7th Circuit Court Upholds Wisconsin Voter ID Law


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Good news for Wisconsin.

Appeals Court keeps strict voter ID law in place in Wisconsin

A federal appeals court on Friday declined to soften Wisconsin's strict voter ID law.

The court's decision likely means that, barring intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court, the strict ID measure will be in place in a key presidential swing state, where it could make voting much harder, especially for racial minorities and students.

In July, a district court ruled that Wisconsin must soften its law by allowing voters who were unable to get ID to sign an affidavit attesting to their identity. Earlier this month, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit blocked that ruling from going into effect for the November election. On Friday afternoon, the full appeals court unanimously upheld the panel's decision, after an appeal from voting rights groups.

The appeals court noted that in a separate challenge to the voter ID law, a court had required Wisconsin to make IDs as easy as possible to obtain, including by giving out temporary IDs at DMV offices. As a result, the appeals court found, the affidavit option is unnecessary to ensure that voters aren't disenfranchised.

Good news for Wisconsin.

Appeals Court keeps strict voter ID law in place in Wisconsin

A federal appeals court on Friday declined to soften Wisconsin's strict voter ID law.

The court's decision likely means that, barring intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court, the strict ID measure will be in place in a key presidential swing state, where it could make voting much harder, especially for racial minorities and students.

In July, a district court ruled that Wisconsin must soften its law by allowing voters who were unable to get ID to sign an affidavit attesting to their identity. Earlier this month, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit blocked that ruling from going into effect for the November election. On Friday afternoon, the full appeals court unanimously upheld the panel's decision, after an appeal from voting rights groups.

The appeals court noted that in a separate challenge to the voter ID law, a court had required Wisconsin to make IDs as easy as possible to obtain, including by giving out temporary IDs at DMV offices. As a result, the appeals court found, the affidavit option is unnecessary to ensure that voters aren't disenfranchised.

View attachment 87317

and the supreme court keeps reversing the winger courts. *shrug*
Good news for Wisconsin.

Appeals Court keeps strict voter ID law in place in Wisconsin

A federal appeals court on Friday declined to soften Wisconsin's strict voter ID law.

The court's decision likely means that, barring intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court, the strict ID measure will be in place in a key presidential swing state, where it could make voting much harder, especially for racial minorities and students.

In July, a district court ruled that Wisconsin must soften its law by allowing voters who were unable to get ID to sign an affidavit attesting to their identity. Earlier this month, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit blocked that ruling from going into effect for the November election. On Friday afternoon, the full appeals court unanimously upheld the panel's decision, after an appeal from voting rights groups.

The appeals court noted that in a separate challenge to the voter ID law, a court had required Wisconsin to make IDs as easy as possible to obtain, including by giving out temporary IDs at DMV offices. As a result, the appeals court found, the affidavit option is unnecessary to ensure that voters aren't disenfranchised.

View attachment 87317

and the supreme court keeps reversing the winger courts. *shrug*
This is yet another idiotic position held by the left. How any American can think that NOT requiring identification prior to voting is a good idea, is CRAZY.
This is yet another idiotic position held by the left. How any American can think that NOT requiring identification prior to voting is a good idea, is CRAZY.
for 200 years we've done without government issued photo IDs at the polling booth in order to vote....was that idiotic?

WHAT kind of voter fraud do you believe is stopped at the polling booth, by requiring a government issued photo ID? Who is committing voter fraud by impersonating someone else at the poll booth?

Are more citizens disenfranchised from voting by this measure than people committing voter fraud at the polling booth impersonating another registered voter, without the gvt issued photo id?

Why wasn't using a pictured employee id plus their electric bill with their name and address not good enough for a citizen to prove they are the person registered to vote at the voting place?
You know I don't even understand why tools like jillian even bother to argue against voter ID anymore... This is the real reason why it may not even matter anymore...

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration Solutions - ProCon.org
and ALL of the other 38 states issue drivers licenses to legal foreigners who also can not vote.

so, this ridiculous idea that a government issued id is necessary at the voting place, to prove you are the person ALREADY REGISTERED to vote and on the roster to vote in that district, is fruitless...

the purpose of this measure, is to make it easy to vote for those who own cars to drive and already have a govt issued photo id, and more difficult with hurdles for people who do not drive and do not have this government issued photo id in their possession because they do not own a car.

And ILLEGALS and FOREIGNERS need to be stopped from registering to vote, during each States vetting process.

Their names should NOT even be on the Rosters at the voting place!!
You know I don't even understand why tools like jillian even bother to argue against voter ID anymore... This is the real reason why it may not even matter anymore...

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration Solutions - ProCon.org
and ALL of the other 38 states issue drivers licenses to legal foreigners who also can not vote.

so, this ridiculous idea that a government issued id is necessary at the voting place, to prove you are the person ALREADY REGISTERED to vote and on the roster to vote in that district, is fruitless...

the purpose of this measure, is to make it easy to vote for those who own cars to drive and already have a govt issued photo id, and more difficult with hurdles for people who do not drive and do not have this government issued photo id in their possession because they do not own a car.

And ILLEGALS and FOREIGNERS need to be stopped from registering to vote, during each States vetting process.

Their names should NOT even be on the Rosters at the voting place!!
You make some great points. Citizenship should be proven at registration.
To bad that many states use a mail in registration form inwhich the only verification is a checked box. And what is the actual penalty for when non-citizens are found on the voting registry? Well, they are taken off.....no big deal, right!
I have no problem for requiring picture ID fo voting, but there is a lot of potential voter fraud that it will not prevent. However, it may prevent me from voting in place of my father who died 10 years ago who is still registered to vote. The voters registration office doesn't know he is dead....and since I keep voting in his place, they will think he is living to a ripe ol' age.

P.S. I don't really vote in place of my late father...that was hypothetical.
Their names should NOT even be on the Rosters at the voting place!!

And dead people should have never been allowed to vote in Cook County, Illinois in the past either...

Guy Benson - Oh My: Audit Finds Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud in North Carolina
RIGHT! Precisely!

WHY don't States REMOVE the dead person from their voter rolls WHEN the person dies and the State issues a death certificate?

WHY? WHY? WHY? Illegals should NOT be registered, foreigners should not be registered, Dead People should not be Registered and on the voter rosters at the voting place.

This whole gvt issued photo voter id at the polls simply MAKES NO SENSE and has some nefarious reason for instituting it like pushing us ALL to have an RFID identification, a National ID without telling the citizens they are working towards that... so it can be debated on its own merits?

And for our representatives to act as if this gvt issued photo id is going to solve the problems INSTEAD of getting to the ROOT of the problems, which take place during registration and during the States vetting of rosters and vetting of those being registered, is just baffling?
If SCOTUS does not reverse the ruling, which I don't think it will, the fact remains this law is not "strict" as the silly OP writes.

In fact, "The appeals court noted that in a separate challenge to the voter ID law, a court had required Wisconsin to make IDs as easy as possible to obtain, including by giving out temporary IDs at DMV offices."

I believe in sensible voter ID laws. This is a sensible law and will have no noticeable impact on Wisconsin's elections.
This whole gvt issued photo voter id at the polls simply MAKES NO SENSE and has some nefarious reason for instituting it like pushing us ALL to have an RFID identification, a National ID without telling the citizens they are working towards that... so it can be debated on its own merits?

Excuse me ma'am but that is BS... Your argument could also be used against showing a Government picture ID when you go to get on an Aircraft or rent a Car... How come your are not incensed regarding these actions...

As far as a National ID you all ready have one you just refuse to admit it...
Finally Wisconsin voters, black and white, will know their vote will be counted at full value. If Wisconsin goes red this time around, it will be due to voter fraud in the past.

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