10 things you’ll regret not doing in 10 years


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
While it is easy to look back on your life and see where you could have done things differently, I believe that everything happens for a reason. Your mistakes are there to teach you lessons, and your successes are there to remind you that your life hasn't been all that bad. With that said, everyone has regrets. Here are 10 simple things to try and avoid regretting later in life.

1. Taking that vacation

Whether it is Europe, Disney World, or Hawaii, there must be one place on the top of your list where you've always wanted to go. Make sure to take the time and go now. Ten years from now you still won't have money to go (or so you think), and you'll have even less time and more excuses.

2. Recording your life

I know, keeping a journal is so ninth grade, but it actually is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. One of my biggest regrets is that I did not keep a journal during my most craziest time of life — my teenage years. Make sure to keep a record of what you do. It doesn't have to be a journal, it can be a scrapbook, blog or even a YouTube channel. As more time passes it gets harder to remember the little things. Record them in some way, not only for you but for future generations as well. You may think your life is boring now, but 10 years from now you'll wish you remembered what it was like.

3. Getting your education

While it is never too late to get your education, there is a reason most universities are filled with 20 somethings. Being in school usually means living on a shoe-string budget, pulling all-nighters and spending hours in a study hall, something that is hard to do when you have a family and need a job that pays more than a student's wage.

4. Doing something really crazy

For me it was taking up rock climbing. I went with some people I barely knew and felt like a fool my first time climbing up those rocks. But after a whole summer of climbing, during my junior year of college, I became pretty good. Now I look back with fond memories and a feeling of accomplishment. Do I rock climb now? No. I have a husband and kids who I feel deserve my safety more than me having some thrills. Maybe for you it is sky diving or learning to surf. Whatever it is, do something that your kids would never believe you actually did.

5. Saying you're sorry

You may have been right. You may have been hurt. But holding a grudge or letting pride destroy a relationship is one of the biggest regrets you may have in years to come. Be the bigger person, say you're sorry and move on. Or accept someone else's forgiveness. Your relationship may never be the same, but at least you know you did everything you could...
Source: 10 things you ll regret not doing in 10 years - eReporter
I've done all those things, including vacations, very unwillingly. I no longer take vacations. I've lived long enough to do only what I want to do.
I've done all but recording my life (not into Facebook, either) and a bucket list (still kicking, doin' what I wanna do!).

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