
  1. deanrd

    Look at the chemical spill in Houston, do you believe eating the fish is dangerous.

    Cleanup continuing in Houston Ship Channel after vessels collide and spill gas product Barges involved in Houston Ship Channel collision are removed Two barges involved in a collision with a tanker were removed from the Houston Ship Channel Wednesday after officials determined it would be...
  2. deanrd

    The last two republican presidents the worst in American history. Pitiful, just pitiful.

    Remember when everyone became so angry at George Bush once they discovered we had been lied into Iraq? Then he let bin Laden go and shut down the CIA division that was tasked with finding bin Laden. Then Bush and the Republicans led the country and the world into the worst economic collapse...
  3. deanrd

    Clearly, Donald Trump has re-defined what it means to be a Republican.

    No ifā€™s andā€™s or butts, Donald Trump has redefined what it means to be a Republican. First, what exactly does that mean? How do trump Republicans differ from the old style Republicans? And second, what does that mean for the country going forward?
  4. deanrd

    Donald Trumpā€˜s choices versus the house Democrats choices.

    So Donald Trump has basically two choices. One he keeps obstructing every investigation possible and the other one is he stops obstructing and lets witnesses go in front of Congress and talk about his criminality. Thatā€™s it for him. Thatā€™s all heā€™s got. Obstruction, as bad as it looks, is better...
  5. deanrd

    Four of the 10 largest American companies are healthcare??????

    UnitedHealth Group McKesson CVS Health AmerisourceBergen These companies are either healthcare or healthcare/pharmaceutical. Pharmaceutical I understand because they make drugs and sell them at prices way too high. And Republicans like to keep HMOs and other healthcare organizations in the...
  6. deanrd

    Will Georgia throw away 92,000 jobs and $9 billion just to take away womenā€™s rights?

    Hollywood actors, producers boycott Georgia over anti-abortion bill, but studio bigwigs lag behind Georgia was home to 17 of the yearā€™s 100 highest-performing U.S. feature films, coming in first place and besting California. ā€œOur comparative assessments of locations for upcoming development...
  7. Cellblock2429

    Giuliani heads to Ukraine in search of ā€˜very helpfulā€™ info on Biden and Hillary probes

    /ā€”ā€”/ And the libs are having a cow. How dare Rudy give democRATs a taste of their own medicine. Giuliani will travel to Ukraine, saying country's probes may be 'very, very helpful' for Trump "Weā€™re not meddling in an election; weā€™re meddling in an investigation, which we have a right to do,ā€...
  8. deanrd

    I start laughing now just thinking about the debates. Can you imagine?

    I start laughing now just thinking about the debates. Can you imagine? Say for instance that Eric Swalwell became the Democratic nominee. So thereā€™s Trump and Eric up on stage and Trump calls Eric a name and talks about him being half trumps age. TRUMP: Youā€™re just an inexperienced little...
  9. deanrd

    Nixon: When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.

    Nixon: When the president does it, that means it is not illegal. Really? I think he left that one word. Republican. When a Republican president does it that means it is not illegal. Why are Republicans so tribal when it comes to the law? Itā€™s like, do what I say, not what I do.
  10. deanrd

    Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

    Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump. Thereā€™s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the...
  11. deanrd

    Does anyone believe we will get an infrastructure package passed?

    Does anyone believe we will get an infrastructure package? We had enough money to give trillions in tax cuts to millionaires under Bush. We had enough to give trillions in tax cuts to needy billionaires under Trump . We simply donā€™t have any money left over to spend on this country. I...
  12. deanrd

    Endgame: first movie to open with over a BILLION Dollars. Oh those Hollywood "elites"!

    'Avengers: Endgame' shatters records with $1.2 billion opening The right wing is constantly throwing out the Duel Message of liberals hate capitalism and Hollywood "elites" are bad for the country. Then, those Hollywood liberals casually toss out a movie that makes over a billion dollars in...
  13. deanrd

    Taking down the FBI, is that the GOPā€™s next big target?

    Taking down the FBI, is that the GOPā€™s next big target? FBI Director Touts Record Job Applications Despite Bashing of Bureau From the title, it sounds all good. But, is it? The FBI was asked if they have recruiting problems after all the terrible things Trump and the Republicans have been...
  14. P@triot

    This is what the Democrats have done to this country

    What the Democrats have done to the United States is absolutely criminal... In a nutshell, the party of corruption colluded with foreigners to influence the 2016 election. The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife. And the result of that collusion by the Democrats? The anti-American...
  15. deanrd

    Republicans Weaponized the house against Obama. Now Democrats will use those weapons.

    Republicans Weaponized the house against Obama. Now Democrats will use those weapons. Subpoenas under Rep. Issa top 100 By 2014 Republicans had already served the Obama administration over 100 subpoenas. Oversight Republicans Block Six More Subpoenas for a Total of 52 Motions Denied...
  16. toobfreak

    America's True Hidden Enemy: European Globalism Leading Leftist Doctrine

    While much talk goes on about the threat of "White Nationalism" or "Supremacism," touting both as a radicalized element (and to some degree it is), in studying world religion, it hit me what Nationalism is the greatest threat to: GLOBALISM. And the seat of globalism is Europe. NATIONALISM...
  17. deanrd

    How is an actual written letter not collusion nor obstruction?

    How is an actual written letter not collusion nor obstruction? We all know that Donald Trump Senior wrote a letter for Donald Trump Junior to explain the Russian meeting at Trump Tower. They said it was about Russian adoption when we know from emails it was about getting dirt on Hillary...
  18. deanrd

    Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) quoted Adolf Hitlerā€™s Mein Kampf on House Floor

    Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) quoted Adolf Hitlerā€™s Mein Kampf on House Floor Congressman Quotes Anti-Semitic Hitler Passage In House To Attack Democrats Brooks added before reading a section from Mein Kampf, which he failed to mention was written by Hitler about Jews. ā€œQuote: ā€˜In the big lie...
  19. deanrd

    Will Democrats use the Republicanā€™s Supremacist connections in the next election?

    Will Democrats use the Republicanā€™s Supremacist connections in the next election? Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified. Trump says he's not a racist. That's not how white nationalists see it - CNNPolitics Neo-Nazis...
  20. deanrd

    Parents whose children have died are being attacked on social media

    Parents whose children have died are being attacked on social media. Her son died. And then anti-vaxers attacked her Grieving and frightened, just days after her son's death she checked her Facebook page hoping to read messages of comfort from family and friends. Instead, she found dozens of...
  21. deanrd

    Do Republicans understand why Congress has oversight?

    The country had just walked away from a repressive king. And Americans were tired of it. For all the crimes Reagan committed and for all the crimes Bush committed, and all the crimes Nixon committed, they still respected the country. Enough to let Congress do their job, Without massive...
  22. P@triot

    The Democrats Plan to Steal Elections

    To their credit, it is a comprehensive plan... Assist millions of illegals into invading the country and permit them to vote Allow uninformed children to vote (Democrats need an ignorant electorate) Switch elections to mob rule Engage in voter fraud So to recap: turn to illegals...
  23. deanrd

    Never said Democrats didn't have narcissists too! Don't forget, you can't defeat a liar with a liar

    We all know Trump is both a great liar and a narcissist. I can't call him a terrible liar because it's the one thing he best at. But Democrats need to not make the same mistakes Republicans have. Biden was chosen by Obama because he stayed in the background and was rarely interviewed. And...
  24. deanrd

    Fox News is absolutely terrified of Beto. Did you see their coverage this morning?

    Fox News is absolutely terrified of Beto. Did you see their coverage this morning? I was watching Beto take questions and answers on CNN and MSNBC and I moved it over to Fox to see what kind of coverage they would give him. But they were talking about Jesse whatā€™s his name who lied about...
  25. deanrd

    When did ā€œpro middle classā€ become extreme far left?

    When did ā€œpro middle classā€ become extreme far left? We know what Republicans believe. Remember when mitt Romney said corporations are people my friend? Republicans see corporations as the only people. To me, thatā€™s extreme far right. Look at what Democrats are for. Healthcare, narrowing...
  26. deanrd

    Do Democrats have anything to run on for the next election?

    What do Democrats have to run on? Anything of value? I know. Let's put a list together:
  27. deanrd

    Trump tells RNC donors: "The Democrats hate Jewish people"

    Behind the scenes: Trump tells RNC donors that the "Democrats hate Jewish people" To prevent leaks from Trump's Friday night Mar-a-Lago speech to RNC donors, security guards made attendees put their cellphones in magnetized pouches that they carried around like purses until they left the club...
  28. deanrd

    How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

    How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense. Iā€™ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign. You canā€™t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn itā€™ll be spent on just about anything. Even...
  29. deanrd

    Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

    Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear Can you really win the presidency based on just trying to scare the other side.....again? Democrats want to leave a clean and healthy world to our children and grandchildren. Republicans are calling that socialism...
  30. deanrd

    What are Trumpā€™s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises?

    What are Trumpā€™s biggest and most damaging broken campaign promises? I can think of three. He said he was going to replace healthcare with something better and that was a lie. He said he was going to wipe out the deficit, and that was a lie. He said he was going to make Mexico pay for...
  31. deanrd

    Whatever happened to ā€œAmerica firstā€?

    Thereā€™s reports that Donald Trump will be running a second time, not because he wants to be president, but itā€™s a way to avoid going to prison. For some reason, this is the new order of first in America: Trump family Billionaires Millionaires White Republicans, which is about all...
  32. deanrd

    Is discussing Republican morals and values off limits?

    Forget what people say, we can only go by their actions. How come when you point out Republican actions you are suddenly attacked and called names and slandered and even threatened? Do we need to list with those actions are? Healthcare equality Diversity Womenā€™s rights. Voting rights...
  33. deanrd

    Is it more like the Clinton impeachment?..............Or more like the Nixon resignation?

    So which is it? Is the Trump criminality more like what led to the Clinton Impeachment or the Nixon resignation? So what was the difference? Crimes that came from the Nixon scandal were burglary, lying and 9 acts of obstruction. Bill Clinton lied about getting a BJ. We know for a fact...
  34. deanrd

    Matt Gaetz Under Investigation By Florida State Bar Over Michael Cohen Threat

    Matt Gaetz Under Investigation By Florida State Bar Over Michael Cohen Threat The Florida Bar has opened an investigation into whether Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) violated professional conduct rules by threatening former Trump fixer Michael Cohen ahead of Cohenā€™s congressional testimony on...
  35. deanrd

    Kamala Harris said Trump is a racist.

    Kamala Harris on whether she thinks Trump is a racist: 'I do' Why does this surprise anyone? Trump is a racist. He proved it when he said African countries were shit hole countries. When he said some Mexicans donā€™t rape. When he said a Mexican canā€™t be a judge. Court cases heā€™s had...
  36. JGalt

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now the Big Boss of the Democrat Party

    It's finally confirmed: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now the leader of the Democrat Party: The Boss. The Head Hocho. The Top Dog. She rolled out her "Green New Deal" and immediately 25 other Democrats wanted to ban cows. How's that for leadership? She even declared that she's the leader of the...
  37. deanrd

    Well Republicans be able to hide the Mueller report from the American people?

    Will Republicans be able to hide the Mueller report from the American people? I donā€™t believe theyā€™ll be able to hide it. Remember, the FBI leaked thousands of pages from the Hillary investigations and she was never convicted of anything or charged with anything. But I think Republicans...
  38. JGalt

    The Negro Project

    Before it was called ā€œPlanned Parenthood,ā€ it was called "The Negro Project." "The Negro Project was initiated in 1939 by Sangerā€™s Birth Control Federation of America, an early form of Planned Parenthood. The purpose was to promote contraception use among the black population of the South...
  39. deanrd

    So how would Republicans decide who lives and who dies?

    I keep seeing Republicans saying we can't afford healthcare for everyone. And we know emergency room care will bankrupt us. So who lives and who dies? And how do Republicans decide? A lottery? How?
  40. deanrd

    What does the Republican embrace of Russia and North Korea and Arabia mean for the US?

    It's not just Trump who admires and embraces the violent and murderous leaders of: Russia North Korea Saudi Arabia The entire Republican Party sees such men as "strong leaders" and men to be admired. I've heard Republicans say they wish we had a leader like Vladimir Putin. More Republicans...

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