You're all part of the problem

Cocky meme-guy brings up some good points. Care to respond?

Leftists have decided it's their moral imperative to replace white people. How the fuck do you expect me to react to that..?
And pseudocons have decided it's their moral imperative to lynch all black people.

Gee, straw man fallacies are fun!

Justice Department Statistics: Blacks commit more than 50 times the number of violent interracial crimes as Whites commit. Sydney Morning Herald, Australia (20/5/1995)


Thanks for confirming pseudocons hate negroes.

Actually the American Pseudomedia would never publish the truth about interracial crime statistics.
But thanks for proving once again that Left Wingers don't actually care about hate and violence.
Cocky meme-guy brings up some good points. Care to respond?

Leftists have decided it's their moral imperative to replace white people. How the fuck do you expect me to react to that..?
And pseudocons have decided it's their moral imperative to lynch all black people.

Gee, straw man fallacies are fun!

Justice Department Statistics: Blacks commit more than 50 times the number of violent interracial crimes as Whites commit. Sydney Morning Herald, Australia (20/5/1995)


Thanks for confirming pseudocons hate negroes.

Actually the American Pseudomedia would never publish the truth about interracial crime statistics.
But thanks for proving once again that Left Wingers don't actually care about hate and violence.
You know what just about every convict has in common, retard?

Hint: It isn't race.
1) The Country has not been so divided since just before the Civil War. (Obama did that, no doubt---whether he did good or bad depends mainly on where you live...and whether you are working and self-reliant...or relaxing on the front porch of the Federal Plantation.)

2) People do not come onto Political Discussion Boards such as this to gather information to make up their minds about a political point; they come to express their opinion which is already set in stone. They do it out of frustration that other people's opinions are so at variance with their own. (Catharsis, as mentioned above). Nobody's opinion changes; folks just have to have a release over what they see this country turning into.

No minds change, but there are groups of posters who put forward intelligent points and rational arguments to support them; and they are groups whose only responses are things like:

1) Racist!!

2) Islamaphobe!!

3) Rube!!

If you want to be an unbiased observer, pick any thread, and with each post, decide if the poster is likely Liberal or likely Conservative, and then decide if the post attempts to make a legitimate point; or just amounts to name-calling. There will be ample children on both sides, but by far the preponderance of childishness will come from the Liberals, because their shopworn Marxist ideas have failed everywhere they have ever been tried; whereas Conservatives have a legitimate argument for why this country should not undergo the drastic transformation Obama wants---that argument being that, though not perfect, it has been the most successful Culture thus far in the Human Experience.

This Truth
explains why everybody on the Planet is trying to get into America and nobody wants to leave; but it does not at all explain why everybody who gets here wants to change it into the failed Cultures they left--like Mexico and the Middle East.

People are leaving California for Texas because California is a bankrupt mess; they are leaving New York and New Jersey for Florida and North Carolina for the same reasons----but when they get to those places what do they want to do? Turn it into the Liberal Nightmare they left.

Detroit used to be called the Paris of the West...then it was run by Democrats for half a it looks like Beirut during the Lebanese Civil empty shell.

Did the people who left learn anything? I doubt it. Liberals never learn. They only lecture the Rubes about how screwed up their Country is.

No minds are being changed on this board. We are fighting another Civil War. At least nobody is dying, as yet.


1. It was the Rabid rights reaction to President Obama's election that let loose the pent up racism many still have in this country and world.

2. Some folks never change.

Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.
It wasn't just his policies that "you people" opposed and don't pretend otherwise.
Well, not all of you, but most of you. I've been hanging out in political forums for about a decade now, and as times change and we move from controversy to controversy I notice one constant. Grown ass people can't have disagreements in a grown up way. You see it here; you see it everywhere. Name calling, unfair assumptions and accusations, etc.

What exactly are you trying to achieve? Are you here to just shit on the floor, or are you here in hopes that some part of what you say might get through and impact another person? I know it's the latter for me, and I know that if I ever hope to achieve that I'll need to start by not acting like an ignorant asshole when I'm talking about my point of view. The moment you get hostile and shitty with people you ensure two things. One, they're now closed off to anything you might have been able to teach them, and two, you have closed yourself off to anything they might have been able to teach you.

I'm here for the entertainment value...THE END!
1) The Country has not been so divided since just before the Civil War. (Obama did that, no doubt---whether he did good or bad depends mainly on where you live...and whether you are working and self-reliant...or relaxing on the front porch of the Federal Plantation.)

2) People do not come onto Political Discussion Boards such as this to gather information to make up their minds about a political point; they come to express their opinion which is already set in stone. They do it out of frustration that other people's opinions are so at variance with their own. (Catharsis, as mentioned above). Nobody's opinion changes; folks just have to have a release over what they see this country turning into.

No minds change, but there are groups of posters who put forward intelligent points and rational arguments to support them; and they are groups whose only responses are things like:

1) Racist!!

2) Islamaphobe!!

3) Rube!!

If you want to be an unbiased observer, pick any thread, and with each post, decide if the poster is likely Liberal or likely Conservative, and then decide if the post attempts to make a legitimate point; or just amounts to name-calling. There will be ample children on both sides, but by far the preponderance of childishness will come from the Liberals, because their shopworn Marxist ideas have failed everywhere they have ever been tried; whereas Conservatives have a legitimate argument for why this country should not undergo the drastic transformation Obama wants---that argument being that, though not perfect, it has been the most successful Culture thus far in the Human Experience.

This Truth
explains why everybody on the Planet is trying to get into America and nobody wants to leave; but it does not at all explain why everybody who gets here wants to change it into the failed Cultures they left--like Mexico and the Middle East.

People are leaving California for Texas because California is a bankrupt mess; they are leaving New York and New Jersey for Florida and North Carolina for the same reasons----but when they get to those places what do they want to do? Turn it into the Liberal Nightmare they left.

Detroit used to be called the Paris of the West...then it was run by Democrats for half a it looks like Beirut during the Lebanese Civil empty shell.

Did the people who left learn anything? I doubt it. Liberals never learn. They only lecture the Rubes about how screwed up their Country is.

No minds are being changed on this board. We are fighting another Civil War. At least nobody is dying, as yet.


1. It was the Rabid rights reaction to President Obama's election that let loose the pent up racism many still have in this country and world.

2. Some folks never change.

Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.
It wasn't just his policies that "you people" opposed and don't pretend otherwise.
Repugs voted against their own legislation if there was a chance Obama would sign it, so it wasn't just opposition to Obama's policies.
Well, not all of you, but most of you. I've been hanging out in political forums for about a decade now, and as times change and we move from controversy to controversy I notice one constant. Grown ass people can't have disagreements in a grown up way. You see it here; you see it everywhere. Name calling, unfair assumptions and accusations, etc.
Fuck off, pussy!!!

I couldn't resist. :lol: :beer:
I don't do that much posting. Mostly, I like to read others' posts to sort of test my own positions on issues.

Fortunately, I'm always right. :wink_2:

This forum is a sheltered little bubble.
Oh, lighten up.

Just telling it like it is. I bet you're old.

You're the one who comes off like a grumpy old man.

There are many hateful liberals just like you here. The reason you feel like there are more conservatives is our arguments are better. Liberals are desperately insulting, name-calling, shouting down the opposition, rioting, assaulting, clinging to Russia, Russia, Russia and lawlessness to make a point. It's not working.
You're the one who comes off like a grumpy old man.

There are many hateful liberals just like you here. The reason you feel like there are more conservatives is our arguments are better. Liberals are desperately insulting, name-calling, shouting down the opposition, rioting, assaulting, clinging to Russia, Russia, Russia and lawlessness to make a point. It's not working.

Grumpy? At watching western society crumble before my very eyes while most Americans argue about petty crap like national debt and last night's football game? I try to remain positive but it's growing impossible. Seems like I have few choices...disconnect from politics and become self absorbed (no), pretend as if everything is a-ok (NO), or abandon this country and immigrate to russia (yes).

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