A Black 11 Year Old has an IQ Higher Than Einstein's


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
Y'know, seems to me such intelligence comes with risks. If it's channeled properly, if not too much pressure is applied, if he's brought up in a proper environment, on and on.

Pretty exciting, though. We sure as hell need smart people.
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
Y'know, seems to me such intelligence comes with risks. If it's channeled properly, if not too much pressure is applied, if he's brought up in a proper environment, on and on.

Pretty exciting, though. We sure as hell need smart people.

Yeah we do, but honestly, I would take for most jobs a guy with average smarts, strong motivation, high levels of honesty, integrity and who has been taught how to think critically over a high IQ Mensa derp any day.

Not saying this kid in particular is a derp, but the odds are pretty good, lol.
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
Y'know, seems to me such intelligence comes with risks. If it's channeled properly, if not too much pressure is applied, if he's brought up in a proper environment, on and on.

Pretty exciting, though. We sure as hell need smart people.

Yeah we do, but honestly, I would take for most jobs a guy with average smarts, strong motivation, high levels of honesty, integrity and who has been taught how to think critically over a high IQ Mensa derp any day.

Not saying this kid in particular is a derp, but the odds are pretty good, lol.
Yeah, fair enough. I'm just hopeful for a few people with both qualities.
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
Y'know, seems to me such intelligence comes with risks. If it's channeled properly, if not too much pressure is applied, if he's brought up in a proper environment, on and on.

Pretty exciting, though. We sure as hell need smart people.

Yeah we do, but honestly, I would take for most jobs a guy with average smarts, strong motivation, high levels of honesty, integrity and who has been taught how to think critically over a high IQ Mensa derp any day.

Not saying this kid in particular is a derp, but the odds are pretty good, lol.
Its a common mistake to think critical thinking solves a problem. Critical thinking only recognizes the problem. Clinical thinking is what solves the problem.
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
Your opinion is flawed.
When the first IQ tests were being given, based on exactly the same testing model, across 'White' European and 'White N. America, the test was also being given to people throughout Asia.
The 'Asians where, by any definition living much more 'basic' mostly lifestyles compared to the technologically advanced cultures in White countries.
Today, throughout vast and varied cultures Asian countries their lifestyles, including their education system remains largely unchanged.
One only needs to visit rural China to prove this.T
The earliest IQ test results showed a general approximate 15 point margin higher among Asians compared to Whites.
I won't bother going into the scientifically proven disparity between White IQ' and negro IQs. Anyone with an IQ higher than a slice of Wonder bread knows that fact.
Einstein wasn't that smart
The world was looking for a hero and vaula....einstein
'Intelligent' based on standard IQ testing= Apple
'Smart' as in 'street'=Orange

'Street smarts' is an oxymoron. It means one moron on the corner can count to 5, a smarter one can count to 6, the completely illiterate one who can't count at all but knew where to steal or buy the pistol he shot and robbed the other two with wins.
picaro said:
'Street smarts' is an oxymoron. It means one moron on the corner can count to 5, a smarter one can count to 6, the completely illiterate one who can't count at all but knew where to steal or buy the pistol he shot and robbed the other two with wins.

Wrong. 'Street smarts' is possessing the knowledge to be able to read 'street language' -- knowing the signs to look for, knowing when to keep your mouth shut, knowing who and where to avoid.

It has nothing to do with being a 'thug' on the corner. Cops possess street smarts. City social workers. Teachers.

Obviously, it's something you know nothing about.
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
I liked and agreed with much of your post but I wish race ethnicity wasn't always dragged into the picture. It clouds the issues.

The article never mentioned he was Black. They didn't mention race at all and rightfully so. The news is that someone else in the world has an IQ close to what Einstein's was estimated to be.

Measuring intelligence by itself is a tricky and questionable venture. But when race is thrown into the mix then the you bring in racial assumptions and that's a bumpy road.

I think the author of the article did a good job. They didn't say a Black boy scored a high IQ or that the British boy had a high IQ. They just celebrated a young human achieving a notable human accomplishment.
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
Why did you need to knock this kid? He sounds like a pretty delightful kid. It's not because he's black, I hope.
picaro said:
'Street smarts' is an oxymoron. It means one moron on the corner can count to 5, a smarter one can count to 6, the completely illiterate one who can't count at all but knew where to steal or buy the pistol he shot and robbed the other two with wins.

Wrong. 'Street smarts' is possessing the knowledge to be able to read 'street language' -- knowing the signs to look for, knowing when to keep your mouth shut, knowing who and where to avoid.

It has nothing to do with being a 'thug' on the corner. Cops possess street smarts. City social workers. Teachers.

Obviously, it's something you know nothing about.

lol what a load of BS. None of that has a thing to do with being 'smart' or even requires much intelligence.
Einstein wasn't that smart
The world was looking for a hero and vaula....einstein
'Intelligent' based on standard IQ testing= Apple
'Smart' as in 'street'=Orange

I agree but put it in a different way.

Intelligent based on IQ testing - book smart
Intelligent based on being able to apply in real life - functionally literate

While someone may be both, give me the latter because they'll be able to do what they learned not just tell you .
picaro said:
'Street smarts' is an oxymoron. It means one moron on the corner can count to 5, a smarter one can count to 6, the completely illiterate one who can't count at all but knew where to steal or buy the pistol he shot and robbed the other two with wins.

Wrong. 'Street smarts' is possessing the knowledge to be able to read 'street language' -- knowing the signs to look for, knowing when to keep your mouth shut, knowing who and where to avoid.

It has nothing to do with being a 'thug' on the corner. Cops possess street smarts. City social workers. Teachers.

Obviously, it's something you know nothing about.

lol what a load of BS. None of that has a thing to do with being 'smart' or even requires much intelligence.
You're right. There's no intelligence behind learning how to navigate the streets. Absolutely no intelligence whatsoever. Just stick to your missionary position and Bloomberg Report. You've got it all figured out.
Many don't realize there is a difference between wisdom and intelligence.
Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
If a person has all three, wisdom, intelligence, and imagination, that is far more meaningful than having only one or two of the three. I have worked with many people that have excelled on only one, they weren't too useful without supervision.
IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
Why did you need to knock this kid? He sounds like a pretty delightful kid. It's not because he's black, I hope.
I've seen the type. Most likely he took an IQ test and did not do so hot.

IQ is a simplistic measure of a very complex set of mental abilities, and it only measures the performance of the person at one point in time. A person can that scored a 160 one day might score 140 the next, or 197 or 128 a few years later. An IQ score is kind of like one time in the 100 yard dash; just because you got under 10 seconds in high school doesnt mean you will always get it the rest of your life.

But this is a demonstration that IQ is not hobbled by race. Environment, culture, encouragement, access to better learning facilities, better libraries and other people of similar intelligence, all these things enhance or diminish ones natural intelligence.

This kid did very well, but what does this tell us about the kid? IS a high IQ the key to success and happiness? Obviously not if you have ever known such people. IQ does not tell us much about their motivation, drive, discipline and social skills all of which are as key to success as natural intelligence is.

If blacks had access to better schools, a culture that gave them images of black scientists and philosophers as often as sports stars and criminals, and safer learning environments where it was not considered "white" to excel in academics, I dont think that there would be about a 20 point difference in average IQs between whites and blacks or a 15 point difference between whites and Asians in the US.

Is this Britain's smartest schoolboy? 11-year-old boy with higher IQ than Einstein
Equating IQ with exposure to education displays your complete ignorance.

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