911 not a day to discuss War on terror?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004

I cant figure out what the Democrats are complaining about here. I mean we are talking about 911. Its what started the war on terror. How do you remember 911 without remembering the war on terror. It makes absolutely no sense.

If President Bush started talking about gay marriage i could understand the objection. but this doesnt make much sense at all.

I cant figure out what the Democrats are complaining about here. I mean we are talking about 911. Its what started the war on terror. How do you remember 911 without remembering the war on terror. It makes absolutely no sense.

If President Bush started talking about gay marriage i could understand the objection. but this doesnt make much sense at all.

Two things:

1) You're trying to hold Democrats to the standard of "making sense". You'll get a headache.

2) Is it just me, or is it true that EVERY TIME a Republican HOLDS A DEMOCRAT ACCOUNTABLE for what they said or did, the democrat calls it 'A republican being Partisan!"

the dems that made speaches yesterday that ventured off into bush bashing....got booed and slamed.......

sooooooooooo, it is only fair that they attack Bush and scream "look over here look over here Bush is talking about the war on terror".... on the day we were attacked by terrorists....
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NO ONE should have gotten into politics in their speeches yesterday. It was disgusting all around.
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NO ONE should have gotten into politics in their speeches yesterday. It was disgusting all around.

Unity in the war on terror shouldnt be a matter of politics. Why is it unreasonable to expect people to remember why we are fighting a war and actually support it?
Unity in the war on terror shouldnt be a matter of politics. Why is it unreasonable to expect people to remember why we are fighting a war and actually support it?
That has nothing to do with the various examples of political posturing that occured yesterday in speeches.

As I said, disgusting all around.
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How do you support the troop by undermining and opposing what they do?

We have a war on terror whether you want to support it or not. But that still doesnt explain how asking for unity in the war on terror which was essentially begun on 911 because of 911 is inappropriate to talk about on 911.

I cant figure out what the Democrats are complaining about here. I mean we are talking about 911. Its what started the war on terror. How do you remember 911 without remembering the war on terror. It makes absolutely no sense.

If President Bush started talking about gay marriage i could understand the objection. but this doesnt make much sense at all.

since when does 'liberal-logic' make sense??
I'll respect and support the troops, 911 victims/families, 911 heroes, but not the war.

sorry, but thats political rhetoric at its best. You cant support and respect the troops but not respect and support the war. It is the troops that are carrying the war out. It is the troops that are KILLING people in Iraq. It is the troops that overwhelmingly support the war.
the dems that made speaches yesterday that ventured off into bush bashing....got booed and slamed.......

sooooooooooo, it is only fair that they attack Bush and scream "look over here look over here Bush is talking about the war on terror".... on the day we were attacked by terrorists....

The Dems looked like the bunch of whiney ass crybabies that they are.

IF Bush hadnt mentioned Iraq, they would have bitched that he was dodging the issue.
NO ONE should have gotten into politics in their speeches yesterday. It was disgusting all around.

It was the Democrats who politicized things. PRESIDENT Bush didnt politicize it, he gave a speech. It was expected, how can he possibly talk about 9/11 without talking about the war on terror. Like it or not, his orders regarding the war on terror involved us in Iraq.

Dont forget OBL stated that the war in Iraq is crucial to the future of the destruction of America, that whether they win or lose in Iraq is paramount to the future of their goals to take over the world.

The more I think of it, it is a good strategy if not for any other reason than we are killing terrorists (or they are killing themselves), few Americans are dying anymore, and it certainly is using up their resources and manpower that they CERTAINLY would be deploying somewhere else, like AFGHANASTAN MAYBE? The idiot liberals like to scream that PResident Bush took his eye of the prize and didnt finish the job in Afghanastan and got our lowered our resources there so that we no longer have enough to do the job in Afghanastan. But in reality, by ousting Saddam, we forced the terrorists to deploy most of their resources in Iraq which they most assurdly would be using in Afghanastan right now, and the progress they have made in Afghanastan towards a Democracy, surely wouldnt be as far along as it is now.

All hail the commander in chief. Oh, dr grumpy, President BUSH is your commander in cheif and your PRESIDENT TOO!
It was the Democrats who politicized things. PRESIDENT Bush didnt politicize it, he gave a speech. It was expected, how can he possibly talk about 9/11 without talking about the war on terror. Like it or not, his orders regarding the war on terror involved us in Iraq.

Dont forget OBL stated that the war in Iraq is crucial to the future of the destruction of America, that whether they win or lose in Iraq is paramount to the future of their goals to take over the world.

The more I think of it, it is a good strategy if not for any other reason than we are killing terrorists (or they are killing themselves), few Americans are dying anymore, and it certainly is using up their resources and manpower that they CERTAINLY would be deploying somewhere else, like AFGHANASTAN MAYBE? The idiot liberals like to scream that PResident Bush took his eye of the prize and didnt finish the job in Afghanastan and got our lowered our resources there so that we no longer have enough to do the job in Afghanastan. But in reality, by ousting Saddam, we forced the terrorists to deploy most of their resources in Iraq which they most assurdly would be using in Afghanastan right now, and the progress they have made in Afghanastan towards a Democracy, surely wouldnt be as far along as it is now.

All hail the commander in chief. Oh, dr grumpy, President BUSH is your commander in cheif and your PRESIDENT TOO!
Thanks for this, but I'll stick by my "disgusting all around" assertion. We must have watched different speeches.
That is like saying you like football players, but not the sport

No, it's like saying, "I like the players, but not the coach"

The military has one objective: to kill our enemies, and protect America

I cannot imagine how one person can be so uninformed and ignorant. If you'll help me out, how old are you? 15? 16?

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