YUGE TRUMP WINNING: DOW Up 22%, 4,000 Points Since Election...

/---/ From the asswipe who voted for hildabeast.

View attachment 150585
Fat Donnie is the heaviest president in 100 years
Hillary does not come close
/----/ You tried to make her President - thank God you failed.
Our country would be in much better shape if we elected a qualified candidate like Hillary. We would even be better off with Pence, Kasich, Cruz or Bush
You stuck us with a cretin like Trump
/----/ The only thing Hildabeast is qualified to do is getting our ambassadors killed while she's lining her own pockets with her fake charity. THat she is eminently qualified to do.

Bush 43 got 3000 Americans killed on 9-11
/-----/ No that would be Billy Clintooon who was too busy chasing interns to arrest OBL. A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998
/----/ No, I thank my self for 100% of the value since I earned the money to invest and made trading decisions based on the economy. Politicians don't get any credit but they get the Capital Gains tax for sure.

Come on.....you can do it

Thank you President Obama
/----/ Thank him for what?
View attachment 150561

Seriously? You are going to open your silly mouth about golfing? You remind me of someone...


/----/ Silly mouth? What are you, a 50 year old Jamaican woman? And no I won't give a politician credit for my hard work. Pleanty lost money in the Obozo economy. I made money. And you post "Silly mouth?" Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

yea "silly", because the original "stupid" I was going to post seemed a little rough.

But I will use stupid next time you credit Trump, because after these posts you'll 100% deserve it.
/----/ Then you'll be waiting a long time. I don't credit any politician with my success or failure in the market. It'a all on me. Maybe you need politicians to secure your future, but not me.
Fat Donnie is the heaviest president in 100 years
Hillary does not come close
/----/ You tried to make her President - thank God you failed.
Our country would be in much better shape if we elected a qualified candidate like Hillary. We would even be better off with Pence, Kasich, Cruz or Bush
You stuck us with a cretin like Trump
/----/ The only thing Hildabeast is qualified to do is getting our ambassadors killed while she's lining her own pockets with her fake charity. THat she is eminently qualified to do.

Bush 43 got 3000 Americans killed on 9-11
/-----/ No that would be Billy Clintooon who was too busy chasing interns to arrest OBL. A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998
does wagging the dog bring your memory back?
Come on.....you can do it

Thank you President Obama
/----/ Thank him for what?
View attachment 150561

Seriously? You are going to open your silly mouth about golfing? You remind me of someone...


/----/ Silly mouth? What are you, a 50 year old Jamaican woman? And no I won't give a politician credit for my hard work. Pleanty lost money in the Obozo economy. I made money. And you post "Silly mouth?" Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

yea "silly", because the original "stupid" I was going to post seemed a little rough.

But I will use stupid next time you credit Trump, because after these posts you'll 100% deserve it.
/----/ Then you'll be waiting a long time. I don't credit any politician with my success or failure in the market. It'a all on me. Maybe you need politicians to secure your future, but not me.
Agree The barking dog in our WH has no bearing on my wins or losses
/-----/ No that would be Billy Clintooon who was too busy chasing interns to arrest OBL. A day before Sept. 11, 2001,

George W. Bush was too busy going after the guy who tried to kill his dad to go after Osama Binladen.

Mitt Romney famously said he wouldn't go after Binladen if he was in Pakistan. So it's a good thing we had President Obama to go to the ends of the earth to get the SOB.
/----/ You tried to make her President - thank God you failed.
Our country would be in much better shape if we elected a qualified candidate like Hillary. We would even be better off with Pence, Kasich, Cruz or Bush
You stuck us with a cretin like Trump
/----/ The only thing Hildabeast is qualified to do is getting our ambassadors killed while she's lining her own pockets with her fake charity. THat she is eminently qualified to do.

Bush 43 got 3000 Americans killed on 9-11
/-----/ No that would be Billy Clintooon who was too busy chasing interns to arrest OBL. A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998
does wagging the dog bring your memory back?
/----/ Wagging the dog???? You blithering idiot. The expression is the tail wagging the dog. And no it has nothing to do with Clintoon failing to stop OBL.
/----/ Thank him for what?
View attachment 150561

Seriously? You are going to open your silly mouth about golfing? You remind me of someone...


/----/ Silly mouth? What are you, a 50 year old Jamaican woman? And no I won't give a politician credit for my hard work. Pleanty lost money in the Obozo economy. I made money. And you post "Silly mouth?" Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

yea "silly", because the original "stupid" I was going to post seemed a little rough.

But I will use stupid next time you credit Trump, because after these posts you'll 100% deserve it.
/----/ Then you'll be waiting a long time. I don't credit any politician with my success or failure in the market. It'a all on me. Maybe you need politicians to secure your future, but not me.
Agree The barking dog in our WH has no bearing on my wins or losses
/----/ But Obozo gets credit for the rising market? You can't have it both ways.
Fat Donnie is the heaviest president in 100 years
Hillary does not come close
/----/ You tried to make her President - thank God you failed.
Our country would be in much better shape if we elected a qualified candidate like Hillary. We would even be better off with Pence, Kasich, Cruz or Bush
You stuck us with a cretin like Trump
/----/ The only thing Hildabeast is qualified to do is getting our ambassadors killed while she's lining her own pockets with her fake charity. THat she is eminently qualified to do.

Bush 43 got 3000 Americans killed on 9-11
/-----/ No that would be Billy Clintooon who was too busy chasing interns to arrest OBL. A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998

Clinton was correct
There was no way of justifying a raid on bin Laden at a time where he had not done anything. Killing thousands of innocents to get a relatively obscure terrorist leader was not warranted
What makes you think 9-11 could not have happened if bin Laden was not the leader of AlQaeda? bin Laden approved the plan, any other Al Qaeda leader would have done the same
does wagging the dog bring your memory back?
/----/ Wagging the dog???? You blithering idiot. The expression is the tail wagging the dog. And no it has nothing to do with Clintoon failing to stop OBL.

Wag the Dog - Wikipedia

Wag the Dog is a 1997 black comedy film[1] produced and directed byBarry Levinson.

The film follows a Washington, D.C. spin doctor (De Niro) who, mere days before a presidential election, distracts the electorate from a sex scandalby hiring a Hollywood film producer (Hoffman) to construct a fake war withAlbania.
/----/ But Obozo gets credit for the rising market? You can't have it both ways.

Until Trump passes legislation that changes the economy, it's still Obama's economy. When Trump passes repeal and replace, or tax cuts, or immigration reform, the economy remains pretty much right where Obama left it.

Edit: Of course if Trump starts a war with Iran or North Korea, the economy is all his after that.
Our country would be in much better shape if we elected a qualified candidate like Hillary. We would even be better off with Pence, Kasich, Cruz or Bush
You stuck us with a cretin like Trump
/----/ The only thing Hildabeast is qualified to do is getting our ambassadors killed while she's lining her own pockets with her fake charity. THat she is eminently qualified to do.

Bush 43 got 3000 Americans killed on 9-11
/-----/ No that would be Billy Clintooon who was too busy chasing interns to arrest OBL. A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998
does wagging the dog bring your memory back?
/----/ Wagging the dog???? You blithering idiot. The expression is the tail wagging the dog. And no it has nothing to do with Clintoon failing to stop OBL.

Oh yes

Remember wagging the dog. That is what Republicans accused Clinton of doing when he advocated going after bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Republicans claimed it was all a ploy to distract attention from their blow job investigation
Agree The barking dog in our WH has no bearing on my wins or losses

What stocks do you recommend for a nuclear war? Do you think the Mad Max series will be popular on Netflix?
/----/ Great question Spanky. Let's look at the last time nuclear bombs were dropped by a sitting Democrat in the white House.:
The Hiroshima bomb on August 6, 1945 is shown as a blip (in the stock market) but the Nagasaki bomb on August 9 as a turning point. The Hiroshima bomb was dropped Monday 6 August at 8.15 am Tokyo time (in New York it was Sunday 5 August 6.15 pm). The US public and investors were informed of the bomb attack sixteen hours later by the White House, just after 10 am Monday 6 August, New York time. The immediate fall in the price by 1% could be due to other factors (from the week before) but it is difficult to pin point them. The prolonged effect as expected is a jump in the price by 1.19%, and the Nagasaki bomb on 9 August produced both a short and a prolonged jump. The actual surrender by Japan on 15 August is not picked as a blip or turning point probably simply because surrender was expected soon once the nuclear bombs were dropped.

World War II events and the Dow Jones industrial index (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/public..._II_events_and_the_Dow_Jones_industrial_index [accessed Sep 22, 2017].
/----/ The only thing Hildabeast is qualified to do is getting our ambassadors killed while she's lining her own pockets with her fake charity. THat she is eminently qualified to do.

Bush 43 got 3000 Americans killed on 9-11
/-----/ No that would be Billy Clintooon who was too busy chasing interns to arrest OBL. A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998
does wagging the dog bring your memory back?
/----/ Wagging the dog???? You blithering idiot. The expression is the tail wagging the dog. And no it has nothing to do with Clintoon failing to stop OBL.

Oh yes

Remember wagging the dog. That is what Republicans accused Clinton of doing when he advocated going after bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Republicans claimed it was all a ploy to distract attention from their blow job investigation
/----/ No one stopped Clintooon from hitting OBL. HE was worried about the political fallout.
Considering that it raised throughout the Obama admin, I would state that the stock market seems to not care who is in the oval office...

When it increased during the Obama administration, his supporters gave him credit for it doing so. Where are they now doing the same thing?
Most of the stock market gains now along with good unemployment and employment news is just a continuation of Obamas years imo Trump is like the rooster crowing in the morning thinking he's the reason the sun comes up

Keep puckering to Obama's black ass, NL. Maybe you'll get tired of eating shit one of these days.
Case you haven't noticed pervert lover Obama isn't in our WH Your pussy grabbing liar is

Yet you continue to give him credit despite not being there. Pucker up, NL.
/----/ Great question Spanky. Let's look at the last time nuclear bombs were dropped by a sitting Democrat in the white House.:.

You know about he stock market in 1945, and you don't remember a movie from 1997? You need to get out more.
/----/ I'm not here to talk about Idiotic fictional movie from 20 years ago that I never watched. This is about me taking responsibility for my success and failures in the stock market and not depending on some self serving politician. .
Bush 43 got 3000 Americans killed on 9-11
/-----/ No that would be Billy Clintooon who was too busy chasing interns to arrest OBL. A day before Sept. 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told an audience that he could have had Osama bin Laden killed, but chose not to, because an attack could have endangered innocent women and children in Afghanistan.
Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998
does wagging the dog bring your memory back?
/----/ Wagging the dog???? You blithering idiot. The expression is the tail wagging the dog. And no it has nothing to do with Clintoon failing to stop OBL.

Oh yes

Remember wagging the dog. That is what Republicans accused Clinton of doing when he advocated going after bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Republicans claimed it was all a ploy to distract attention from their blow job investigation
/----/ No one stopped Clintooon from hitting OBL. HE was worried about the political fallout.

Republicans were more concerned with their blowjob investigation than fighting terrorism
/----/ Great question Spanky. Let's look at the last time nuclear bombs were dropped by a sitting Democrat in the white House.:.

You know about he stock market in 1945, and you don't remember a movie from 1997? You need to get out more.
/----/ I'm not here to talk about Idiotic fictional movie from 20 years ago that I never watched. This is about me taking responsibility for my success and failures in the stock market and not depending on some self serving politician. .

The stock went up because I invested in it

That is a good one

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