AOC’s squad of four should listen to Bernadette Lancelin: worry about America’s children!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.
the irony is these four pukes are just that, pukes, who are for killing babies in the womb. don't talk to me about separating families while condoning killing children in a womb. so hypocritical and in human. bite me.
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

well the actual question is this, what have any of the four done for one person in this country? name a policy, name a job they handed someone, what, what have they accomplished?

It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

well the actual question is this, what have any of the four done for one person in this country? name a policy, name a job they handed someone, what, what have they accomplished?


BTW, ask any of the candidates running for president what any of them have done for one american? I know Bernie hasn't given one person a job, I know none of them have. I know they have no actual policy they can say helped americans? why do we need these fks? what is their value other than nothing?
I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

Yep! Why worry about the kids in your own state and neighborhood when you can worry about "kids in cages"? Or separating kids from their parents?

I am sure there are many kids that are separated from the families in Boston, Detroit or in the Bronx.
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

well the actual question is this, what have any of the four done for one person in this country? name a policy, name a job they handed someone, what, what have they accomplished?


What have they done? AOC's first desire, upon becoming a member of the House, was to give herself and members of Congress a $4,500 cost of living increase!

Apparently, $285,000 [pay plus benefits] is not enough for her, while her constituents average earnings are under $60K!

Instead of supporting this crap, she should have made a big stink how her fellow members of Congress live large on their constituents dime. Instead she wanted a cost of living increase before she even learned where the women’s room was. And then she voted against humanitarian aid for the border crisis, and complains about the condition even though there is no money to improve the conditions.

I wonder if her constituents still approve of the communist/socialist they sent to Washington.


Socialist democrats running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do gain political power because of such promises made, their socialist iron-fisted dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

Could you post a synopsis of the video? Without a synopsis I don’t understand what we’re supposed to discuss. You think the “squad of four” should watch your video? I don’t think they frequent this social media platform.
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

well the actual question is this, what have any of the four done for one person in this country? name a policy, name a job they handed someone, what, what have they accomplished?


What have they done? AOC's first desire, upon becoming a member of the House, was to give herself and members of Congress a $4,500 cost of living increase!

Apparently, $285,000 [pay plus benefits] is not enough for her, while her constituents average earnings are under $60K!

Instead of supporting this crap, she should have made a big stink how her fellow members of Congress live large on their constituents dime. Instead she wanted a cost of living increase before she even learned where the women’s room was. And then she voted against humanitarian aid for the border crisis, and complains about the condition even though there is no money to improve the conditions.

I wonder if her constituents still approve of the communist/socialist they sent to Washington.


Socialist democrats running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do gain political power because of such promises made, their socialist iron-fisted dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.

AOC lost New Yorkers 19 billion dollars and 25 million jobs. she's accomplished quite a lot. she never talks about her constituents, none of them do, it's all trump does it talk to the people of this country. amazing.
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

Could you post a synopsis of the video? Without a synopsis I don’t understand what we’re supposed to discuss. You think the “squad of four” should watch your video? I don’t think they frequent this social media platform.

what has any of the four done for america? just answer that question. Let's see that video
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

Could you post a synopsis of the video? Without a synopsis I don’t understand what we’re supposed to discuss. You think the “squad of four” should watch your video? I don’t think they frequent this social media platform.

what has any of the four done for america? just answer that question. Let's see that video

You haven’t addressed the fact that the person you want us to listen to was not crying for tax reduction- she was crying for government aid.

So I’d like to know if you now support socialism because it appears that is what Ms. Lancelin wants.
The Four Stooges

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

Yep! Why worry about the kids in your own state and neighborhood when you can worry about "kids in cages"? Or separating kids from their parents?

I am sure there are many kids that are separated from the families in Boston, Detroit or in the Bronx.
Because it's too hard to treat people decently.
I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

Yep! Why worry about the kids in your own state and neighborhood when you can worry about "kids in cages"? Or separating kids from their parents?

I am sure there are many kids that are separated from the families in Boston, Detroit or in the Bronx.
Yes, by jail sentences-they don't get the bleeding heart press the brats down south get.
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

well the actual question is this, what have any of the four done for one person in this country? name a policy, name a job they handed someone, what, what have they accomplished?


BTW, ask any of the candidates running for president what any of them have done for one american? I know Bernie hasn't given one person a job, I know none of them have. I know they have no actual policy they can say helped americans? why do we need these fks? what is their value other than nothing?

of course the GOP has blocked everything that could help people in this country for 35 years. Your post is Pure right-wing idiocy. ..
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

well the actual question is this, what have any of the four done for one person in this country? name a policy, name a job they handed someone, what, what have they accomplished?


BTW, ask any of the candidates running for president what any of them have done for one american? I know Bernie hasn't given one person a job, I know none of them have. I know they have no actual policy they can say helped americans? why do we need these fks? what is their value other than nothing?

of course the GOP has blocked everything that could help people in this country for 35 years. Your post is Pure right-wing idiocy. ..

If they just unhelp people, how do they get any votes? That's what I ask about Democrats except for the free stuff they give to the undeserving.
AOC accepts $10 Million from Amazon Competitor Netflix
Then Chases Amazon out of her district.

She is a complete phoney is is bought and paid for by Globalists.

So are the other four Globalist Whores.
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

well the actual question is this, what have any of the four done for one person in this country? name a policy, name a job they handed someone, what, what have they accomplished?


BTW, ask any of the candidates running for president what any of them have done for one american? I know Bernie hasn't given one person a job, I know none of them have. I know they have no actual policy they can say helped americans? why do we need these fks? what is their value other than nothing?

of course the GOP has blocked everything that could help people in this country for 35 years. Your post is Pure right-wing idiocy. ..

So $21 Trillion Spent by Dem Tards on The War on Poverty was blocked and Never Happened?
It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children.

To get an idea of the misrepresentations and lies this gang of four engages in, and how they embrace the flood of poverty stricken populations of other countries for political gain, while totally ignoring how this flood of foreign migrants inflicts devastating consequences upon American citizens and their children, see AOC 'squad' refers to Trump as 'occupant' of White House, condemns 'racist' remarks, as Trump fires back

These four would do well to listen to Bernadette Lancelin who addressed illegal immigration back in 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president.

While these ungrateful four apparent communist/socialist leaning nitwits constantly attack our president, it is President Trump who doing the bidding for American Citizens and their children, and especially working to improve the conditions in our inner cities which are overrun with illegal entrants and their children.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.

I wonder if their are any kids of color in Boston, Detroit, or the Bronx. Maybe these girls should help them first, then vote money for border aid, then attack Trump.

well the actual question is this, what have any of the four done for one person in this country? name a policy, name a job they handed someone, what, what have they accomplished?


BTW, ask any of the candidates running for president what any of them have done for one american? I know Bernie hasn't given one person a job, I know none of them have. I know they have no actual policy they can say helped americans? why do we need these fks? what is their value other than nothing?

of course the GOP has blocked everything that could help people in this country for 35 years. Your post is Pure right-wing idiocy. ..

of course, outside of the legislation, what have they given to an american citizen? Trump created jobs, is still creating jobs, did so without the help of one fking democrat or better despite the democrats. you all hate americans working. admit it slim.

Not sure what happened to you fks turning your backs on your fellow americans, but wow, no regard for the country at all. you must be so proud.
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