YouTube Demonetizes Montage of Democrats Denying Election Results, Calls it "Dangerous" and "Harmful"

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

I do not even know what to say anymore about such dumbfuckery. I could point out what is wrong with this, but it won't matter to the nimrods who need fixing. In fact, there are many things, on many different levels, that is wrong with what YouTube is doing and what the left's reaction to it is. But after much reflection on this generalized frustration, I have come to one major problem that has not been addressed, and which desperately needs to be addressed.

The political left is organized like a greasy Italian mob family. At the top you got the head of the family. He is in it for power and money. He decides how to get power and money, and how to hang onto it, by consulting with the consigliere. They have decided to pimp neo-Marxist trash as a way to enslave the minds of the peasants. They they direct the underboss to sent out the capos on various missions. One capo pimps the Marxist climate change horseshit (Kerry). Other Capos pimp the social justice bullshit (Harris, Butt-Edge). Another capo pimps wealth redistribution, and so on. These capos assign these tasks to the soldiers. For example, John Kerry is clearly the capo in charge of the climate bullshit. His soldiers are the media and establishment academia. All these little soldiers compete against each other to see how many people they can fuck so as to win favor with the capos, and thereby get noticed up the ladder. On a different note, Fan Willis, Jack Smith, and that fatfuck in NYC are soldiers too. Their capo is Merrick Garland.

Finally, at the very bottom of this stupid clusterfuck are The People, some of whom are voters and others not. The soldiers want to conscript these morons to their side. The takers are known as shills. They are all enthralled with populist visions of shared wealth and "fair shares" and life without consequence and social justices and so on. You know, unicorns and rainbow dildos for everybody.

BUT HERE IS WHERE IT FALLS APARENT AND GOES WRONG FOR THE AVERAGE SCHMUCK. These idiots think that the mob boss and those in his orbit are true believers of the cause. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. They do not care about a "living wage" or DEI. That is all subterfuge to you YOU into their corner to give them political power to achieve what they really want, i.e., MONEY AND POWER.

Let's assume for a moment that this little experiment works and that the boss, a pure authoritarian, prevails. Most on the left think this will usher in a new age of utopian society. This is because they are dumber than shit. What is does - when the leftist soldiers and shills do their jobs - is bring about authoritarianism. Your leftist wants and needs are not compatible with the boss maintaining his power and wealth. You are fucked, and there is nothing you can do about it. You could have stuck with the patriots and insisted upon self-rule in accordance with our constitution. But no, you turned your back on the nation and now there is nobody to protect you when the thing you helped build turns on you. The boss is not going to share his wealth with you, dumbass!!! He is not going to share his power with a bunch of swarthy peasants!! ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?!?!?!?!?!?

The real problem to be addressed, that never is addressed, is how you reconcile getting your voice heard in a system that is authoritarian in nature. It's like when you are banging some whore, who is cheating on her husband to fuck you. Then you hook up with her exclusively. A year later she is fucking your best friend. You act shocked. But why? You already knew that the bitch is a whore capable of cheating on a significant other. Likewise, the leftist shillies are all into authoritarian-reeking practices. Did you every just once stop and think about that? When you "win" and everything is right in your world, do you really think the authoritarianism is just going to vanish? YOU FUCKING DUMMIES!!!! Authoritarianism is based on money and power. These 2 things are hugely better motivators than your thumbsucking desires. I will take it a step further and assert that one your Power Monster is fully functional, the first ones it will seek to rid itself of are the clingy bedwetters who demand to get what they were promised.

You are all ignorant, incompetent and have the intellectual capacity of a sullied oil rag. None of you leftist twats know what the fuck you are doing. NONE OF YOU! You are all dupes.

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