
  1. The Original Tree

    Is Nazi Nadler Above The Law?

    I can also ask the same of Adolph Schiffler who illegally spied on The White House Counsel, Devin Nunes, and Some Journalists. Are Schiff & Nadler above The Law? Schiff obtained journalist John Solomonā€™s phone records, and nobody in the media seems to care Adam Schiff Connected to Both...
  2. Nostra

    Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

    Put a fork in impeachment, it's done. Read: Jonathan Turley impeachment inquiry testimony
  3. The Original Tree

    Presidents have THE RIGHT to With Hold Foreign Aide for ANY REASON

    Don't Let Schittler and Herr Gerry Nadler lie to you. The Executive Branch has the power to withhold and delay foreign aide and make it conditional or change the conditions. President Johnson did this very thing, and he did not ask Congress. He did ask them to evaluate the situatuion after...
  4. georgephillip

    Trump's 12 Impeachable Offenses

    Putting aside ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity... The End of the Rule of Law "Bruce Fein a former senior official in the Department of Justice and a constitutional scholar, has identified 12 impeachable offenses committed by Donald Trump. "But, as he notes, many of these constitutional...
  5. The Original Tree

    Fiona Hill Proof-Read The Dirty Dossier BEFORE it was Published!

    Another day, and another Intelligence Agent from the Obama CIA posing as a Fake Diplomat, telling Deep State Fictions, full of Hear Say and Rumor. The only Factual thing she was heard to say was that she met with Christopher Steele, and She Proof Read The Dossier with Strobe Talbot a close...
  6. White_MAGA_Man

    Adam Schiffā€™s Circus Comes Complete With Drag Queen

    Adam Schiff's depravity within the nation's capitol is complete. What a national embarrassment he's causing. Diogenes' Middle Finger: Adam Schiff's Circus Comes Complete With Drag Queen
  7. M

    Offical Impeachment Thread

    The Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaty with Ukraine specifies that the designated officials of the two nations are the US Attorney General and the Ukraine Minister of Justice, (3.1.d.). The treaty binds those two offices--and so the usual rules in both nations, regarding those...
  8. J

    The protection requiring a two thirds vote in matters of grave importance [impeachment]

    What is most important in this process to impeach a president is, the vote count, a simple majority, which allegedly authorizes Congress to continue in a process to impeach a president and nullify an election. The vote was 232 to 196, in favor of continuing in a process to impeach the...
  9. JGalt

    Surprise! Dem's Impeachment Funded By Chinese

    Democrats working with enemies of the US to carry out the overthrow of a sitting President. The Brookings Institute is funded by China. The Brookings Institute funds Lawfare. Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler hired Lawfare as staff. As an outcome, China is funding the impeachment of President Trump...
  10. toobfreak

    Why Are The Democrats So Fixated On Impeachment Talk?

    With all this talk of impeachment nonsense, I thought it important to explain why. Whether or not the Democrats ever actually try to carry it out or just want to keep it on the front page of the MSM to keep their base engaged in hope that the Dems are actually making progress anywhere in the...
  11. OKTexas

    How About Congress Release All Their Internal Deliberations On Impeachment

    I think it's time that the commiecrat caucus release all emails, texts, and records of private internal deliberations that proceeded the impeachment inquiry. If they wan't all these records from the administration it's time we hold their feet to the fire. Perhaps we should email Judicial Watch...
  12. EvilEyeFleegle

    Pompeo says State Dept. officials wonā€™t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

    So..the stonewalling begins..will it work? Or..will it just pour gas on an already burning fire? I sense Pompeo may be panicking just a bit..after all...what harm could there be..if all was on the up and up? Pompeo says State Dept. officials wonā€™t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions...
  13. EvilEyeFleegle

    Late-day bombshells erupt as Trump impeachment inquiry gets underway

    Just a summary--My main question is why Pompeo felt it necessary to lie to ABC News about not having any first-hand knowledge about the Ukraine phone call by Trump..when it has been admitted that he was listening?? Late-day bombshells erupt as Trump impeachment inquiry gets underway "The first...
  14. Dana7360

    Trump Was Repeatedly Warned That Ukraine Conspiracy Theory Was ā€˜Completely Debunkedā€™

    So trump was warned over and over that the conspiracy theory about Biden and the Ukraine was not true but he wouldn't listen to level heads. He listened to giuliani who is very wrong. Now he is in the fight of his political life. He should have listened to the level heads. There's no truth to...
  15. deanrd

    You can really see the difference between Rep Nadler and Rep Shiff

    You can really see the difference between Rep Nadler and Rep Shiff Thereā€™s reports out that all the investigations are going to be under the umbrella of Adam Schiff. When you see how Nadler ran the committee meetings with Mueller and Lewandowski we all saw focused questions were lacking...
  16. deanrd

    Fox News going nuts over democratic ā€œmega donorā€ and drug dealer Ed Buck

    Fox News going nuts over democratic ā€œmega donorā€ and drug dealer Ed Buck Democratic megadonor Ed Buck ordered held until end of federal drug case - Fox News California Democratic activist and megadonor Ed Buck was ordered held in federal custody Thursday until the disposition of a drug...
  17. deanrd

    Do Republicans here understand that threatening the life of a whistleblower is a felony offense?

    Trump said White House official who gave whistleblower info is 'close to a spy' It doesnā€™t matter how subtle you think you are or how clever or how funny, threatening the life of a whistleblower is a felony because itā€™s witness tampering and witness tampering is cause for impeachment. Do...
  18. deanrd

    Should Mulvaney, Pompeo, and Barr also be investigated?

    Pompeo is the secretary of state. And he knows what Trump is doing. Mulvaney is the chief of staff and he knows what Trump is doing. William Barr is the attorney general and he knows what Trump is doing. And now Trump is saying the only reason they held the money back was because he...
  19. deanrd

    Is this the best time to work for US intelligence and protect the country?

    "He allegedly sought to use the very security assistance dollars appropriated by Congress to create stability in the world, to help root out corruption and to protect our national security interests, for his own personal gain," the lawmakers wrote. "These allegations are stunning, both in the...
  20. deanrd

    Republicans already impeached a president for lying about an affair. Do it again.

    I donā€™t understand the problem here. Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about that affair. The entire lie was ā€œI did not have sex with that womanā€œ. We know Donald Trump started a shell company so he could hide payments to a porn star and a playboy bunny he was having sex with...
  21. The Original Tree

    Oh Come On Lefties, Why No More IMPEACHMENT Talk?

    Where did you all go? Did you take your ball home with you because you lost the game? Or is it because the Short Buses are on the road again, and are too busy riding it to your ultimate destination? Or maybe Trump Derangement Syndrome finally caught up with you and you are in some kind of...
  22. The Original Tree

    Words that No Longer Have Meaning

    Thanks to The Left for watering down the words society uses to decry despicable acts, I bring you the top 3 words that No Longer have any meaning because of over use, abuse, and misapplication, in a "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome, sometimes confused with Trump Derangement Syndrome as the...
  23. deanrd

    Trump transition staffer, J. W. Verret, said he read Mueller report, and now calls for impeachment.

    Trump transition staffer explains why Mueller report convinced him to favor impeachment Verret, who has worked on GOP presidential transition teams for the past 10 years, served as deputy director of economic policy on the Trump presidential transition team. He wrote in The Atlantic on Tuesday...
  24. deanrd

    Impeachment petition with 10 million signatures given to Congress.

    Petitions with 10 million signatures to impeach Trump delivered to Congress WASHINGTON ā€” National advocacy groups on Thursday delivered to Congress multiple petitions of what they said contained 10 million signatures from people who support the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Impeach...
  25. deanrd

    Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

    Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump. Thereā€™s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the...
  26. deanrd

    You guys do understand that Trump is forcing Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings? Right?

    The Republicans rushed to impeach Bill Clinton. The Starr Report was released in full and unredacted and right after that, they impeached Bill Clinton in the house without even a hearing first. Just the vote. Even though we know Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and...
  27. deanrd

    How long can Trump's ignorance of the law protect him?

    Look at all the felonies listed from the Mueller report. Then the multiple felonies Trump directed Michael Cohen to commit. In fact, they even have the evidence of Trump's crimes signed by Trump himself: Each one another crime. While he was in office. Even Don Jr. Trump Jr. Dodged...
  28. deanrd

    There is no underlying crime for obstruction of justice against Donald Trump.

    There is no underlying crime for obstruction of justice against Donald Trump. The thing is that there really arenā€™t that many laws against a president working with foreign adversary against the best interest of America. Because we never thought that we could have a traitor in the White...
  29. deanrd

    Is it more like the Clinton impeachment?..............Or more like the Nixon resignation?

    So which is it? Is the Trump criminality more like what led to the Clinton Impeachment or the Nixon resignation? So what was the difference? Crimes that came from the Nixon scandal were burglary, lying and 9 acts of obstruction. Bill Clinton lied about getting a BJ. We know for a fact...
  30. georgephillip

    Unlike Nixon, Trump Will Not Go Quietly

    In July of 1974, the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment against Dick Nixon. "Faced with near-certain approval of the articles by the entire House and subsequent conviction in the Senate, Nixon opted to resign." Trump can not afford to follow Nixon's example...
  31. D

    Impeach Trump Now

    The Republicans should hold impeachment hearings now, before the election. And I am a conservative. Here we go. We are in a political civil war. The Republicans believe that there was a Deep State coup attempting to remove Trump from office. Democrats believe Trump colluded with the...
  32. deanrd

    Republicans are making the mistake of comparing a Trump impeachment with a Clinton impeachment.

    Remember, Clinton was impeached because he got a BJ after Ken Star's endless, year after year, investigation. Republicans would like to say he lied. Yea, he lied about a BJ. Without the BJ, you would have no lie. Republicans lost 40 seats after that midterm. It ended Newt's career. But...
  33. Lakhota

    Lawmakers concerned about Trump's mental health invited a Yale psychiatry professor to brief them

    Lawmakers concerned about President Donald Trumpā€™s mental state summoned Yale University psychiatry professor Dr. Bandy X. Lee to Capitol Hill last month for two days of briefings about his recent behavior. In private meetings with more than a dozen members of Congress held on Dec. 5 and 6, Lee...
  34. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Pelosi shuts down talk of Trump impeachment for what it is: a distraction

    Pelosi moves to muzzle Trump impeachment talk House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi offered a forced smile recently when asked on MSNBC about a Tom Steyer-sponsored ad that calls for President Donald Trumpā€™s impeachment. ā€œThatā€™s a great ad,ā€ Pelosi said twice, before rushing to plug the...
  35. The Original Tree

    Obama - Clinton Benghazi Gun Running Operation Kills 4 US Solidiers in Niger

    Corruption and having no respect for the rule of law is a bad bad thing. It usually gets people killed. Benghazi was an illegal gun running operation conducted by Clinton and Obama to funnel weapons and money to ISIS affiliated and Al Queda affiliated terrorist groups to carry out coups and...
  36. P@triot

    Maxine Waters accidentally reveals true agenda

    Note her choice of words here. They are painfully clear - especially considering that she admitted no evidence exists of any wrongdoing by President Trump. Why would anyone be "out to impeach the president"? Impeachment should be a necessary evil, not a goal. Yet another example of the extreme...
  37. TheProgressivePatriot

    The Last Days of the Pompous POTUS

    It is time for this thread!! The end is near! This will be the thread where we track his inevitable fall from grace-if in fact he ever has any grace. The Trump presidency is circling the drain . While I am by no means thrilled at the prospect of a President Pence, he, at least will not be a...

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