Facists Assaulting America Once Again Trying To Boycott Others Into Silence


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Democrat fascists are at it again, now because one of the founders of Home Deport chooses to support the GOP and Donald Trump, the party of the INTOLERANT, the party against freedom of speech and freedom of choice tries to boycott the hardware chain as one of their employees wears a hat saying America Was Never Great!


Democrats: the party of free choice for them, no choice for others, tolerance of everything but anything in opposition to their total domination. Free to say what they want, but try to crush others into silence, simply because they know that IT IS THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN WIN AN ELECTION.

Democrat fascists are at it again, now because one of the founders of Home Deport chooses to support the GOP and Donald Trump, the party of the INTOLERANT, the party against freedom of speech and freedom of choice tries to boycott the hardware chain as one of their employees wears a hat saying America Was Never Great!


Democrats: the party of free choice for them, no choice for others, tolerance of everything but anything in opposition to their total domination. Free to say what they want, but try to crush others into silence, simply because they know that IT IS THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN WIN AN ELECTION.

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Shoppers are free to spend their dollars anywhere they wish
Well, the country has long since lost its shit.

We should divide all businesses into one of three categories so that no one has to be worried about being offended: One for the hypersensitive right wingers, one for the hypersensitive left wingers, and one for the majority, the rest of us.
and to show how mindlessly stupid these people are, it's not home depot doing it but their former founder who is no longer at home depot.

so - here we are. making symbolic feelzie moves that don't come close to hitting their target. tell them this and watch trigger dance.
Democrat fascists are at it again, now because one of the founders of Home Deport chooses to support the GOP and Donald Trump, the party of the INTOLERANT, the party against freedom of speech and freedom of choice tries to boycott the hardware chain as one of their employees wears a hat saying America Was Never Great!


Democrats: the party of free choice for them, no choice for others, tolerance of everything but anything in opposition to their total domination. Free to say what they want, but try to crush others into silence, simply because they know that IT IS THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN WIN AN ELECTION.

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Shoppers are free to spend their dollars anywhere they wish

I guess they are. But back in the day, people didn't feel obligated to find out what a business owner or a customer's political bent was before they decided to patronize them or allow them to shop or dine in a joint.

It would have been considered pretty queer when I was a kid, for a joint like the Red Hen in Lexington VA to bar conservative diners. Today, places that don't have political standards are denounced.
Democrat fascists are at it again, now because one of the founders of Home Deport chooses to support the GOP and Donald Trump, the party of the INTOLERANT, the party against freedom of speech and freedom of choice tries to boycott the hardware chain as one of their employees wears a hat saying America Was Never Great!


Democrats: the party of free choice for them, no choice for others, tolerance of everything but anything in opposition to their total domination. Free to say what they want, but try to crush others into silence, simply because they know that IT IS THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN WIN AN ELECTION.

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Shoppers are free to spend their dollars anywhere they wish

WAS THAT EVER THE QUESTION? Try to keep up, Ace, the question here is a bunch of snotty wimps like you trying to hurt and scare anyone from voting against them! Not where they shop. Democrats: snotty little bullies.
If the progressives put Home Depot out of business, where will all of the Criminal Aliens congregate to be picked up for day work?
Democrat fascists are at it again, now because one of the founders of Home Deport chooses to support the GOP and Donald Trump, the party of the INTOLERANT, the party against freedom of speech and freedom of choice tries to boycott the hardware chain as one of their employees wears a hat saying America Was Never Great!


Democrats: the party of free choice for them, no choice for others, tolerance of everything but anything in opposition to their total domination. Free to say what they want, but try to crush others into silence, simply because they know that IT IS THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN WIN AN ELECTION.

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Shoppers are free to spend their dollars anywhere they wish

So...thou protest that HD needs to raise the min wage to $15 per hour but then you won’t shop there...? U of Buffalo education on display yet again.
Democrat fascists are at it again, now because one of the founders of Home Deport chooses to support the GOP and Donald Trump, the party of the INTOLERANT, the party against freedom of speech and freedom of choice tries to boycott the hardware chain as one of their employees wears a hat saying America Was Never Great!


Democrats: the party of free choice for them, no choice for others, tolerance of everything but anything in opposition to their total domination. Free to say what they want, but try to crush others into silence, simply because they know that IT IS THE ONLY WAY THEY CAN WIN AN ELECTION.

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All the boycotting over politics is dumb, but you are delusional in trying sooo hard to pin this on dems. Months ago the usmb cons were clamoring for boycotts of dicks sporting goods for its position and action on gun violence. I'm sure there are other less reasonable examples too.

Dollars are sort of votes. When you choose to give them to a company you inject life into it and not into the alternatives. That decision process is critical for our form of economy. The reasons why you would pick one product or company over another need to be substantive and relevant to the livelihood of you, your family, your community. They should focus on the product and business practices. We need choices and accessible and factual information about those choices.
I'm not so worried that HD will go under if these a-holes boycott the store. I seriously doubt many of the noisy shits actually do any substantial construction on their own. Lots of these retarded libtards are incapable of self improvement and work that includes physical labor.
I didn't see Trump supporters complaining about not boycotting Starbucks or Amazon.

Boycott them all I say. Support small businesses.

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