Yup, The Party Of The Felons


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
They are simply not on the side of law-abiding folks.
The Democrats.

They demand all sorts of gun laws that only the law abiding will obey, and, essentially put the lawful at the wrong end of criminal's guns.

They want felons....even those in prison.....to have the vote.

Defund...disband....the police.

Here in North Korea....er, New York,.....they now have passed a law that instantly releases looters, assaulters, criminals that the thin blue line, our police, arrest.....without bail. Just scoot on back out to continue what you were arrested for.

And this: they demand that the criminal be given your name and address if you are the victim, or a witness.


“Blindfold” Off: New York Overhauls Pretrial Evidence Rules
Prosecutors will be required to turn over information to the defense much earlier in a criminal case, among other changes.
...prosecutors reveal the evidence they have gathered, including the names and statements of witnesses to the crime. "

"The bill that passed would require prosecutors to turn over the names, telephone numbers and addresses of all witnesses to crimes within 15 days of arraignment — all but inviting the intimidation of victims and witnesses.

The bill also eliminates cash bail, so that fentanyl and opioid traffickers can be released back on the streets, giving them the chance to flee our state or even country. Likewise, the bill allows the burglar who breaks into our homes to be immediately released back into our neighborhoods."

This is the Democrat Party.....the enemy of America and of civilization.
"NYPD provides hard proof that [Democrat] no-bail law is causing a crime spike

...police brass shared the proof:

  • Since Jan. 1, 482 suspects busted for serious felonies were released without bail only to commit another 846 new crimes. Over a third were arrested for one of the seven most serious crimes: murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny and grand larceny auto.
  • As if speaking directly to Heastie and his pro-crime caucus, Shea said, “Each number represents a victim.”
  • In addition, more than 11 percent of felony arrests didn’t go forward because district attorneys declined to prosecute, a rise of 34 percent from the same period last year. That’s almost certainly a result of another “reform” passed in the no-bail law, which drastically increases DAs’ workload for simply charging a suspect.
  • Crime in January jumped 30 percent from January 2019. Crime in February spiked 20 percent over last year. In all, the first two months of 2020 saw 803 more serious crimes committed than Jan.-Feb. 2019.
We’ve been warning about the impact of this law for much of the last year, but it’s rare indeed to have a prediction so thoroughly borne out."
"Witness Murdered After New York Law Revealed His Identity in MS-13 Trial

A violent crime victim ready to testify against MS-13 Gang members in Long Island, New York, has been murdered after Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) latest jailbreak law forced witness names to be revealed to the defense in the criminal case.

Wilmer Maldonado Rodriguez, 36-years-old, who was set to testify against MS-13 Gang members who had allegedly beaten and stabbed him in October 2018, was found bludgeoned to death after Cuomo’s law forced his identity to be released to the defense in the ongoing pre-trial stage, according to Newsday.

“This courageous man was prepared to testify against his alleged assailants at an upcoming trial, but he was brutally beaten to death before he could,” Nassau County District Attorney Madeline Singas said in a statement to the media.

“This case underscores the importance of safeguarding the identities of witnesses and victims of crime and our hearts are with Mr. Maldonado’s family and friends as we grieve his loss,” Singas said.

Originally, Rodriguez’s identity was protected as a witness against the MS-13 Gang members in the alleged 2018 attack. As Breitbart News warned in December 2019, though, Rodriguez’s identity was released to the defense after elected New York Democrats and Cuomo passed a jailbreak law that mandates witnesses for the prosecution be turned over to the defense in criminal trials no later than 15 days after the defendants’ arraignment."
Harris county, TX, criminal democrat DA, just released an illegal, multiple time convicted felon who was threatening his wife and kids with a gun that it was illegal for him to possess. He then murdered a Houston cop and wounded another.
They are simply not on the side of law-abiding folks.
The Democrats.

They demand all sorts of gun laws that only the law abiding will obey, and, essentially put the lawful at the wrong end of criminal's guns.

They want felons....even those in prison.....to have the vote.

Defund...disband....the police.

Here in North Korea....er, New York,.....they now have passed a law that instantly releases looters, assaulters, criminals that the thin blue line, our police, arrest.....without bail. Just scoot on back out to continue what you were arrested for.

And this: they demand that the criminal be given your name and address if you are the victim, or a witness.


“Blindfold” Off: New York Overhauls Pretrial Evidence Rules
Prosecutors will be required to turn over information to the defense much earlier in a criminal case, among other changes.
...prosecutors reveal the evidence they have gathered, including the names and statements of witnesses to the crime. "

"The bill that passed would require prosecutors to turn over the names, telephone numbers and addresses of all witnesses to crimes within 15 days of arraignment — all but inviting the intimidation of victims and witnesses.

The bill also eliminates cash bail, so that fentanyl and opioid traffickers can be released back on the streets, giving them the chance to flee our state or even country. Likewise, the bill allows the burglar who breaks into our homes to be immediately released back into our neighborhoods."

This is the Democrat Party.....the enemy of America and of civilization.

The autopsy of our America is and has been happening right before our eyes. Piece by piece the very foundations of our civilization are removed and cast into the abyssal dust of history. In their place are installed barbaric missives more suitable to 1290AD than 2020.
We have a certified pervert w/a decades-long relationship and current has DIRECT access to our POTUS caught abusing himself in front of a reported underage girl...


I don't think there's anything more concerning than this at this time. #SaveTheChildren
We have a certified pervert w/a decades-long relationship and current has DIRECT access to our POTUS caught abusing himself in front of a reported underage girl...


I don't think there's anything more concerning than this at this time. #SaveTheChildren
Lol, you know liar, they can put you away for possessing that kiddy porn, don't you?
Democrats prioritize felons over law-abiding elderly for the vaccine.

Democrat Governor of Colorado plans vaccine for felons before the elderly:

In Colorado's phase 2A, people who live in congregate housing, including those who are in prisons and essential workers, will receive the vaccine, ahead of those listed in Phase 2B, which includes adults 65 or older, those with obesity, heart disease, active cancer and other underlying health issues.

Will prisoners be priority for coronavirus vaccine rollout?

Maryland is prioritizing people in jails and prisons”


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