YUGE WINNING! Obama's Un-American Mandate Repealed...

Yep, you can dance around knowing the rich just got richer and the US just got another nail in the coffin.

Oh Gawd, lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. The sky ain't falling. Citizens just won't be fined and imprisoned for not having Health Insurance. The Mandate is as Un-American as it gets. It should have never happened.

Fake news? What fake news?

The rich get richer, it's that simple. The amount of taxes a rich person has to pay will drop because lots of Americans will be without healthcare.

Is that "American", to not give a stuff about other people?

Seriously, the sky ain't falling kid. Folks just won't be fined and imprisoned for not having health insurance anymore. You really should rethink supporting such Government overreach interferences in your life. Supporting such Government control of your life is very misguided.

The problem is you're just fighting the partisan fight, which, while it isn't making the sky fall in, it's not exactly having a positive effect, is it? I mean, the US is falling apart. So American.

The Mandate wasn't a positive. It was an awful Big Government overreach. Fining and imprisoning Citizens for not having health insurance isn't the way to go. It saddens me that so many have supported it. It shows how easily people can become Sheeple, and march in lock-step with Big Government Authoritarians. Too many just don't think these things through. They behave like cattle instead.

No, I agree it's not the way to go. But I also believe that Trump's way isn't the way to go.

The UK govt spends LESS per capita than the US federal govt on heatlhcare and gets a system that includes everyone.
Try not paying the IRS. Doing prison time is very real possibility. Like i said, you all really should rethink supporting such Government overreach interferences in your lives. Supporting such Government oppression is very misguided.

Oh, whatever... do you actually have a case where someone was put in jail for not buying insurance?


Look, here's the thing, the individual mandate was a Republican thing, as an alternative to the Public Option that Hillary proposed back in the 1990's. Can't get insurance, you go on the public option.

The GOP said, and romney implmented, the individual mandate as an alternative to a new government program.

Then the Black Guy Did It, and you guys got all upset about your own idea.

It was never our idea. That's why EVERY SINGLE Republican voted against it.
Yes, I realize that you are math challenged.

College costs went up. The minimum wage didn't.

Yes, the minimum wage did, just not to your satisfaction. The minimum wage today would have to be at least $22.00 an hour to keep up with college costs like years ago. Then we would have half of the jobs we have today.

But who chased them away. Were they really chased away by "bussing", or where they chased away by the fact all the factories closed down?

I mean, I know you'd be horrified at the thought of a black child getting as good an education as you get, but most people, not so much.

During bussing is when all of our suburbs began to grow. Houses popping up everywhere. Most of my parents family used to live in the city, but all but one left mostly because of bussing.

Responsible parents didn't want their kids being bussed to a crime ridden part of the city miles and miles away from their home. Back then, not a lot of women drove cars and even the ones that did, only had one car in the family that Dad took to work. So if a child got sick or in trouble, the mother was in a bad situation trying to get to the school to address whatever problem there was.

The people with money who did stay in the city were those who could afford private schooling. But after a while, it cost more to stay in the city and pay private schools than it was to move up to the burbs and pay the higher tax and mortgage.
Welp, it looks like the brain trust that is the GOP just wasn't able to come up with anything better than the best idea they, themselves, could produce in 20 years for healthcare reform: the individual mandate. I don't think this is something that rational adults should be proud of themselves for. In fact, it's an embarrassment.
Welp, it looks like the brain trust that is the GOP just wasn't able to come up with anything better than the best idea they, themselves, could produce in 20 years for healthcare reform: the individual mandate. I don't think this is something that rational adults should be proud of themselves for. In fact, it's an embarrassment.

And Commie Care was something we could be proud of? That's the best the liberals could come up with?

The real problem with our healthcare is government, so putting more government into it is the exact opposite of what we need to do. Only a fool would believe that those responsible for creating a problem would have the solution to solving the problem.
Welp, it looks like the brain trust that is the GOP just wasn't able to come up with anything better than the best idea they, themselves, could produce in 20 years for healthcare reform: the individual mandate. I don't think this is something that rational adults should be proud of themselves for. In fact, it's an embarrassment.

And Commie Care was something we could be proud of? That's the best the liberals could come up with?

The real problem with our healthcare is government, so putting more government into it is the exact opposite of what we need to do. Only a fool would believe that those responsible for creating a problem would have the solution to solving the problem.

Well I would imagine that the best idea the GOP could come up with for 20 years would be something they would at least be proud of. And then President Blackenstein ate the poor crybabies' lunch. But what is really embarrassing is that, after 8 years of squawking "repeal and replace", they have nothing better. But they don't care....they have good little footsoldiers like you who would lick their boots if they kicked your dog.
Welp, it looks like the brain trust that is the GOP just wasn't able to come up with anything better than the best idea they, themselves, could produce in 20 years for healthcare reform: the individual mandate. I don't think this is something that rational adults should be proud of themselves for. In fact, it's an embarrassment.

And Commie Care was something we could be proud of? That's the best the liberals could come up with?

The real problem with our healthcare is government, so putting more government into it is the exact opposite of what we need to do. Only a fool would believe that those responsible for creating a problem would have the solution to solving the problem.

Well I would imagine that the best idea the GOP could come up with for 20 years would be something they would at least be proud of. And then President Blackenstein ate the poor crybabies' lunch. But what is really embarrassing is that, after 8 years of squawking "repeal and replace", they have nothing better. But they don't care....they have good little footsoldiers like you who would lick their boots if they kicked your dog.

Right, and all the crying by the left of 20 million people losing their coverage didn't play a part? Actually it still is, and with the help of the Democrat party extension (the main stream media) they wouldn't allow the Republicans to do anything even if they wanted. Heck, they vowed to shut down the government over the border wall.

There are a lot of things we would like to get done but can't because of the Democrats in our party. Once we get rid of them, it will be a brighter day for the GOP.
Welp, it looks like the brain trust that is the GOP just wasn't able to come up with anything better than the best idea they, themselves, could produce in 20 years for healthcare reform: the individual mandate. I don't think this is something that rational adults should be proud of themselves for. In fact, it's an embarrassment.

And Commie Care was something we could be proud of? That's the best the liberals could come up with?

The real problem with our healthcare is government, so putting more government into it is the exact opposite of what we need to do. Only a fool would believe that those responsible for creating a problem would have the solution to solving the problem.

Well I would imagine that the best idea the GOP could come up with for 20 years would be something they would at least be proud of. And then President Blackenstein ate the poor crybabies' lunch. But what is really embarrassing is that, after 8 years of squawking "repeal and replace", they have nothing better. But they don't care....they have good little footsoldiers like you who would lick their boots if they kicked your dog.

Right, and all the crying by the left of 20 million people losing their coverage didn't play a part? Actually it still is, and with the help of the Democrat party extension (the main stream media) they wouldn't allow the Republicans to do anything even if they wanted. Heck, they vowed to shut down the government over the border wall.

There are a lot of things we would like to get done but can't because of the Democrats in our party. Once we get rid of them, it will be a brighter day for the GOP.

Bullshit. You liars arent "getting anything done", except for burning down existing institutions. Not one of you liars has a single, realistic proposal for more acvess to or cheaper healthcare. Your healthcare plan is literally "go to the ER, they cant refuse you!"...fucking embarrassment. They are frauds, and you are the fraud providing cover for them.
That's a Hoot coming from a liberal..

Ever since the election you basket cases have been

howling at the moon and catching your hair on fire....

Think about that real hard and then you tell me who nuts are..........

Hey, guy, I stopped voting Republican because the nuts took over.

The LIbertarian nuts, the religious nuts, and the racist nuts.
During bussing is when all of our suburbs began to grow. Houses popping up everywhere. Most of my parents family used to live in the city, but all but one left mostly because of bussing.

. There's a lot of reasons behind the growth of the burbs. The only ones who left were the racists. Cleveland is a shithole because the industries moved out.
And Commie Care was something we could be proud of? That's the best the liberals could come up with?

No, it was probably just the best they could do without the insurance companies pulling the shit they pulled back in the 1990's and scaring people into thinking they'd lose their insurance.

Single Payer would be the best solution. A public option would be a good solution.
Finally a US Congressional achievement i can celebrate. The Mandate is gone. It should have never been allowed to happen. So i have to congratulate and thank the GOP and President Trump bigtime. They ended the Mandate and got some Tax Reform done. A Yuge accomplishment. :clap::clap:

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare Mandate

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them — not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years...

Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate
How are Republicans going to pay for Obamacare?
Were dismantling it... because it failed... No reason to pay for it...
What happens to all the people who lose coverage?
You were supposed to provide them something better

Now you are throwing them to the wolves

No Citizen should be fined or imprisoned for not having Health Insurance. The Mandate was an awful Big Government overreach. It was truly Un-American.

Who has been imprisoned?

Try not paying the IRS.
Oh Gawd, lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. The sky ain't falling. Citizens just won't be fined and imprisoned for not having Health Insurance. The Mandate is as Un-American as it gets. It should have never happened.

Fake news? What fake news?

The rich get richer, it's that simple. The amount of taxes a rich person has to pay will drop because lots of Americans will be without healthcare.

Is that "American", to not give a stuff about other people?

Seriously, the sky ain't falling kid. Folks just won't be fined and imprisoned for not having health insurance anymore. You really should rethink supporting such Government overreach interferences in your life. Supporting such Government control of your life is very misguided.

The problem is you're just fighting the partisan fight, which, while it isn't making the sky fall in, it's not exactly having a positive effect, is it? I mean, the US is falling apart. So American.

The Mandate wasn't a positive. It was an awful Big Government overreach. Fining and imprisoning Citizens for not having health insurance isn't the way to go. It saddens me that so many have supported it. It shows how easily people can become Sheeple, and march in lock-step with Big Government Authoritarians. Too many just don't think these things through. They behave like cattle instead.

No, I agree it's not the way to go. But I also believe that Trump's way isn't the way to go.

The UK govt spends LESS per capita than the US federal govt on heatlhcare and gets a system that includes everyone.

I won't support Government bullying force on this. I never will. It's about Freedom & Liberty for me.
Again, try messing with the IRS. See how that works out for ya. Good luck with that.

Most people fudge their taxes, take questionable deductions, and make outright mistakes on their forms.

And usually, the IRS lets them go because they don't have the agents to do anything about it.

So one more time, can you SPECIFICALLY name someone who was sent to prison for not having insurance?

Again, try messing with the IRS. See how that works out for ya. Good luck with that.

Most people fudge their taxes, take questionable deductions, and make outright mistakes on their forms.

And usually, the IRS lets them go because they don't have the agents to do anything about it.

So one more time, can you SPECIFICALLY name someone who was sent to prison for not having insurance?


You know not what you speak of son. You should really think these types of Government overreach abuses through, before supporting them.
Well, considering the GOP lied to us for eight years about Repeal & Replace, maybe their flock will find a way to celebrate this remarkable and absolutely game-changing achievement.
The Mandate is gone. It was Un-American. The ultimate Big Government abuse of power. So i have to thank the GOP and Trump. They delivered.
Okay, how will this help? Walk me through it.
When they made you buy car insurance, I guess you now drive with out any??

It is a Civil Rights issue...the Government can't force you to buy something.....
you also drive with out car insurance?
Nolte: Obamacare Mandate Repeal Is the Most Important Civil Rights Victory in Years - Breitbart

Going all the way back to 2009, it was obvious Obamacare would end up looking like a Rube Goldberg machine powered by totalitarianism. Who would have ever guessed, though, it was such a fiasco that the mandate would actually cost the government money — a delicious irony that would result in its undoing.
It works like this…

For the sin of being born, Obamacare mandates that every American purchase health insurance. If we do not purchase this totally unnecessary, godawful product (more on this below), we are required by law to pay a hefty tax to the federal government.

Somehow, and I do not really care how, this tax actually costs the government money, some $340 billion — with a “B” — every ten years.

Only Bill Ayers’ pal and his merry band of congressional nincompoops could crawl so far up their own backsides that they were able to find a tax that increases the deficit.

But thank heavens they did. Had they not, the Senate would not have repealed the mandate Friday night.

After the humiliation of failing to keep their defining promise to repeal Obamacare, the Senate turned to tax reform, which also looked sketchy due to deficit projections. But then the clouds parted and the stars aligned with the discovery that repealing the Obamacare mandate would save the government this $340 billion.

Talk about a win-win. Here was a way to kill the most hated (and crucial) part of Obamacare and pass tax cuts. And that is exactly what happened — the American people won a sweet two-fer: lower taxes and freedom from a fascist mandate.


If I purchase a car, I am voluntarily taking on certain civic responsibilities that require the purchase of insurance. I have no problem with that. The Obamacare mandate is something altogether different.

For no other reason other than the fact I am born, the mandate is the federal government forcing me to buy something. This is nothing less than a legalized violation of my civil rights.

Forget the fact that Obamacare so over-regulates the insurance industry that we are now required to purchase a ridiculously expensive, one-size-fits-all Cadillac plan with a deductible so sky-high most of us will never use it. That is the least of this outrage, and something the Senate still needs to fix.

What I am talking about is the principle of the state forcing you to purchase something for your own good and for the good of others.

Sorry to be crude, but f**k that.

Setting a precedent that allows the government to force me to buy something for my own good is as un-American as it gets. What if studies show that the key to a long life is owning a Bible and gun? Is it okay with you Obamacare fans if Trump and Co. mandates the purchase of those?

So can I assume that all of you freedom fighters drive with out having car insurance, that you have to buy because its mandated by the government.

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