
  1. The Original Tree

    Iranian-Russian Missile Shipment to Syria Destroyed

    More on latest shipment of Iranian Missiles Shipment to Syria being destroyed by Israel. Iran after lying about launching Obama Bombs paid for with Obama Bucks, purchased from Russia at a Ukraine Airliner, just got caught exporting MORE Russian-Iranian Missiles in to Syria. 8 said killed in...
  2. D

    The Five Reasons they REALLY Hate Trump

    The Five Reason they Really Hate Trump President Donald Trump is hated more widely and more deeply than any other politician in recent memory, even Richard Nixon. Here are the Five Reasons he will never be loved by his enemies. 1. Politicians and Bureaucrats Washington is where you go to...
  3. broogarry

    Former KGB agent sponsored Democrats in the 2016 election

    The US Democratic Party is rejoicing - in the House of Representatives they managed to push the vote for the impeachment of Donald Trump. However, the Democrats began to celebrate early, because now the Senate is in charge, and most of the seats belong to the Republicans and it is hard to...
  4. Chuz Life

    Democrat Senators, . . Where are you?

    According to the Dimocraps in the House, the Nation is on the verge of a Constitutional crisis, as the result of President Trumps alleged "abuse of power." That was there excuse / reason for pushing their prosecution so hard, to get it done before the Christmas break. Right? So, if the nation...
  5. JGalt

    Will the next Democrat President's impeachment start on day one?

    I certainly believe so. I also see AG Barr or whomever is AG in 2023 weaponizing the DOJ in advance of the 2024 presidential elections, to determine whether or not the Democratic presidential candidates are fit for office. Remember when Harry Reid triggered the "Nuclear option" to change the...
  6. DOTR

    CNN bombs again...liberals say lie to me again please.

    This was CNNā€™s prediction Jan 2019. Pathetic. Harris and Beto LOL. How many more times will wishful thinking and artificial boosterism, disguised as polls, embarrass them? This is how divorced from reality they are. The 2020 marathon has started with a sprint - CNNPolitics
  7. JGalt

    Is Joe Namath a Democrat or something?

    Every hour or so, I keep seeing the Medicare Coverage Helpline commercial on TV, featuring Joe Namath. In the commercial, he says "I called the medicare help line and they instantly looked up my current Medicare coverage and gave me important information and very beneficial help." Then he goes...
  8. ChemEngineer

    They Are Democrats - Take It To The Bank

    A couple starved their small child to death, while abusing their other two children who have been taken away from them. There is not the slightest doubt that they are both Democrats, radical, idiotic vegans. Florida Parents Charged with Starving Baby to Death with Strict Vegan Diet
  9. Papageorgio

    Ruling in Argentina opens door to granting apes personhood

    To me, this is totally ridiculous. This makes no sense and is an insult to humans. ā€˜I think this is a huge victoryā€™: Ruling in Argentina opens door to granting apes personhood On a side note, they would probably vote more intelligently than Democrats. :21:
  10. JGalt

    This is one reason why no Democrat will win in 2020

    Consider these facts: The global stock markets have gained $26 trillion worth of wealth since President Trump was elected. That figure was from 2017, so you can imagine how much that has increased since then. Global stock markets have gained $26 trillion since Trump's election win As of...
  11. Cellblock2429

    How democRATs take care of the little guy they cherish soooooo much.

    A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold Itā€”and Kept the Profits. An 83-year-old retired engineer in Michigan underpaid his property taxes by $8.41. In response, Oakland County seized his property, auctioned it off to settle the debt, and...
  12. Old Man Grumbles

    So They Want to Fix Wealth Inequality

    The country could take a major step toward reducing wealth inequality, not by raising taxes but by letting workers save the taxes they are already paying. Yet Democrats have long opposed this option. Listening to the Democratic presidential candidates, you donā€™t have to wait very long before...
  13. JGalt

    Surprise! Dem's Impeachment Funded By Chinese

    Democrats working with enemies of the US to carry out the overthrow of a sitting President. The Brookings Institute is funded by China. The Brookings Institute funds Lawfare. Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler hired Lawfare as staff. As an outcome, China is funding the impeachment of President Trump...
  14. DOTR

    Slippery slope?

    Maybe there is a reason human societies outlaw homosexual activity?
  15. JGalt

    Antifa Vandalizes Oregon's Democratic Party Headquarters

    No honor among thieves, is there? :laughing0301: "On Sunday, members of the Antifa movement in Portland, Oregon held a remembrance event for an activist that was killed. During their demonstration, they vandalized Oregon's Democratic Party headquarters..." 'All Cops Are B*stards': Antifa...
  16. JGalt

    Forget Bidenā€™s son: Now Elizabeth Warrenā€™s daughter is suspect

    "It appears that Elizabeth Warrenā€™s daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi, is reportedly chairwoman Demos, a liberal think tank, which gave the Working Families Party $45,000 in 2017-2018. This is significant because the Working Families Party just issued a surprise endorsement of Elizabeth Warren for...
  17. JGalt

    Trump: Sorry Democrats - No Gun Control For You

    In a move reminiscent of the Soup Nazi, President Trump has put the Democrats on notice about any plans he previously had to compromise with them on gun control. Whatever hopes the Democrats had for a workable gun control bill, are now as dead as Monty Python's parrot. "President Trump took to...
  18. MAGAman

    Dem. Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee's AR15 expertise on display.

    Short snippet. A little over a minute. This brain deficient DemTard knew the cameras were rolling when she started flapping her lips. These are the idjits Democrats trust to make legislation.
  19. deanrd

    Are Republicans making a mistake discriminating against white people?

    Are Republicans making a mistake discriminating against white people? After all, the Republican Party is a nearly all white party. Thereā€™s an entire list of white people Republicans literally hate. Those include liberals and atheists. In fact they hate white gays even more than any...
  20. deanrd

    Do Republicans care as much for the environment as Democrats do?

    So I was watching some news show and there was a Republican on there who I never saw before and he acted offended and said that Republicans care just as much for the environment as Democrats do. Is that true? I find it very hard to believe.
  21. JGalt

    Democratic House Quietly Shies Away from Assult Weapons Ban Today

    Their bills won't make it past the Senate, but my stash of 30-round magazines just increased in value. :auiqs.jpg: "House Democrats passed a series of strict gun regulations this week, banning so-called "high capacity magazines" and instituting a handful of "protections" to keep guns out of...
  22. deanrd

    Why Republicans wonā€™t ask Democrats ā€œwhat would you do?ā€œ

    Have you noticed that with all the problems in the nation Republicans never asked the Democrats, what would you do? I heard one Republican say that Democrats havenā€™t passed any bills on Chinese intellectual property. There is one in committee itā€™s being reviewed and updated: H.R.704 - Fair...
  23. deanrd

    Will 2020 be a bigger Bluewave than 2018?

    Will 2020 be a bigger Bluewave than 2018? Iā€™ve seen Trump supporters say that they are embarrassed by his rhetoric and the way he acts. There are people within the Republican Party that care about morals and values and donā€™t believe that adulterous unprotected sex and lying are good...
  24. deanrd

    White Republicans always talk about inner cities, but never talk about Appalachia. Why?

    White Republicans always talk about inner cities, but never talk about Appalachia. Why? White Republicans insist that theyā€™re very concerned for African-Americans in inner-city communities. At the same time, if you point out the poverty in Appalachia, theyā€™ll say thatā€™s because thereā€™s...
  25. deanrd

    What will the Republican Party be like in the next 20 to 30 years?

    We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white...
  26. Dan Stubbs

    Democrats are getting strange

    The Democrats are getting strange, they have changed their standards and likes overnight. The seem to be a drunk, drowning in jello. Ryan:stated "In this discussion already tonight, we've talked about taking private health insurance away from union members in the industrial Midwest, we've...
  27. deanrd

    Are Republicans about to call the police traitors and anti-American?

    LAPD chief among nation's top cops who ask Congress to ban assault weapons Police chiefs call for assault weapons ban Republicans never bothered to ask the police if they want to face assault weapons.
  28. T

    Political Mind Readers R Funny

    Whenever someone starts an OP with something like ā€˜Dems say thisā€™, or ā€˜Righteys think thisā€™, theyā€™ve officially conceded whatever argument theyā€™re making to the useless broad brushing of an entire political party. All this does is pass time as no one with this mentality can logically consider...
  29. MarcChamot

    NYTā€™s Bruni: Biden Failed, ā€˜Frettingā€™ No Dem Can Beat Donald Trump

    Trump has exposed the democrat's buffoonery and racial, communist lunacies in front of the entire nation. You don't get it do you? He just divided the democratic party among racial lines. Blacks won't vote for white dems and whites won't vote for black dems. And voters that really matter. The...
  30. toobfreak

    Facists Assaulting America Once Again Trying To Boycott Others Into Silence

    Democrat fascists are at it again, now because one of the founders of Home Deport chooses to support the GOP and Donald Trump, the party of the INTOLERANT, the party against freedom of speech and freedom of choice tries to boycott the hardware chain as one of their employees wears a hat saying...
  31. JGalt

    I no longer derive pleasure from harassing leftists.

    It was fun when the Democrats thought they had a chance of getting rid of Donald J. Frickin' Trump. It was fun when the right was shoving the left's own crap down their throats, instead of being the "kindlier gentler" Republicans like they wanted us to be. It was fun dancing in the end zone and...
  32. deanrd

    Donald Trump was banned from the USMB during the Florida Rally

    So I was watching the Trump rally in Florida and I was posting what Donald Trump was saying and was banned. Banned for posting Donald Trump's direct quotes. Here is a live stream of the rally and some of the direct quotes. Don't believe me. Watch for yourself. This is Trump at his base...
  33. deanrd

    Sadly, itā€™s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP

    Sadly, itā€™s white people in Appalachia that have been victimized by the GOP We all know Iā€™ve posted the facts on Appalachian many times. That there are white people living in Appalachia who have no running water and no electricity and who get their heat in the winter by chopping down trees...
  34. deanrd

    These Democratic debates will be something the country has never seen before in American history

    Some of the candidates will be twice the age of other candidates. Black women. Multiple women. An out gay man. Hispanics. For the first time, a debate stage for president will look like America. And theyā€™ll be a candidate we wonā€™t even see. An unindicted co-conspirator in...
  35. deanrd

    Do people under 30 hate the republican party?

    The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them. In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found...
  36. deanrd

    Republicans and Democrats see womenā€™s health and reProductive rights in completely different ways

    The panel in the left was from 2012 when Republicans controlled the house. That was the panel on womenā€™s health and reproductive rights. The panel on the right was today. So do Republican men feel theyā€™re better at deciding womenā€™s rights? Than women?
  37. deanrd

    You thought 2018 was the year of the woman? Wait until 2020.

    A First: Women Take The Majority In Nevada Legislature And Colorado House Just like the country, the body is slightly more than half women. "It's been a long, hard fight. I'm starting to see some of the fruits of not just my labor, but the labor of so many other people whose names I don't...
  38. deanrd

    Black, Hispanic, Women, Gays, Jews, Muslim, Native American..........why would you vote GOP?

    By now, Republicans must realize they are a nearly all white party. African American Hispanics Women Gays Muslims Jews Native Americans If you belong to one of these groups, why would you ever vote GOP? Would you feel welcome in the GOP knowing they are nearly all white? So if you would...
  39. deanrd

    Trump is right! There is a coup happening and itā€™s not over yet!

    I totally agree with Trump. Perhaps not in the way he states it, but I totally believe there is a slow motion coup continuing even today. Remember, there are three branches of government, the judicial, the executive, and the legislative. The judicial are the courts. The executive is the...
  40. deanrd

    Trump transition staffer, J. W. Verret, said he read Mueller report, and now calls for impeachment.

    Trump transition staffer explains why Mueller report convinced him to favor impeachment Verret, who has worked on GOP presidential transition teams for the past 10 years, served as deputy director of economic policy on the Trump presidential transition team. He wrote in The Atlantic on Tuesday...

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