
  1. kiwiman127

    DHS Adds White Supremacy To List Of Threats

    It's about time! ------------------------------------------------------ Recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard," acting DHS Sec. Kevin McAleenan. (snip) or the first time since it...
  2. deanrd

    Trying to do to Biden what they did to Hillary. Can it work a second time? What about a third? More?

    Trying to do to Biden what they did to Hillary. Can it work a second time? What about a third? More? Joe Biden and his son weā€™re already investigated thoroughly by the media. Especially Fox and other right wing outlets. So the Trump administration is trying to create another Hillary Clinton...
  3. deanrd

    Did you see the interview with "Grannies against Climate Change"?

    After watching the interview, I looked them up: 100 Grannies ā€“ Uniting for a Liveable Future They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics. Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the...
  4. Terri4Trump

    Ingraham: The elusive Trump hunt

    Ingraham: The elusive Trump hunt Left resorts to same failed tactics against Trump. #IngrahamAngle #FoxNews ME: The Left truly are making fools of themselves. And independents are taking note. Thats why Trump will win.
  5. deanrd

    OMG! Trump Administration reverses policy on murdering sick children! Fight and you win, or not.

    The Trump Administration Has Dropped Its Plan to Deport Sick Kids Trump Admin. Reverses Decision Ending Immigrant Medical Relief Trump admin reverses decision to deny immigrants' access to medical care "In these dark days of continuing government assaults on human rights and human dignity...
  6. deanrd

    How did Robert Oā€™Brien get to be our new national security advisor?

    Trump names Robert C. O'Brien as next national security adviser Wait a minute! Could it really be that easy?
  7. Fort Fun Indiana

    IC Whistleblower report concerns Trump and a foreign leader

    Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on...
  8. JGalt

    President Trump off to California to buy some votes

    I wonder if he's also the one doing this? I've already seen several of these floating around...
  9. deanrd

    Pompeo to discuss efforts versus Iran with Saudi crown prince

    Pompeo to discuss efforts versus Iran with Saudi crown prince - Reuters Pompeo calls attacks on Saudi facilities ā€˜act of war;ā€™ Trump orders more Iran sanctions ā€”ā€”ā€” Trump order some more sanctions? Hilarious. Those have shown to work. The only one that could get a negotiated agreement...
  10. JGalt

    Trump's EPA to nullify California's authority on vehicle emissions

    More winning!! :banana: "The Trump administration will announce it is rescinding California's authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles at an event at the EPA's Washington headquarters on Wednesday afternoon, according to people familiar with the matter. The Environmental...
  11. deanrd

    Trump suing to end protections for pre-existing conditions

    Trumpā€™s Talk On Preexisting Conditions Doesnā€™t Match His Administrationā€™s Actions ā€œWe will always protect patients with preexisting conditions, very importantly.ā€ President Donald Trump on May 9, 2019 in comments delivered during a White House event on surprise medical bills Donā€™t believe...
  12. deanrd

    We can only hope both Kavanaugh and McCabe go to court.

    We can only hope both Kavanaugh and McCabe go to court. For one thing, some Republicans are feeling that with so many judicial appointments the court will be on their side and they can break any laws and commit any crimes and right wing judges would have their backā€™s. Well thereā€™s around...
  13. EvilEyeFleegle

    8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

    This is interesting, eh? 8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A. "State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trumpā€™s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter...
  14. deanrd

    Are Republicans taking away the right to vote and make decisions from their own base?

    Are Republicans taking away the right to vote and make decisions from their own base? By this time, everybody knows that the Republican Party has decided not to hold primaries in at least four states. We know there are Republican ā€œnever Trumpersā€œ. Is their right to vote being taken...
  15. deanrd

    Do Republicans really believe we should go it alone with no allies or support?

    Do Republicans really believe we should go it alone with no allies or support? That seems to be a theme that I see over and over again on the USMB from Republicans. Should the US go it completely alone without allies except for Russia and North Korea in a world filled with dictators and...
  16. MindWars

    Sick: San Diego college instructs students on pedophillia as a sexual orientation

    SICK: San Diego College Instructs Students on "Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation" - Big League Politics The push by mainstream media and leftist academics to normalize pedophilia as an acceptable sexual identity appears to be reaching a new level of intensity, as an American student shared a...
  17. deanrd

    Will Republicans fall for trumps ā€œfakeā€ promises in 2020? Again? Fool me once?

    'We're Tightening Our Belt': Trump's Midwest Support Tested As Farmers Struggle So we know Trump lied about helping the farmers. Heā€™s telling them heā€™s going to give them free money just before the election, and you do know that once the election is over, fuck ā€˜em. He ainā€™t helping them...
  18. deanrd

    You really have to hand it to Hillary Clinton

    You really have to hand it to Hillary Clinton that sheā€™s kept pretty much quiet since she lost the election by the electoral college. She stayed out of the limelight. In spite of Donald Trumpā€˜s ceaseless and constant attacks as someone who hasnā€™t been in office for nearly 7 years. I suspect...
  19. deanrd

    Republican lawmakers threatens to kill Beto

    Republican lawmakers threatens to kill Beto Twitter takes down Texas GOP lawmaker's AR tweet about O'Rourke Texas Lawmaker Issues Death Threat to Beto Oā€™Rourke After Debate Pledge to Take Away Assault-Style Weapons Iā€™d like to think this guy was an outlier. But Republicans have become so...
  20. deanrd

    Israel caught spying on the White House. Trump says ā€œI donā€™t believe itā€œ.

    Israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House White House spying: Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu calls claim it put "StingRay" surveillance devices near White House a "blatant lie" - CBS News But despite Netanyahu's insistence that the "longstanding commitment" by Israel...
  21. JGalt

    Once again, Putin puppet Trump disobeys his Russian overlords

    That Magnificent Orange SOB needs to try a little harder if he's going fulfill the liberal's fantasy that he's a "Russian agent." Poland Cleared to Purchase 32 American F-35 Fighters "The U.S. State Department has OKā€™d Poland to buy the F-35, Americaā€™s most advanced fighter, setting up the...
  22. JGalt

    Latest outrage from the left: Melania's dress looked like plane flying into World Trade tower

    Some Twitter users took TDS to a whole 'nother level when they claimed that Melania's dress was inappropriate for the ceremony today. "President Donald Trump's tribute tweet for the 9/11 anniversary garnered attention for the wrong reasons Wednesday: The picture showed first lady Melania Trump...
  23. deanrd

    CIA secretly extracted US spy from Russia before Trump could turn him over to Vladimir Putin.

    CIA secretly extracted US spy from Russia before Trump could turn him over to Vladimir Putin. US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017 A person directly involved in the discussions said that the removal of the Russian was driven, in part, by concerns that President Donald Trump and his...
  24. deanrd

    Remember when the American president was the leader of the free world?

    Remember when the American president was the leader of the free world? Can you still say that?
  25. deanrd

    Finally, Republicans can stop pretending they care about soldiers and their families.

    Finally, Republicans can stop pretending they care about soldiers and their families. Pentagon takes money from military schools, day care to fund Trump's wall Forget Mexico: Trump Asks Military Families to Pay for Border Wall Trump Taking Half a Billion Dollars From Children of Military...
  26. JGalt

    So I found a fat Russian Army Colonel's uniform at a garage sale today...

    $20 from some lady who immigrated here from Poland. Couldn't hardly call this "stolen valor", so trick or treat bitches. :lmao:
  27. deanrd

    The only Democrat charged in trumpā€™s crimes totally exonerated and found ā€œnot guiltyā€œ.

    Greg Craig found not guilty of lying to Justice Department about Ukraine work "The question that you need to ask isn't why this jury acquitted Greg Craig but why the Department of Justice brought this case against an innocent man in the first place," defense attorney William Taylor said. "It's...
  28. Dan Stubbs

    I Work It Out What Progressives Are

    We have been under the rule of Progressives for a long time. I started with Jimmy Carter, and then Bush I, one my one these Liberal presidents Repub and Demos pasted by. Now we have a Real Conservative in Office they can not stand it. The Bushes were nothing more than Progressive Liberals...
  29. georgephillip

    Could the Fed Turn Trump Into Herbert Hoover?

    Hoover often gets the blame for the Great Depression. Some are suggesting the Fed and IMF could inflict the same fate on Trump by using digital blockchain currencies like Libra to deliberately topple the US dollar from its global reserve currency perch. How would such an outcome influence your...
  30. deanrd

    Will trump order our military to help North Korea with their nuclear sub?

    Will trump order our military to help North Korea with their nuclear sub? A North Korean sub with nuclear missiles raises the stakes It is reasonable to assume that Kim Jong Un will continue to prioritize the development of an SSB and SLBM capability, given the resources directed to these...
  31. georgephillip

    If Dems Win in 2020: Hillary for Attorney General

    If Trump fails to win a second term, he will face prosecution on state and federal charges. Can you hear it yet..."Lock him up, Lock him up." And at least on of the useless eaters will die in prison. Statute of Limitations, DOJ May Prevent Trump Ever Being Charged
  32. deanrd

    Fox anchor says he doesn't believe Trump ever lies

    Fox Business anchor says he doesn't believe Donald Trump ever lies - CNN Video I donā€™t know what to say. At this point, even trumps followers know to heā€™s a liar.
  33. EvilEyeFleegle

    After staffer's exit, Trump stresses legal actions against others

    Will all these NDA's hold up in courts? I imagine the lure of big bucks will win out with most people. Trump stresses legal actions over confidentiality in wake of Westerhout firing "President Donald Trump on Saturday stressed his ongoing legal battles to keep details of his administration's...
  34. deanrd

    Trump tweets out classified information on Iranā€¦ Butā€¦ Butā€¦ Butā€¦ Her emails.

    Trump tweets out classified information on Iranā€¦ Butā€¦ Butā€¦ Butā€¦ Her emails. Intelligence veterans are pulling their hair out over Trump's 'outrageous' and 'moronic' decision to tweet out a photo from a classified briefing So it was ironic when Trump took to Twitter on Friday to release...
  35. CrusaderFrank

    Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

    Supposedly to be released tomorrow. The IG report on Comey will...
  36. deanrd

    You do understand why Trump canceled his trip to Poland, donā€™t you?

    You do understand why Trump canceled his trip to Poland, donā€™t you? Trump is terrified that his properties are going to be hit with a category four hurricane. He doesnā€™t want to go to Poland or worry about the country when he has Mar-a-Lago and Darrell golf course to worry about. If...
  37. deanrd

    Trump undid everything Obama did.........even a good economy. Democrats will run on that.

    Trump undid everything Obama did.........even a good economy. Democrats will run on that. Weā€™re going to have dirtier air and dirtier water because Obama put regulations in place to keep the air and the water clean. Obama had close relationships with our NATO allies. Trump has destroyed...
  38. deanrd

    Thereā€™s only two possible reasons why Trump would block aid to the Ukraine

    This is been a real war between the Ukraine and Russia. So far thereā€™s been around 10,000 people who have died. So thereā€™s only two possible reasons that Trump would stop this money. The first one being he wants Ukraine to investigate any connections to Joe Biden. Hoping it would help...
  39. deanrd

    Trump attacking soybean farmers was bad enough. Now heā€™s attacking corn farmers.

    Trump attacking soybean farmers was bad enough. Now heā€™s attacking corn farmers. Ethanol producer blames Indiana plant closure on Trump's EPA CLOVERDALE, Ind. (AP) ā€” The owner of a western Indiana ethanol plant is blaming its shut down on the Trump administration allowing some refineries to...
  40. protectionist

    Yes, They Really ARE "Rapists". Trump Was Right.

    Remember the famous quote from President Trump ? "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you, They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems. And they're bringing those problems with them. They're bringing drugs...

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