71% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.

This is why the Demafacist National Committee shut down the democratic process even before Xiden announced he was running. They know the people would reject electing this cancer, so they killed democracy.

You make a good point. I so enjoyed all the GOP primary debates in 2020.
1) There was no debates, but that decision was made AFTER Trump announced he was running for re-election
2) Trump was wildly popular among Republican voters

Try again defending your klans assault on democracy

I see, it is different when you tribe does it.

I'd hope there were more than that.

We don't need to go back to like 1910 or anything but America needs to go back to it's American values, pride, morals and standards that made us great.

When we had those things we didn't have corporations standing on Americans, politicians didn't have absolute power, we didn't have shootings like we do now, all of the middle class had decent homes and financially secure and could afford vacations and retire to have a decent life, foriegn entities didn't have control of us, we didn't bow to people wanting to control us like the world economic forum, and other countries both feared and respected us.

The Clintons started us on this path, Obama widened that path, trump corrected course somewhat to put us back on track, then the Biden administration just straight out ran the ship ashore.

This isn't the America I grew up in and joined the army to fight for. Were a fucking disgrace that angers and saddens me.
No, it's different for the reasons that I clearly outlined. What's different is that you can't accept reality...because cult mind


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