5 Signs you are a sex addict


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Aug 4, 2009
Are you a sex addict? - CNN.com

Is anyone here not a sex addict?

1. You lie

For Parker, the sex addiction counselor, this is the No. 1 way you know you've crossed the line: when you make up stories to get sex.

"If you lie with women to get them to have sex with you, you're a predator and an addict," he says.

2. Sex consumes you

If your interest in sex runs your life, you have a problem, says Robert Weiss, a social worker and founder of the Sexual Recovery Institute. He says addicts "are always preoccupied with hitting on someone, or picking someone up, or getting home to look at porn before their spouse comes home."

3. You're "divorced, dead, fired or arrested"

If you continue your sexual activities even under threat of being "divorced, dead, fired or arrested," you're an addict, Parker says.

"They ignore the consequences," Weiss adds. "They say, 'I could really screw up myself here, but I'm going to continue to do it.' "

4. You have an intense interest in pornography

"The pornography piece of this cannot be overstated," Parker says. "Show me a guy who's having sex with three women in one week, and I promise you he has a relationship with pornography."

5. You want to stop and you can't

Sexual addiction is defined by a loss of control, Weiss says.
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For Parker, the sex addiction counselor, this is the No. 1 way you know you've crossed the line: when you make up stories to get sex.

Do you mean you can get laid without making up stories?
For Parker, the sex addiction counselor, this is the No. 1 way you know you've crossed the line: when you make up stories to get sex.

Do you mean you can get laid without making up stories?

Well, we can. But then, if you lack character and personality then, i suppose you might not be able to.
I've always thought this was funny:

For Parker, the sex addiction counselor, this is the No. 1 way you know you've crossed the line: when you make up stories to get sex.

Do you mean you can get laid without making up stories?

Well, we can. But then, if you lack character and personality then, i suppose you might not be able to.

What does character and personality have to do with trying to get laid?
Are you a sex addict? - CNN.com

Is anyone here not a sex addict?

1. You lie

For Parker, the sex addiction counselor, this is the No. 1 way you know you've crossed the line: when you make up stories to get sex.

"If you lie with women to get them to have sex with you, you're a predator and an addict," he says.

2. Sex consumes you

If your interest in sex runs your life, you have a problem, says Robert Weiss, a social worker and founder of the Sexual Recovery Institute. He says addicts "are always preoccupied with hitting on someone, or picking someone up, or getting home to look at porn before their spouse comes home."

3. You're "divorced, dead, fired or arrested"

If you continue your sexual activities even under threat of being "divorced, dead, fired or arrested," you're an addict, Parker says.

"They ignore the consequences," Weiss adds. "They say, 'I could really screw up myself here, but I'm going to continue to do it.' "

4. You have an intense interest in pornography

"The pornography piece of this cannot be overstated," Parker says. "Show me a guy who's having sex with three women in one week, and I promise you he has a relationship with pornography."

5. You want to stop and you can't

Sexual addiction is defined by a loss of control, Weiss says.

I got 4/5. Does that make me an addict? :lol::lol:
I got 4/5. Does that make me an addict?

Yes it does you poor pathetic soul.

Do you want to be cured?

Are you asking him out?
Kirk Lazarus: Nah! It's simple as pie man, you plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes you say "Hey! baby, you and me's goin' on a date, that's in the story"... What's her name?
Alpa Chino: ...Lance
Kirk Lazarus: You say 'Listen here, Lance'... Lance!!? What the FUCK did I just hear? LANCE!!??
I got 4/5. Does that make me an addict?

Yes it does you poor pathetic soul.

Do you want to be cured?

Are you asking him out?
Kirk Lazarus: Nah! It's simple as pie man, you plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes you say "Hey! baby, you and me's goin' on a date, that's in the story"... What's her name?
Alpa Chino: ...Lance
Kirk Lazarus: You say 'Listen here, Lance'... Lance!!? What the FUCK did I just hear? LANCE!!??

If I did.....it would cure his addiction

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