׂה תַחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ."
    • English: "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten. Their love, their hate, and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun."
  2. Psalms 115:17 (תהילים ק״ו:יז)
    • Hebrew: "לֹא הַמֵּתִים יְהַלְלוּ יָהּ, וְלֹא כָל יֹרְדֵי דוּמָה."
    • English: "The dead do not praise YHWH, nor do any who go down into silence."
These passages reflect the view presented in the Hebrew Bible that the dead are in a state of unconsciousness, knowing nothing and incapable of praising or worshiping YHWH. Christianity and the Abrahamic religions in general are evil, warlike religions.
You are the people inventing and conjuring up all of this nonsense, hence you're the ones killing God for your sins. You assert and believe that humanity's sins killed God, because God supposedly, according to you, can't forgive sin or rehabilitate and redeem humanity any other way. God must subject himself to death, and die for your sins. The Hebrew Bible defines the state of the dead as "knowing nothing" and not being able to worship and praise God. It's the place of the underworld. So your silly theology throws God into the underworld.

  1. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 (קהלת ט׳:ה־ו׳)
    • Hebrew: "כִּי הַחַיִּים יוֹדְעִים שֶׁיָּמֻתוּ, וְהַמֵּתִים אֵינָם יוֹדְעִים מְאוּמָה, וְאֵין לָהֶם עוֹד שָׂכָר, כִּי נִשְׁכַּח זִכְרָם. מֵאַהֲבָתָם וּמִשְׂנֹאָתָם וּמִקִּנְאָתָם כְּבָר אָבַד, וְחֵלֶק אֵין לָהֶם עוֹד לְעוֹלָם בְּכָל אֲשֶׁר נַעֲשָׂה תַחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ."
    • English: "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten. Their love, their hate, and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun."
  2. Psalms 115:17 (תהילים ק״ו:יז)
    • Hebrew: "לֹא הַמֵּתִים יְהַלְלוּ יָהּ, וְלֹא כָל יֹרְדֵי דוּמָה."
    • English: "The dead do not praise YHWH, nor do any who go down into silence."
These passages reflect the view presented in the Hebrew Bible that the dead are in a state of unconsciousness, knowing nothing and incapable of praising or worshiping YHWH. Christianity and the Abrahamic religions in general are evil, warlike religions.
Nothing was invented or conjured except the eternal lies of the lost.....

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