A Couple of New Questions for Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

WOW.. Dragon Lady is way fucking out there... In her own fantasy land..

The DIMOCRAT fucktard mayor slapped the face of those tryng to keep her feckless city safe from DEMOCRAT ANARCHISTS... We know where her loyalties fall and that bitch shoould be removed from office..
Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one.

LOL..wait and see what happens if Joe and his likely PC running mate get elected in Nov. The economy will plummet as he begins adding more regulations, raising taxes, increasing those on the government dole and entertaining all the wild-eyed ideas of the idiotic left like reparations and the Green New Deal. The ignorant will blame it all on Trump, of course. But hey, other countries, like China and Russia, will say they "respect" Biden after getting everything they want from him and the US.

Biden is everything wrong with this country and the movement that is currently going on. He is a 70+ year old who has never emotionally matured.
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

Neither will Joe
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation.
Then why is almost every Democrat demanding those issues be pushed?
Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one.

LOL..wait and see what happens if Joe and his likely PC running mate get elected in Nov. The economy will plummet as he begins adding more regulations, raising taxes, increasing those on the government dole and entertaining all the wild-eyed ideas of the idiotic left like reparations and the Green New Deal. The ignorant will blame it all on Trump, of course. But hey, other countries, like China and Russia, will say they "respect" Biden after getting everything they want from him and the US.

Biden is everything wrong with this country and the movement that is currently going on. He is a 70+ year old who has never emotionally matured.
We know what happens when Democrats take control from cities to States to the nation.

And Joe’s been in DC for five decades and while he’s accomplished nothing to date, he’ll fix things if elected in November.
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?
Biden has also said some racist stuff and has supported segregation and he pose for a picture with Robert Byrd.
But, it's OK, the Press will protect him.
We can add a few more questions:

Do you believe ANTIFA initiates violence and is a terrorist organization?

Do you think the rioters should be prosecuted?

Do you believe journalists should be fired for sharing their opinions?

Do you condemn violence against those who support President Trump?

Do you support the Reverend King’s statement that we should be judged not by our skin color but by our character?
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

You as a Canadian know what the problems are best, I am sure of that.

The questions are brilliant, because they demonstrate how factually lost Biden and his crazy supporters who should not have been ever given the vote to begin with are.
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation.
Then why is almost every Democrat demanding those issues be pushed?

Who told you that? I only people I ever see or hear talking about trannies in women's washrooms are conservatives. You people are obsessed with something that has been going on all of my adult life and is no big deal.

Trannies don't shower with women. Trannies are mostly scared of being exposed. I've seen the look of fear on the face of a trannies in the washrooms when they realize they've been "made". I usually give them a friendly smile, and their relief is palpable. Women don't really shower together. That's a male thing. Even in health clubs, we have private shower stalls, with curtains.

The only people who are obsessed with gay beviours are conservatives. Every other nation in the world which has given gays the right to marry, it's been pretty much a non-event for everyone except gay people. But not in the USA. Right wing religious nuts have made this all about THEM and their right to hate gays. You have crazy people who claim their religious freedoms are violated. Dozens of lawsuits and court cases, and Americans actively seeking the right to treat gays as second class citizens.

We can add a few more questions:

Do you believe ANTIFA initiates violence and is a terrorist organization?

Do you think the rioters should be prosecuted?

Do you believe journalists should be fired for sharing their opinions?

Do you condemn violence against those who support President Trump?

Do you support the Reverend King’s statement that we should be judged not by our skin color but by our character?

What do any of these questions have to do with the with anything other than your fears, paranoia and ignorance?

The actual questions that Trump is unable to answer are these:

What is your plan to bring the American economy into the 21st Century in terms of education, infrastructure and investment in 21st Century jobs?

What is your plan to provide quality health care to ALL of the American people, while keeping costs in line?

What is your plan to bring American infrastructure up to the level required by businesses in the 21st Century?

What is your plan to upgrade the skills of the American workers who have been displaced by technology?

What is your plan to restart the economy?

Trump has no plans. He's making this up as he goes along. He ignores the experts because he's a very stable genius. What Trump does depends on who insulted him yesterday. That's why 112,000 Americans are dead. 1.1 million are sick. 30 million people are unemployed. Millions of people are marching in the street.

This is happening Donald Trump is incompetent, criminal, racist and corrupt. This is happening because the 40% of the American population who are increasingly being left behind by Republican fiscal policies are fed up with being sick, broke and unemployed. They're fed up with Republican Presidents who promise peace and prosperity, and deliver disease, death and destruction of the economy.
We can add a few more questions:

Do you believe ANTIFA initiates violence and is a terrorist organization?

Do you think the rioters should be prosecuted?

Do you believe journalists should be fired for sharing their opinions?

Do you condemn violence against those who support President Trump?

Do you support the Reverend King’s statement that we should be judged not by our skin color but by our character?

What do any of these questions have to do with the with anything other than your fears, paranoia and ignorance?

The actual questions that Trump is unable to answer are these:

What is your plan to bring the American economy into the 21st Century in terms of education, infrastructure and investment in 21st Century jobs?

What is your plan to provide quality health care to ALL of the American people, while keeping costs in line?

What is your plan to bring American infrastructure up to the level required by businesses in the 21st Century?

What is your plan to upgrade the skills of the American workers who have been displaced by technology?

What is your plan to restart the economy?

Trump has no plans. He's making this up as he goes along. He ignores the experts because he's a very stable genius. What Trump does depends on who insulted him yesterday. That's why 112,000 Americans are dead. 1.1 million are sick. 30 million people are unemployed. Millions of people are marching in the street.

This is happening Donald Trump is incompetent, criminal, racist and corrupt. This is happening because the 40% of the American population who are increasingly being left behind by Republican fiscal policies are fed up with being sick, broke and unemployed. They're fed up with Republican Presidents who promise peace and prosperity, and deliver disease, death and destruction of the economy.
You tell us.
I can link to Democrats raising every single one of these issues as being not just important, but critically important.
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation.
Then why is almost every Democrat demanding those issues be pushed?

Who told you that? I only people I ever see or hear talking about trannies in women's washrooms are conservatives. You people are obsessed with something that has been going on all of my adult life and is no big deal.

Trannies don't shower with women. Trannies are mostly scared of being exposed. I've seen the look of fear on the face of a trannies in the washrooms when they realize they've been "made". I usually give them a friendly smile, and their relief is palpable. Women don't really shower together. That's a male thing. Even in health clubs, we have private shower stalls, with curtains.

The only people who are obsessed with gay beviours are conservatives. Every other nation in the world which has given gays the right to marry, it's been pretty much a non-event for everyone except gay people. But not in the USA. Right wing religious nuts have made this all about THEM and their right to hate gays. You have crazy people who claim their religious freedoms are violated. Dozens of lawsuits and court cases, and Americans actively seeking the right to treat gays as second class citizens.

That’s funny. In England they put make convicted sex offenders in cells with women just by claiming to be a woman. And for some strange reason nobody can grasp, they then sexually assault the female prisoners.
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

You as a Canadian know what the problems are best, I am sure of that.

The questions are brilliant, because they demonstrate how factually lost Biden and his crazy supporters who should not have been ever given the vote to begin with are.
Yep. The insane have taken over the Dem party and made it impossible they can win.
We can add a few more questions:

Do you believe ANTIFA initiates violence and is a terrorist organization?

Do you think the rioters should be prosecuted?

Do you believe journalists should be fired for sharing their opinions?

Do you condemn violence against those who support President Trump?

Do you support the Reverend King’s statement that we should be judged not by our skin color but by our character?

What do any of these questions have to do with the with anything other than your fears, paranoia and ignorance?

The actual questions that Trump is unable to answer are these:

What is your plan to bring the American economy into the 21st Century in terms of education, infrastructure and investment in 21st Century jobs?

What is your plan to provide quality health care to ALL of the American people, while keeping costs in line?

What is your plan to bring American infrastructure up to the level required by businesses in the 21st Century?

What is your plan to upgrade the skills of the American workers who have been displaced by technology?

What is your plan to restart the economy?

Trump has no plans. He's making this up as he goes along. He ignores the experts because he's a very stable genius. What Trump does depends on who insulted him yesterday. That's why 112,000 Americans are dead. 1.1 million are sick. 30 million people are unemployed. Millions of people are marching in the street.

This is happening Donald Trump is incompetent, criminal, racist and corrupt. This is happening because the 40% of the American population who are increasingly being left behind by Republican fiscal policies are fed up with being sick, broke and unemployed. They're fed up with Republican Presidents who promise peace and prosperity, and deliver disease, death and destruction of the economy.
You tell us.
I can link to Democrats raising every single one of these issues as being not just important, but critically important.

Of course you can. You spend your days scouring the web for any idiocy that comes out of the fringe left, but can you show where any maintream Democrats are doing anything other than promoting equal rights for LBGT's and freedom from discrimination?

I don't even have to scour the web to find instances of Republicans denying rights to women, minorities and gays. Trump's Senate Health Committee recommended that rape, incest and pregnancy be classed as "pre-existing conditions" so that insurance companies could charge women higher premiums. Trump and his administration has sided with employers and schools who say their religious rights are violated by being forced to buy health insurance which covers women's reproductive health care, if the employers don't want to.

Republicans have loaded waiting periods and expensive unnecessary tests onto the costs of abortions to keep poor women from accessing abortion services. Republicans have sought to overturn the right for gays to marry. They ended the police reform programs which focused on police brutality in minority communities.

These are mainstream attacks on rights for women and minorities. Not some fringe loon promoting some idiotic idea that came out of a late night drinking session involving bad drugs. This the the Republican Party of 2020, and the policies of President Trump.
We already know how Trump will answer these:

Do you believe police departments should be disbanded?

Do all lives matter?

Are the riots justified?

Should blacks be allowed to vote for whoever they choose?

Democrats have run these cities for decades, why is there still a problem for blacks in them?

And if we really want to have some fun with Joe:

Do you believe only women can menstruate?

Should a 17 year old with a penis who claims to identify as a female be allowed in the girls high school shower?

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation. No one wants to "have fun with Joe". They want competent, sane, and compassionate governance. Trump provides none of those things.

80% of Americans think the country is "out of control". 70% of people think the country is going in the "wrong direction". Every decision Trump has made since being elected, has been the wrong one. Over the past two weeks, we've seen Trump try to bring in the military against the American people. He had the military attack peaceful protestors in Washington. This has brought down the condemnation of the USA military, which Trump thought were his biggestest supporters, on his entire Administration.

Trump tried to blatantly use the military to shore up his weak and feckless Presidency. HIding out in Fortress White House, lobbing tear gas and rubber bullets at those who are protesting.

Nearly all of your questions are stupid and irrelevant to the problems facing the nation.
Then why is almost every Democrat demanding those issues be pushed?

Who told you that? I only people I ever see or hear talking about trannies in women's washrooms are conservatives. You people are obsessed with something that has been going on all of my adult life and is no big deal.

Trannies don't shower with women. Trannies are mostly scared of being exposed. I've seen the look of fear on the face of a trannies in the washrooms when they realize they've been "made". I usually give them a friendly smile, and their relief is palpable. Women don't really shower together. That's a male thing. Even in health clubs, we have private shower stalls, with curtains.

The only people who are obsessed with gay beviours are conservatives. Every other nation in the world which has given gays the right to marry, it's been pretty much a non-event for everyone except gay people. But not in the USA. Right wing religious nuts have made this all about THEM and their right to hate gays. You have crazy people who claim their religious freedoms are violated. Dozens of lawsuits and court cases, and Americans actively seeking the right to treat gays as second class citizens.

That’s funny. In England they put make convicted sex offenders in cells with women just by claiming to be a woman. And for some strange reason nobody can grasp, they then sexually assault the female prisoners.

Gee do you have a link to this bullshit from a something other than a "Questionable Source"?

I also see that you're both attempting to deflect from your lack of response to my post, and concurrently move the goal posts.

You concession is noted.

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