How will the jury rule in the Stormy Daniels trial?

I say the most likely scenario is a hung jury since there will be at least one dedicated Trump hater who will dig in his/her heels and won't budge. The prosecution had a very difficult case and it got worse with Cohen's testimony. What say you?
the most likely scenario is a hung jury. i figure most new yorkers know this monster for what it is, but 1 or 2 of them are authoritarian slaves who worship this bizarre "king" and consider his crimes and depravity to be "normal"
I'm so sick of the media covering this stupid trial, it and Trump should be a brief clip at the end of every newscast, instead it leads for over 5 minutes of airtime.

I say the most likely scenario is a hung jury since there will be at least one dedicated Trump hater who will dig in his/her heels and won't budge. The prosecution had a very difficult case and it got worse with Cohen's testimony. What say you?
It could but a hung jury could lead to a MISTRIAL by a judge which could lead to another trial altogether.
the most likely scenario is a hung jury. i figure most new yorkers know this monster for what it is, but 1 or 2 of them are authoritarian slaves who worship this bizarre "king" and consider his crimes and depravity to be "normal"
Oh my monsters and slaves! What a scary world you live in!
I say the most likely scenario is a hung jury since there will be at least one dedicated Trump hater who will dig in his/her heels and won't budge. The prosecution had a very difficult case and it got worse with Cohen's testimony. What say you?
I agree on all counts.

The only saving grace might be the two lawyers. Even CNN lawyers are shocked at how bad the prosecution's case was. Unless those two were specifically recruited Tump haters, they will tell the other jurors how bad it was. That's why they normally keep lawyers off juries, they have too much influence. That may work in Trump's favor.

I happened to have been working closely with a lawyer when Cohen's secretly recorded tapes came out. My lawyer made no secret of being very much Democrat and anti-Trump, but he was extremely offended by the idea of a lawyer taping his client. When he first mentioned it, I said jokingly "I didn't know lawyers did that." He said "we don't," offended that I made light of it.
I say the most likely scenario is a hung jury since there will be at least one dedicated Trump hater who will dig in his/her heels and won't budge. The prosecution had a very difficult case and it got worse with Cohen's testimony. What say you?
I feel that a hung jury would consist of one or two favorable to DJ, Not your scenario. Not in NY.
I feel that a hung jury would consist of one or two favorable to DJ, Not your scenario. Not in NY.
Before the trial, I would have agreed, just based on the demographics of the jury pool and an assumption that the prosecutor would have at least some credible evidence to offer.

Seeing that the case is comically weak, I predict a hung jury with all holdouts for guilty being Trump haters who made up their minds as soon as they were selected.
'HEY! HEY! HEY!' here comes 'Fat Alvin'!

Before the trial, I would have agreed, just based on the demographics of the jury pool and an assumption that the prosecutor would have at least some credible evidence to offer.

Seeing that the case is comically weak, I predict a hung jury with all holdouts for guilty being Trump haters who made up their minds as soon as they were selected.
I guess we'll both know when the verdict is read. No sense supposing.

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